The storm is Marjorie

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"Attention all the students of Marjorie!". Mr Lovegood announced through the intercom. "Weather report certainly unpredictable nowadays. It will be rain quite heavily with the chance of thunderstorm potentially until evening time. It's so dangerous to drive a vehicle. If you don't have someone to pick you up, you can spend a night in one of the dorm rooms. Free of charge! Teaching and learnings activity will be postponed, but it is advisable to stay inside classes or any other sheltered areas. No, Ms Kowalska from class 12th, this is not the right time to put on a yellow rain coat to stare at the sewer, you wouldn't find anything else other than Starbuck cups and wrappers from the nearby Taco bell. If you're not so lucky, you probably found needles and made-up bong from a plastic bottle *snickered* I'm just fooling around, *sigh* but please really don't do drugs ladies! Be safe!"

The students cheered after hearing the announcement, at least there's still a good news during this bad weather condition. Some are stayed inside the classes, some at the cafeteria and some are on the hallway, just chatting with their friends.

Rosalind's heels slowly glided on the hallway floor, her eyes glancing at her students. It's clear from her gaze that the English teacher have something bothering her mind. Is this really the last time she'll be able to see this scene? She asked herself. Her mind then goes back to the time when she was still at the principal's office.

"You're fired". Rosalind's eyes widened when she heard the firm statement from the principal. "And it is probable that I will talk to the board to withdraw your teaching licence"

"No...". Rosalind's breath was labored, as she took some steps closer to her desk. "You can't do this to me. Please, listen to me first!"

"You're abusing your power as an adult! You're lucky, if it's not you I already call the authority by now!"

"It is consensual between us Meryl! ". Rosalind couldn't take it anymore. She bursts towards the principal with her tears rolling. "You know the Bennet family, I grew up with that girl, I fell in love with her even before I know what love is. I'm not a fucking groomer you think I am Meryl!"

"But it still doesn't deny the fact that Ophelia Bennet is the student of Marjorie!". Meryl fiercely stared at her niece, stomping her palm on the desk emphasizing every words. "What if other people know about this?! The other students, the teachers, the parents, the outside folks! What would they think?! That I as the principal, let my teacher dating her own student! Why can't you just wait Rosalind?!"

Because she's afraid, she's afraid that Ophelia will fall to someone else's arms. Even after they are together, Rosalind still feared that someone else will take her away, the potentiality never fully closed. She loves Ophelia so much, it hurts to even imagine that kind of scenario.

"I'm sorry, I know this is my fault but please, please don't kick me out from here, please don't withdraw my licence. You know that, being a teacher in Marjorie is my dream and I thanked you so much for giving me the chance despite my lack of experience and meritocracy. I may never be a principal like you but please don't fire me. I'll do anything for you, give me another chance!"

Rosalind pleaded, kneeling in front of the principal's desk. The rain outside started to trickled down onto the window, the only sounds in that room at the time. Meryl kept her silence, her mind juggling on what kind of final decisions she will take for her niece. She never really minds about who Rosalind dating, even if it's Ophelia. But the fact that she is the student that become a problem. Marjorie's name at great stake here, if people find out then this is the end for the long hard labour her family did for this school. She needed to keep Marjorie's name clean.

"Then break up with her..." Rosalind's eyes widened in disbelief. "End things with her as soon as possible, I'll let you stay. But if you keep being stubborn, then you need to give me your resignation letter by the end of this week. Also...I will expel Ophelia from this school, after all if you two aren't here anymore. You can date her however you like, right?"

Ophelia : A story of a private high school girlWhere stories live. Discover now