Escapist Mentality

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Ophelia laid her heavy head onto the counter as Angela went to the back. It's out of character, but she got suspicious towards Angela, there's a chance she's probably adding something to her drink. Her head spinning like crazy, her eyes still can't see clearly.

"Bianca...please come here fast". She mumbled while also trying not to gag any moment she opened her mouth. After a while, Ophelia heard footsteps coming behind her. She flinched when the person touched her on the arm. "You put something in my drink!". She harshly pointed her finger at that person while closing her eyes.

"Woah, I just got here..."

Ophelia frowned when she heard a familiar voice, she blinks a couple of times adjusting her vision. "Aria?!". She was so surprised to see the Italian girl here. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"You texted me". Aria said matter of fact.

"Wh-what?". Ophelia checked her message, and turned out she was texting Aria not Bianca.

"Got a wrong number?". Aria chuckled but she noticed the flush on Ophelia's cheeks are not because of embarrassment. "You're drunk?"

Ophelia reached for Aria's hands in anxious. "Aria, please take me back home. I feel so weird here...". She asked while occasionally glancing at the bathroom direction.

Sensing the agitation, Aria carefully took Ophelia by the arms helping her to get up."A-alright, I'll take you home". She put Ophelia's arm around her shoulder helping her to walk. She was so curious of why Ophelia ended up in this kind of place, alone. Maybe not really alone because she noticed another glass on the counter. Whoever that person is, that probably made Ophelia like this immediately pissed her off.

Good thing Aria brought her car here, she puts Ophelia on the passenger seat then helping her to put on the seatbelt. She went to driver seat then turn on the engine quickly, she turned at Ophelia again in worry when she heard her groaning. "Hang on...". Aria rubbed her cheeks softly before finally driving away from the bar.

Meanwhile at the bathroom, Angela looked at herself in the mirror while grinning. "You're getting laid tonight, Angela!". She giggled then putting on her lipstick again. "That pussy will be smear by this!". She pointed cockily at her lips. "Gosh Ophelia, you're getting hotter and hotter!". She started to regret to ever left her, but she felt confident after this night Ophelia will get back to her again. She smirked, the drugs she was pouring turned out also a drug to enhance libido.

 She pulled out the condom from her pocket, shrug her shoulder before throwing it to the bin. "We don't need that! The world needed more offspring from you!". Can't imagine what kind of world it would be.

She left the bathroom still grinning from ear to ear, but when she passed the back door of that bar which opened a bit, she suddenly stopped. She's sure she saw a flicker earlier, like a light flickering. Curious, she approached the door and when she opened it wider, she saw a very bright light coming from above. Faintly she heard an echoing voice like those of a chipmunk movie calling her to that bright light.

Angela, we found you...

"Ohhh...not you again"


"Change the direction" Aria turned her eyes from the road for a second when Ophelia suddenly spoke. Though, she felt a bit relief Ophelia looked better than before.


"I cannot go home looking like this...". Ophelia said softly, her parents and Portia will be so mad if they know she's drunk.

Ophelia : A story of a private high school girlWhere stories live. Discover now