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Ophelia and the rest of the girls including the 7th graders that happened to be caught in last night incident, gathering in front of the common room within the campsite. The brunette crossed her arms while glaring at Emilia and Cassidy. These two, seemed can't stop themselves to mess around Ophelia and her friends especially Bianca. She doesn't know why Emilia loathed her so much, well to be honest she too felt the same but it's just because the way she treated her that make her reciprocate that.

"Heather! What are you doing there? Come here you traitor!". Cassidy called the platinum blonde standing beside Ophelia, then hesitantly she goes back to where she belong with.. her gang. Aria sighed watching the tension between the other girls, she knew why Emilia went that far, her jealousy towards Ophelia.

"Girls, you can come!". Ms Thatcher opened the door, letting them to come inside. Rosalind has asked her help to 'fix' the relationship between the girls by holding a peer group therapy, since she's also could be count as the 'shrink' or mediator at Marjorie. The girls took their seats at the plastic chairs in circle, with each opposing groups on Katherine's left and right side.

"What? Are we going to have a group therapy or something?". Ophelia chuckled, she also dislike the fact that she's sitting beside Katherine who also could be her rival.

"Well, yes. You can call it that way". Katherine nodded.

Emilia clicked her tongue then pulled out her phone. "It's going to be boooring."

"Now Emilia and the rests of you, please put your phones in this basket". Katherine ordered, the girls looked at her hesitantly as she continued. "We need to focus of achieving a common ground between all of you. Now please, put your phone here". She started to give them a stern look, they couldn't do anything but to obey.

"Alright..". Katherine began. "I'm aware that, some of you are not getting along with each other hence the incident last night with someone pulling a ghost prank on the others,-"

"That someone is those bitches!". Bianca pointed sternly towards Emilia and Cassidy who immediately hiss at her.

"Now, Now Bianca. Please, don't use any profanities during our session, it's not the way how a young lady to talk." Ophelia rolled her eyes subtly, it's not like Katherine way more older than the rest of them. "Alright then, lets start with ..the alleged perpetrator of the incident, Emilia,Cassidy and the three of you." She turned at the two and the 7th graders on their watch. "Mind to explain why you did what you did?"

Emilia was about to speak when Aubrey chimed in, in defence for her friends. "Well first of all, I'd like to announce our innocence Ms Thatcher. If it's not because Emilia and Cassidy who threatened us to pull the prank, we wouldn't do it. And also Li Han were badly injured because a girl two times larger than her tackled her last night." All eyes to the poor Asian girl.

"Are you calling me fat?". Ms Thatcher stopped Bianca immediately before it escalated.

"Anyway, that's what I need to say before you put a blame on us too". Aubrey sit back cockily crossing her arms, she noticed that Avis were staring at her, with a little smile on her lips. She thought she was creepy. Well actually Avis started to admire her after that.

Emilia clicked her tongue while glaring at the younger girls before her turn to speak. "I guess it's my turn to explain. First of all, I would like to say thank you to you Ms Thatcher, for having this peer group therapy with us". She smiled innocently. Ophelia and Bianca scoffed, they remembered she said it's going to be boring, they already knew the trick this girl about to do. "There is a saying for every reaction there is action"

"She said it the other way around right?". Ophelia whispered.

Bianca nodded. "Stupid"

Emilia continued. "We  just merely getting back for what they did to us". Ophelia frowned, she didn't remember she ever pulled a prank or did something to both of them when they arrived here. "Soooo...yesterday, we found out that someone made a meme out of Cassidy's crying face when she lost her crystal and posted it on social media, it spreads so quick, people started to make fun of her and putting nasty comments on her Instagram" Cassidy pulled out a piece of paper then show it to Katherine, it was indeed her crying face with caption 'When you lost your crystal, and then you turned into 16th century witch'.

Ophelia : A story of a private high school girlWhere stories live. Discover now