(Chapter Thirty- Two)

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Lawson immediately stood up and signalled his friends to leave realising she was there for him. They all winked him and gave him a thumb up for him to tell ger something funny and do something funny too but he just ignored them.
"Hey Cheng"He finally said and gave her a seat.
"I didn,t expect you to be here"Lawson said as Cheng continued starring at him ,she just felt like hugging him or perhaps a peck. She wondered if Lawson actually pecked her,how lovely  would it be.
"Well that was cool you did there"Cheng said.
"Ohh thanks"
"No need to . Thanks for the hoodie"Cheng said.
"You don,t wanna keep it"Lawson said realising Cheng was being gentle to him and he just didn,t know why.
Cheng realised that but she just couldn,t be rude to this cute angel again,he just didn,t fit it and she felt scared she might push him away when he gets fed up.
She knew she had always liked Lawson from the first day she entered the school ,he welcomed her and helped her to places she couldn,t locate.
Why won,t they fall for him . He was just so nice and gentle,he had some of Alex,s ways in him,well that was his master anyway.
Cheng just didn,t show it,apart from looking for someone cool she didn,t want to be among everyone falling for him but now she realised that he really can,t be resisted so easily.
He noticed that she was thinking of something.
"Cheng"He tapped her as she gazed at those hands at her shoulder .
"Sorry"Lawson said and removed his hand from her shoulder even though she didn,t want him to.
"Sorry for what"Cheng said.
"For feeling heart broken by someone you really like . Seb"Lawson said ,that was a part of his apology.
Cheng just continued starring at him,she just wanted to tell him that he was the real person she liked not Seb but she held herself besides  she had heard Alex and Michael argueing with Charlotte and Yuan that boys were to be the ones telling the girls the way they feel not otherwise.
"Thank you. I guess it happened"Cheng said as Lawson continued starring at her,he just felt like telling her something and with the way he starred at her lips,he felt like placing a kiss there but he held himself not to.
"Well then forget about it"Lawson said and took the hoodie as their hands touched,he then drew it closer as her heart beat ran faster.
He then came closer to her with his face touching hers,her heart beat ran faster but he just opened the door least as she expected.
"So we,ll talk later"Lawson said as Cheng made her way out still starring at him even though he averted his gaze from her to his phone. He was talking to a female and smiling which made Cheng uncomfortable. What did she expect,Lawson should have a lot of friends both male and female so he could have million girl friends ,it wasn,t her buisness. Alex also had connections around the world both in US,California ,Canada,Dubai and so on.
Everyone died for him.
Lawson wouldn,t dare compare himself to Alex,Alex was just so perfect and even more than handsome whom had a lot of heathrobs.
Michael also around the world.
The two were just almost on the same level.
Michael was so handsome too and loved to smile unlike Alex whose look was straight forward but at least he smiled for Michael.
If Michael just came to stage and spoke or smiled,the audience would just cheer so loudly and screamed his name out so what if Alex,the hall would be on fire and everyone would fight to get close to this beautiful creature.
Alex couldn,t be easily seen cause he was always in the palace and it took a lot of money to bring him for a concert cause he was famous and a model too.
Just to see him was very hard.
Cheng just left sadly while Lawson,s friends approached him after sighting the sad look on Cheng,s face as she left.

"Hey men"Ann said as they all gathered him,forming a circle.
"Oh hey guys. Sorry you guys had to leave"Lawson said.
"Actually we were wondering if you made your crush sad"Jeremy said.
"So you really do, well yes of course. She was sadly leaving"Jeremy said.
"Men did you say something to her that got her sad?"Yang asked.
"No,that,s the last thing on my mind to make her sad"Lawson said really worried.
"Could it be cause of last night?"Joseph said.
"Guys I don,t think it,s related to any of those you mentioned. Dude think about what you did last"Jimin said. He indeed was wise.
Jimin,Joseph,Jericho and  Jeremy were normally referred to as the Js in the college with Jimin ranking higher in everything.
"The last thing I did was open the door for her to leave before....
"Open the door for her to leave?. What if she was uncomfortable leaving,maybe she likes you now "Jericho said.
"No. It,s not that"Lawson said.
"Wait you said before. Before what"Jimin asked.
"Before I had a conversation with Lizzy. That can,t be the reason"Lawson said .
"Or..."They all said.
"Or what?"Lawson asked.
"Maybe she was jealous of you talking to a girl over the phone and she overhead and maybe got sad that you don,t like her anymore." Ying said. He and Yang were both twins.
"And then she got sad about that. Maybe she has begun liking you."Jimin said.
"But Lizzy is just my childhood buddy anyway and we talk about things and laugh"Lawson said.
"Well some girls who are mad over someone just don,t understand. Meet us in the cafeteria"Jeremy said as they all left.
Lawson then changed his cloths and put on his sunshade ,his bag pack hung over as he left .
While working,he still pondered what his friends said and tried to find out if it was true with a plan.
Wuchan Campus.
Alex,Michael and the rest of some celebrities were taking their journey to Korea for a latest universal movie ,with a lot of action.
Michael and Alex were to play the role of the two best friends which was the real agenda of the movie.
Of course the directors imitate them and admire them. They were just the perfect people for that.
The FUANGER movie was on the way.
Yuan,Wen and Charlotte also were a part but not a part of the cast.
They were all working on their scripts that evening since the flight was the next day.
Fans were looking forward to this at least to have a glimpse of Alex,since it was hard to always get him.
The movie was a combination of both Costume drama ,that is the traditional way of China and modern way.

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