(Chapter Thirty-Five)

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Michael was surprised his best friend could talk this much.
"Well then. I,ll see about that"She said as they left.
"She likes you.
"Yeah I mean the director
"Whatever"Alex said as they left sighting everyone were playing a game of chess.
Michael and Alex then joined.
"Ohhhh. Our winner is here"Charlotte said as Alex sat and the game began.
Alex won the first time and second time until something happened that got Alex upset.

Michael was whispering with some guys until he won.
"Michael won. Interesting!!"Charlotte exclaimed.
"Unacceptable!"Alex pronounced as all eyes averted to him.
"What buddy?. I won"
"No you didn,t
"I think he did"Wen said.
"Yeah I did"
"You cheated"
"What!!!. C,mon. How could you think of that?"Michael said finding it funny while Alex was glaring as usual.
"Prove it
"Am sorry but there,s nothing I got to prove"Michael said as Alex left furiously. Michael then followed behind.
"Ok. Now their gone. Let,s all play"Charlotte said as they all nodded.

"Alex wait,why are you so angry?. It,s just a game and you lost. Accept it"Michael said patting him.
Alex just pulled his hand down.
"I won,t accept it because you cheated.
"Alex is it really about you wining or otherwise
"Think whatever. Cheating isn,t the best idea,just accept it"
"Well no I won,t. You don,t always have to win all the time. I won and you have to accept whether you like it or not. It,s just a game. Your getting angry doesn,t make sense"
"Well then your lies also doesn,t also make sense. It,s disgusting.
"Ohh really. I see you,re jealous I won"
"Jealous. How useless thinking"Alex said as they both continued their insults and arguements.
"Can you both be quiet!!!"Charlotte exclaimed standing in their middle.
"You,re disturbing the peace of everyone"Charlotte said as Alex just took his leave and Michael too.
"Now their leaving"Charlotte said and bowed her face in her hands.
Since that day,the two stopped talking to each other and distanced.
Every single body noticed it including the directors.

The next day ,the whole cast gathered and the rehearsals started.
"Okay next script"The director pronounced as Alex and Michael got to their stands maintaining a distance.
"What,s wrong with them?"Yuan pondered,not only her.
It was now time for Michael to put the headband on Alex,s forehead according to the script. They just starred at each other,s faces and then looked away.
Soon the movie ended that night after stressful actions.
The next thing was the real shooting of the movie.

Michael was then playing with Aj and laughing while Alex starred uncomfortably for some minutes before he left.

"Michael ,why are you standing all by yourself here?. Ain,t you and Alex supposed to be rehearsing together.?"Charlotte asked.
"Well I wanna rehearse by myself. We are both rehearsing separately. It,s not a big deal"Michael said even though he was beginning to get fed up fighting with Alex.
"Really?"Charlotte asked giving Michael a look of .
"I know what happened"
Michael couldn,t escape that look.
"Well we are not in good terms"Michael said .
"So shameful,cause of a game"
"Well I just didn,t like the way Alex was taking things. He just always wants to win"
"And he said I cheated."
"Well is it true?. C,mon Michael"
"Well ....yes I did"
"So I can also win"
"So....Alex was right. Then you are just suppose to accept it or are you okay fighting with Alex?"Charlotte asked.
"I am"Michael said.
"Wow. You didn,t tell me Aj was your new best friend"Charlotte said .
"What are you saying?. That,s not true"
"Ohh really. I already told Alex"Charlotte lied as Michael,s eye widened. He didn,t say a word again and nust went to meet Alex.

Alex was just looking out of the window and thinking about something. It was definately not Michael,he even made up his mind to forget about everything before his phone rang.
"Yeah"He said.
"Xander"The voice said.
"Mum"Alex said
"Xander"She said.
Michael was also surprised and decided not to interrupt yet. He just stood by the door.
"Mum,are you alright?"
"I,m fine and you?
"I,m fine,thank you"Alex said and smiled feeling his mum still cared for him.
"I just wanted to be sure everything,s fine there. I hope you don,t commit more crimes"
"Mum is that what you think of me?
"You know I have no choice
"But mum,can,t you just trust me a little bit?
"I don,t think so. Lives have been wasted and you are fitting in for your dad"
"Mum that,s not true. Am not a bad person and dad too
"What prove do you have?
"Mum I,m your son. Do you need any proof to believe me?"Alex said as tears clouded his eye even the queen. She really loved her son but she couldn,t support him now.
"Yes I need a proof,till then"She said.
"Okay,I will prove it"Alex said.
"Take care
"You too and elder brother"Alex said as he cut the call and wiped his tears before hearing.
"Hmmm. Hmm"Michael cleared his throat.
"What are you doing here?"Alex asked.
"Well everyone has freedom of movement so I just decided to come here.
"Leave right now"Alex said.
"No am not going anywhere. It,s either we both leave or we,ll choose the person to leave"Michael said to avoid him telling Alex to leave.
"Fine,you can stay"Alex said about to leave until Michael came in his way.
"You don,t need to go. I didn,t say you should go "
"Leave my way"Alex said.
"Push me then,then you can go"Michael said and laughed while Alex didn,t find this funny one bit  and just  stepped back.
"You,re still a recalcitrant. Ain,t you?"
"I have nothing to say to you. Now you can do whatever you wanna do and leave me alone
"Leave you alone?. You really want me to leave you alone. No"Michael said as Alex stood up and walked up to him.
"What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing. I,m here to apologise. I cheated so can you stop being angry now. We could replay the game"Michael said.
"Not necessary. I just wanted you to accept it and to not think you can always get away with cheating"Alex said.
"So have you forgiven me?

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