(Chapter Fifty-One)

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"Cheng,what happened. Did any one scold you?. I mean any teacher"Gina asked cleaning her face.
"No. A lot of breeze makes tears come out of my eye"Cheng said.
"Really?. I don't believe you. You don't cry so easily. Tell me,what's the problem?"Gina said.
"Nothing. Am not lieing,I'll talk to you later. Just go on"Cheng said .
"Fine. But you'll have to tell me later"Gina said.
"Don't cry Cheng. You're not a baby"Cheng said to herself cleaning her tears.
Not long after,Lawson arrived walking towards where she was.
"So ,she's here. Interesting"Lawson said and continued walking .
Cheng then came in his way.
"Lawson. I wanna talk to you"Cheng said.
"Not now. I'm busy"He said.
"Well then. I'm not leaving the way
"What. So it's a must to speak to you. Can't you let me be?.
"Why are you mad at me?. Cause I chose Seb over you. Look if you really think I go after cool people. That's a lie. You're not in my life and you don't say things you don't know
"Like I said Cheng. I saw it. You don't need to say all this trash. I can't fall for that. You said you don't like me then. Fine and good,then you walk up to me and tell me you like me cause someone broke your heart. I guess you need a new person who's cool. I am cool but when I like someone. I forget about all this. When I told you I liked you. I really meant it"Lawson said.
"But why don't you believe me. I also meant what I said"
"Really?. So what about the new guy who showed up. You hugged him and am very sure he got lots of things for you. I don't believe you at all Cheng. Who knows how many more people you keep out there"Lawson said as tears welled up her eye.
"That's not true. He's just my childhood friend who has been away for a long time. I don't keep guys out there. That's not the way I am. If  I really did like him,I would have accepted the gifts he gave me but I rejected it.
"That's none of my buisness. That's between you two. Cheng,I have an exam to write so I'm done with all this. No relationships for now. Get it. "Lawson said and left with his hands in his pocket.
Cheng cried as usual before leaving.
Lawson then stopped and stared back at her while she left before putting a sad look on.

Wuchan Campus,Yangqing.
Wunyan came by to Michael's class to get a book from anyone.
Alex was browsing while Michael stared up at her with a smirk.
"Anyone with chemistry projects pls"She asked but they ignored her.
"Can anyone pls answer me?"She said.
"Wumurder !!!. Leave our class or there will be a problem"Tu Funyao said.
"Wumurder?. My names Wunyan not Wumurder"Wunyan said.
"Really but you tried murdering someone. No order than a celebrity. You may be the governor's daughter but you and Michael are not in the same level at all. Anyways you have no shame. You're disgusting and the world will know what you've done cause what happened that day is on the media"Tu said.
"Let me continue"Jenny said as they all gathered her.
"Mike,this is too much"Alex said when everyone's attention were on Wunyan.
"Ohh really?. This is just little part of it. She still has a lot waiting for her at home and in China. Once everyone gets to know about what she did to the beautiful angel of the universe which is my best friend. They will do worse and she had no choice than to cry her heart out"Michael said with a smirk.
"Don't you have a heart towards her. You told me you won't do worse. This is worse than I expected"Alex said.
"Alex,of course I have a heart but not this time to Wunyan. She's making situations worse by hurting you and I can't stand it. C'mon. I'm sure you're surprised by all this. I am not like you bestfriend. You have a concience and you're too soft but the opposite is me. I won't stop until Wunyan cries  to my satisfaction. This is fun. Isn't it?"Michael said but Alex just silently stared at him.
Michael just put on his sunshade to avoid his scolding look.
"Remember you hurt Prince Alexander. How dare you?. You will definately not get away with this"Jenny said as they all insulted her.
It wasn't only Michael's class but the whole school at large. Her friends weren't excluded. They were all against her.
Wunyan couldn't hold this. She stared up at Michael who just glared at her. He really was gonna make her cry. Was this how much he loved Alex. Hurting anyone who hurt him.
Michael just removed his stare from her to Wen who was also against him.
Wen just left the class not comfortable with what was happening.

The next day,
Wunyan and a student were gaming for the Celebrity night.
Whoever won was gonna be given an extra ticket.
Everyone in the campus were rich and could afford the tickets but just competed to give Wunyan a hard time.
She made her way in while everyone started gossiping.
"She's a loser
"She's wicked.
"I won't let her go for hurting my role model. I wonder why he was calm with her. He should have shown her"They continued.
The game later began but no one won.
"It looks like no one won. Best way is for us to vote"Sean said.
"Voting is not the best option"Wunyan said.
"Ohh really?"Yuan said as Alex ,Michael and Charlotte arrived standing by the door while Michael stared closely at Wunyan with Alex looking at him.
"If you're feeling guilty. You should stop"Alex said .
"No. I'm just staring at her cause I am not satisfied"Michael said.
"Yes Alex. This is too little for her for what she did to you and Michael so don't act too soft right now"Charlotte said.
"Am not acting soft. What if she's regretful and everyone's crucifying her"Alex said.
"Until then. Let me watch this"Michael said.

"Cause you think you're gonna lose?. No way. You're just a loser and a bitch"Yuan said as Wunyan slapped her.
Yuan then slapped her four times . Everyone laughed along.
"So...as I was saying . Let's make a quick vote so we can all leave here"Sean said.
"We already voted. Ari"Yuan said as they all left leaving Wunyan alone to cry her heart out. Of course she cried uncontrollably . Michael just left with the rest.
"Zhang,I'm getting fed up and you're not doing anything about this"Wunyan said.
"I can't do things right now. You'll have to face the humiliation before we arrive with the next plan"Zhang said sipping his juice.
"Next plan?. I can't continue this. There's no full proof about Alex being a bad person.  I think Michael is right and I believe him"Wunyan said

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