(Chapter Twenty-Five)

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Alex and Michael then headed back into the class while the noise seized.
There weren,t classes any more so Michael,s class just thought of a creative fun which was also funny.
Mind you,the creative fun was probably for Alex to join in the fun and say a word in public. He only spoke to Michael and Charlotte.
The creative fun was a kind of letter game with touching words for some one loved . If a person gets a letter ,he has to read what,s written on it and pass it to the person he meant those words for. It would be cool if such person accepted it. The creative fun is kind of compliated.
Michael wasn,t in class when the game began. He later left to call his sister.
Aj was still looking for ways to get back with his friend.
Yuan came to see Wen ,her only friend left who always tolerated her rudeness.
Wen was really a good girl who just loved everyone.
She was gentle but exaggerates at the sight of Michael.
That was then but at least now she can control herself since Michael had shown her that he doesn,t like her,could that be really true readers?
Let,s find out.

Veronica the head of the class as she was informed on the creative fun.
"Ok I hope everyone is ready for this craetive fun game"Veronica said as Yuan went to sit near Alex,she really dared.
"Hey prince. Thanks for helping me"Yuan said making Alex stare up amazingly.
"You,re welcome"Alex replied and looked away but Yuan snaps her fingers in his eye.
"Am not done so don,t look away"Yuan said.
"Excuse me"Alex said surprised at the attitude of this girl.
"Well I hope you,re ready for the game"Yuan said.
Alex just continued starring at her before he looked away.
The game continued.
Passing the paper around ,it finally arrived to Alex.
He then grabbed it as everyone focused their attention to him.
"Go on prince,read. Are you gonna turn it down?"Yuan asked.
Alex just starred silently at her before whispering to her ear.
"Shut up"Alex said ,it really worked before he then read it out.
Everyone listened to his deep voice and the way he looks he gave while reading it.

The one who,s been by your side. Never letting you go for any moment no matter the hardships. Someone who,s done nothing but smile at you all tge time and ensure your happiness.
That one true friend" The letter went on.
Michael just stepped into the class while whispers began.
"That,s for Michael anyway
"He,d give it to Michael. That,s his buddy anyway"The whispers continued.
"But let,s see if he,s gonna accept it. If Michael does accept then I guess this is a real friendship"A student said.
Alex just kept silent throughout before Michael arrived.
"Hey bro"He said as Yuan rose up for him to seat.
"Are you alright?. Why,s everyone starring?"Michael said.
Alex didn,t reply that and just gave the letter to him.
Michael didn,t think twice before accepting it. This really impressed everyone as they kept on smiling at this unreal twins.
Michael then read it and smiled .
"I,ll keep this"Michael said as Alex let out a slight smile making everyone go.
"Uh..."They said till lectures were finally over.
Michael was busy texting someone on the phone before he got a tap at the back making him look up.
"Hey"The voice said
"Aj. What are you doing here?"Michael asked.
"I just missed my friend. Can,t we be back as friends"Aj said and sat beside him.
"I never said we are no longer friends. I just didn,t like the words about Alex"
"Menn,you really have changed. I thought you,d joke with this but you really took it personal. It,s about Alex I guess. I see you can do anything for him. I hope Alex won,t let you down oneday"Aj said.
"Look that,s enough"
"Michael c,mon. You really look serious this days. Why not jokes nowadays . I,m sorry ,I won,t speak ill of your best friend. Will you forgive ?"Aj asked smiling.
"Of course . I was never ignoring you anyway. Friends again"Michael said as they hugged each other with Alex starring afar with a straight forward look before someone tapped him from behind.

"So who are you texting?"Aj asked.
"Just a friend"Michael said.
"Has that friend taken the place of Wunyan?"Aj asked with a wink.
""No. Wunyan is always here "Michael said touching his heart.
"I don,t blame your actions anyway. You,re sure doing this for cute prince"Aj said as Michael just let out a smile.
Aj then noticed that Michael was focused on his text . He then grabbed the phone and moved an inch away.
"Aj. Give that back. Am in the middle of something"Michael said.
"Get me then get it""Aj said and moved away with Michael following him before he started after him round the field into the hostels and several other places.

Alex starred back only for him to see Yuan standing and smiling at him.
He was about to leave when she held his hand.
"Wait prince. Don,t avoid me"Yuan said finally releasing her hands from those beautiful hands.
"What?"Alex asked.
"Nothing prince. Just thanking you"Yuan said.
"Less thanks,job of ninjas like me"Alex said.
"Well you want us to do something. I guess you,re bored"Yuan said but Alex didn,t reply.
She just pulled his hand away,Alex was really surprised at this girl,s attitude. She really didn,t care about who she was messing with but he didn,t just know why he was agreeing to her every move and starred at her in some kind of way he couldn,t realise.

She later arrived in a studio.
"And we are here"She said .
Alex just turned about to leave until she stopped him.
"C,mon. Don,t leave yet. Let,s play chess. I wanna challenge you"
"You really are surprising"
"I know. So can we?"
"No"Alex said about to leave.
"Prince Alexander Zhan. If you don,t then I guess you,re scared of losing. You aren,t a loser"Yuan said thinking Alex would ignore her like his nickname was . She just wanted Alex to not find any fault in her like everyone did .

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