(Chapter Eighty-Six)

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Charlotte later came downstairs avoiding Xandra's look.
"Goodmorning everyone"She said while they smiled at her.
"How was your night Charlotte?"Xandra asked while Charlotte went to seat neat Wuchan.
"It was fine"Charlotte replied while Alex smiled at her before sitting on the chair.
Xandra then sat near Alex .
"I hope you don't mind if I seat near Alex Michael"She asked with that beautiful develish smile.
"It's okay"Michael said and sat down.
"What should we talk about?"The queen asked while everyone started commenting.
"No chorus answers"She said.
"Okay. Charlotte,I have this for you. You can't tell me you don't have an appetite now"Alex saod and gave this noodles to her.
"For me?"Charlotte asked .
"Yeah"Alex said and smiled.
"I also want noodles"Xandra said.
"Huh...okay you can have it"Charlotte said.
"No,Charlotte I got that for you not Xandra. You should prepare yours Xandra. Charlotte you sacrifice a lot"Alex said as Charlotte let out a fake smile and grabbed it staring at Xandra who was getting jealous and angry .
"Excuse me"Xandra said and went upstairs.

Minutes later.
"Need to get some items from my room"Michael said and left.
"You better don't get something dumb"Alex said with a smile while Michael ignored that and left.
"Alex,am just gonna go eat it in my room"Charlotte said.
"Why?"Alex asked while she searched for words
"Well don't wanna let anyone see me eating. Bye"Charlotte said and left.
She made her way to Xandra's room.
Michael then came out of his room making his way downstairs but his eye caught something.
"Xandra"Charlotte called as she came out and glared develishly at her which Michael didn't notice.
"You can have the noodles"Charlotte said as she smirked.
"Thank you"She said while Charlotte looked down.
"Remember this. Any funny action of Alex to you today. I won't tolerate,maybe I'd disable you"She whispered to Charlotte as her heartraced faster
"Bye"Xandra said and closed the door at her.
Michael couldn't tell what was going on but he knew that Charlotte sacrificed the noodles to Xandra  and he didn't just know why. She was refusing Alex's things.
Michael almost made his way downstairs when he noticed Alex was in his room just lying lazily on the bed.
He came in.
"Hey,sorry didn't knock"Michael said.
"That's alright. Why are you here?"Alex asked.
"You can stay"Alex said.
"I know. Do you think Charlotte's avoiding you?"Michael asked while Alex rose up.
"Not really. Maybe distancing"Alex said.
"It's still the same. Not only you, and your things"Michael said while Alex thought about it.
"And the noodles"Alex said.
"She gave it to Xandra"Michael said.
"She sacrifices everything to Xandra. Geez."Alex said and left to Charlotte's room while Michael came out and went to the book shelf to grab a book .
Sooner his phone rang,it was a video call from Wunyan.
"Heyya"She said while Michael smiled.
"How are you?"Michael asked
"I'm fine. I miss you a lot" Wunyan said.
"Really,"Michael said.
"Yeah. Your friends are getting boring cause I see them everyday"Wunyan said.
"I miss you too. I'll be back soon okay. I just had to be here for Alex's birthday"Michael said.
"I know. Pls tell him in arrears from me"Wunyan said.
"Okay,so what are you doing right now?"Michael asked.
"Just watching spongebob"Wunyan said.
"Wunyan"Michael said in amusement.
"Well what do you expect?. My life is feeled with cartoon. I don't really like any other movies "Wunyan said.
"Well then what's Genesis up to?"Michael asked.
"Practicing for the motorbike racing coming up"Wunyan said.
"He's a champion"Michael said.
"I guess you're busy right?"Wunyan asked.
"Yeah maybe a little. Just looking for a comic word in books"Michael said.
"Great. Do you know Prince Alexander has a concert with kids. The kids love him a lot and wanna see him"Wunyan said.
"I didn't know about that. Alex loves kids a lot,am sure he's gonna love that"Michael said.
"Well then you should get back to work. Zai jian"She said.
"Hey,I love you"Michael said while Wunyan smiled.
"I love you too"Wunyan said.
"Gotta go. Bye"Michael said and ended the call before going ahead with the books he was looking for.

Charlotte's room.
Alex knocks as Charlotte opened the door and stared at him in the eye looking up,Alex was tall anyway.
"May I come in?"He asked staring at her in the eye while she looked away.
"No,yes but no or
"Charlotte, is something wrong?"Alex asked.
"Nothing. You should go to Xandra ,she
"I don't wanna go to Xandra. You're my best friend and I wanna hangout with you. You don't always have to tell me to go to Xandra. You're sacrificing me for her. Charlotte why are you avoiding me?"Alex finally asked while Charlotte's heartraced.
"Am coming in"Alex said and came in.
"I need an answer"Alex said.
"Alex has begun suspicious. This is too much for me. What am I gonna tell him?"Charlotte thought staring at him.
"I made this for you"Alex said and gave the artistic work he made for her named.
"Won't you accept it. You love me designing and drawing for you amyway"Alex said while Charlotte continued staring at him not knowing whether  to collect it or not.
"Charlotte,if I did anything wrong  you don't wanna tell me  about,am sorry"Alex said.
"So...will you accept it?. C'mon"Alex said while Charlotte raised her hand to collect it but changed her mind.
Alex just held it and put it in her hand.
"Thanks for accepting"Alex smiled and hugged her.
"You just gotta smile. You can feel free to tell me anything"Alex said.
"Nothing. Thanks again"Charlotte said.
"You're welcome"Alex said and left.
"Oh geez"Charlotte said and kept it behind her.

"Hey Alex. I want you to check out something"Xandra said and pulled Alex's hand
"You remember this. Skating in highschool. I made an art of it for me and you. Isn't it good?"Xandra asked while Alex managed to smile.
"Yeah. You tried. It's cool"Alex said feeling like leaving.
"Well I know it's the past but I just missed those days with you by my side. We were always happy even before Charlotte and the rest came into our lives. Just missed you so much"Xandra said and hugged him with an angry look at the back.
"Xandra,we are complete now so you don't have to worry. Am still here,Charlotte has also been a good friend and you should always know that"Alex said and got up about to leave but the door couldn't open.
"What's wrong with the door?"Alex asked while Xandra came closer to him.
"Stay with me"Xandra said.
"Xandra you're getting a little funny,I need to get out of here"Alex said.
"No Alex,I love you and no one can love you the way I do"Xandra said while Alex stared in surprise. Was she sick?
"Excuse me,Xandra are you alright?"Alex asked.

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