(Chapter Sixty)

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"You still believe me?"Wunyan asked.
"Of course. I know you are not a bad person. Now I have a clear understanding of everything"Michael said.
"Will your best friend also understand?"Wunyan asked.
"Of course. Alex is too soft. I'm sure he's forgotten the incident"Michael said.
"I mean,what you did to him . Alex doesn't forget important things like when I have to take my drugs. He's scolding a lot"Michael said .
"Because you are his best friend and he cares about you. You know him well"Wunyan said as Michael continued staring at her.
"Wunyan"He called.
"Yes Michael"She answered .
"Look I'm sorry for everything I did. For making you cry. I was just angry. I'm really sorry"Michael said.
"Michael,you don't have to. I understand that you were only worried about Alex. Besides Alex needs someone like you right now. You are a good friend just like you were to me even though you are hard sometimes "Wunyan said as Michael smiled and hugged her before he noticed Alex.
"Why don't you go after him?"Wunyan said .
"It's not necessary"Michael said staring away.
"Why not necessary. I can excuse"Wunyan said.
"No,Alex wouldn't want that"Michael said.
"Why?,are you both fighting,you can tell me if anything's wrong"Wunyan said.
"No,fine. We are no longer best friends"Michael bursted.
"Why Michael?. Did something go wrong"
"We just had to. It was Alex's decision and I had to respect that"
"He's worried that's why,I understand him"
"I know"
"Do people know about this?"
"Not really. It happened privately. There's no use of everyone knowing"
"But they'll still find out"
"Till then"
"I understand. I'm here with you. I'll support the both of you in getting the master mind"Wunyan said.
"Komawo"Michael said as Wunyan hit him playfully.
"Michael,you still speak Korean to me"Wunyan said.
"But you understand Korean more than Mandarin"Michael said.
"Whatever"Wunyan said.
"Well then,Thank you"Michael said and hugged her.
"You're welcome"Wunyan said while still hugging him.

Martial China high school.
Valentine's day💝🌃🤩💋🥀🥀.
The whole school were excited. At least they could take a break from work and calculations.
Cheng of course brought her puppy which she named Xander.
The puppy was used to Cheng already.
"C'mon Xander"She said and pulled her puppy into the class before making her way to the hall
"I need to take this call"Cheng said and left her dog under Gina.
"Hello mum..."She began before the call ended.
Before she knew it ,a hand wrapped her neck from behind.
"Heyya"Cheng said.
"What are you doing here?"The person asked.
"Just taking a phone call. Why are you here?"Cheng asked.
"To see you"The person said.
"Ohh. Happy valentine"Cheng said.
"You too"The voice said ane gave her a flower.
"Lawson,you didn't have to. Thanks anyway"Cheng said.
"We should go"Cheng said about to leave when Lawson stopped her.
"I hope you don't mind"Lawson said
"Don't mind what?"Cheng asked when Lawson gave her a kiss which was long but cute.
"WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?"He asked as Cheng's eye widened and her heart beat ran faster.
Was this really happening?
She didn't expect this.
"Lawson I
"You what?. Surprised?. I really wanna make you my girlfriend because I like you a lot"
"Well I like you too. Excuse me for a minute"Cheng said and rushed to the restroom.
"o.m.g. . "She said and watched her face with water before breathing in and out then she made her way outside.
"You're wet"Lawson said and cleaned her face.
"So.."Lawson said staring at her in the eye.
"YES"She said as Lawson smiled.
"You should have this"Lawson said and wore her a neckace,that must have cost a lot.
Anyways Lawson was a rich cool guy.
He kissed her again and didn't stop until his phone rang.
"Sorry"Lawson said and went to take the call.
"Cheng,your puppy is so stuborn. He wants you"Gina said.
"Okay. I'll take him"Cheng said and carried the puppy while it wagged it's tail. It was really cute.
"So...what's going on between you and Lawson?"Gina asked winking
"Nothing"Cheng said straightening her hair.
"You won't tell me"Gina said.
"Promise you won't exaggerate. You are good at that"Cheng said.
"Promise"Gina said as Cheng whispered into her ear.
"O.m.g. . You and him,boyfriend and girlfriend?"Gina said in a loud tone.
"I told you not to exaggerate. We'll talk about this later"Cheng said.
"Okay. That's a deal"Gina said and left.
"Let's go"Lawson said and held her hand as they went on to party.

Mr Wang's house.
Wen ,Yuan and Aj were playing a video game with Michael and Wunyan watching them upstairs

"So...you won't go out"Michael said.
"You know,valentine's day"
"Nah. I'd rather stay here and play video games. Besides we'll soon be graduating so I can finally leave to Alaska. I'm working on that"Wunyan said.
"Ohh. Interesting"
"Well,you have a concert tomorrow I guess"
"Yeah. I have worked on that"
"I've never seen you sing"
"Well,thanks to Alex. He knows how to do a lot of things. He sure  thought me Kungfu"
"I know . That's why everyone admires him. But he's a workaholic"
"I know but that's his nature. So..you are also good in fighting"
"Yeah. Aunt taught me"
"I guess fighting is really fun"
"You shouldn't be saying that"
"Sometimes,you need to take risks"
"Oh I see"Michael concluded and continued watching them.
"I won. Girls are the best"Wen said as her and Yuan hit hands.
"No way"Michael said and rushed downstairs.
Why not four of us play. Then we'll decide who's better. Boys"Michael said as he gave Aj a knuckle.
"If you win,you girls. You'll have to help us with our work and our loads in school. Deal or no deal"Aj said.
"Deal"Yuan and Wen said while Wunyan sat and watched them.
"I'm very sure if Prince Alexander was here. He won't stoop low."Yuan said as Michael stared at Wunyan who just shrugged.
"Then if we win,You both will do the same . You'll also drop us home. Deal or no deal"Yuan asked.
"Deal"Michael said as the game begun.

"It's equal. No one won"Wunyan said.
"Fine. No big deal"Michael said and sat on the chair.
"We'll check out your backyard"Aj said.
"Why?"Michael asked.
"Don't ask. Wunyan,are you coming?"Aj asked.
"Nah. I'm watching a family tv show"Wunyan said.
"Okay. "Aj said as they left.
"So...you've really not changed. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. A family show?"Michael said .
"Yeah. I watch it with my mum and dad. They have to accept it that way cause am the last child. I should do whatever I want"Wunyan said as Michael smiled before bringing out a flower.
"Happy valentine's day"Michael said as Wunyan smiled.
"Thanks. I knew you'd still give me a flower. They smell just like you"Wunyan said
"I don't want us to be apart. I still love you Wunyan"Michael said.

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