(Chapter Seventy-Eight)

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Michael and Alex were sitted in the dinning but all eyes were on them. Apart from every one missing them,they were just so focused on their phones forgetting the dinning was a place to eat .
"Alex,check out this one. I wonder how many ai apps they got in this world"Michael said to Alex.
"A lot but for different purposes. Ai is an incredible app"Alex said.
"It's also educative"Michael said.
"Okay,we are still here Alexander and Michael"The king called their attention.
"Oh hey dad"Alex said.
"Xander,you and your buddy shoud eat. You got a concert"The king said.
"Sure dad"Alex replied as they both began eating.
"We'll miss you too"Everyone later managed to say. No one knew when they would be coming back especially Michael who was leaving Asia totally .
"We'll miss you all"They both said.


The whole hall was on fire . Everyone were waiting for them excited with their phones ready to video them.
Hours later,the light changed and the two best friends walked in the red carpet,everyone screamed joyfully and endlessly on their seat standing and waving to them . Some were with large pictures of them waving. Millions of fans were sure here today.
Alex just bowed to them while Michael waved and winked . Everyone smiled at this.

The cheering continued till Michael was called up the stage.
They got up their feets and cheered excitedly.
He sure made everyone laugh their hearts out even the camera men. He was a comedian,what did everyone expect if not laughter.

He waved to them when he was done while they cheered a bit before Alex was called up the stage.
"Awwwn...."The hall went at this Prince. He was indeed cute .
"BAU IS A BABY!!!!"They all screamed while Michael laughed.
Alex just smiled at them before letting out his unique angelic voice God had gifted him with. His fans just joined in excitement like singing the chorus.
"Yeah,am not a liar,I love you"The fans went.
Michael was just moving his leg to the music and smiling at his best friend. He really admired him.
After the song,Alex was surprised at what his fans did.
"I'm sorry don't leave me"They all sang.
"Is it too late now to say sorry. Yeah we know that yeah we all let you down. Is it too late to say sorry now"They all sang.
Alex was really surprised at this. His fans were sure understanding and loved him a lot,the apology was probably for the embarassment.
"Alex,your fans are sorry. Understanding set of people"Michael thought.
"Alex was short of words and stared at Michael .
"Tell them it's alright it was all a misunderstanding"
Michael gestured to Alex while of course Alex understood him.
He then held his microphone to his mouth but they spoke their last words.
"SORRY TO BAU"One said why they all chorused.
"WE ARE ALL SORRY BAU"They all said while Alex just let out a smile.
"It's alright. All was a misunderstanding"Alex managed to say.
"WE ALL LOVE YOU BAU!!!"They all screamed.

The concert was finally over.
Michael and Alex took their photo shoot by their staffs leading the camera. Everyone gazed in admiration at this two. Most of them considered Alex or Michael their hearthrob. Everyone wanted them but they couldn't have them. That's just how it is with celebrities. They are loved cause of their personality. They don't really find true love easily.

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