Pass the Day Away

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Study hall, like usual, is better for Amy. Probably because of Blaze. The girl herself: Blaze comes after her and sits down. Blaze brightens her day for some reason. It's probably how nice she is to her. They work on their homework together then chat by themselves to each other. They keep on speaking to each other for the rest of the period. Then once the period is over they leave, leaving no trace of themselves behind.

They then proceed to the last period of the day. Where it's them and Cream and Marine and today the addition of Silver. They talk amongst each other as they wait for the end of the day. Cream and Silver talk about how they can't wait to go home. Blaze and Amy don't want to leave each other so the make the most of this time and Marine.......................... Well, you know. So they talk and wait or don't wait and let the time pass while they still can afford to.

The bus ride is simple. Except for Marine. She chats with Cream. While Blaze is texting someone, presumably Amy. They keep on talking. Until the bus after it goes through it's normal route gets to Marine's place. Marine swallows to herself. Cream sees her obvious displeasure. Cream smiles and puts her hands on Marine's shoulder.

"Hey" Marine turns to Cream

"It's going to be alright..." Cream says to her. Marine smiles at that. When the bus opens she leaves and says goodbye to the two. Cream says goodbye while Blaze waves at her.

Then it's the other two's turn to get off. Cream exits then Blaze, who is still on their phone. They walk up a bit until the bus pulls off, then Cream stops and looks at Marine's house. Blaze walks until she feels the lack of Cream next to her. She turns and looks at Cream who is still looking at Marine's house. Blaze frowns and walks back towards her and then stops short of where she is. She watches the house. Is uneasily quiet. They wait there for a few minutes until Cream sighs and moves to the door. Blaze follows her into the house. They both remain worldless.

They get into the house and they both go upstairs. They lay their stuff down. Blaze goes downstairs while Cream remains upstairs, either to work on homework, Cry for Marine, or most likely, both. Blaze sits and sighs, picking up her phone again and distracting herself by texting Amy, explaining her absence as her having to get off the bus and do stuff. Which Amy understands and they continue their conversation.

Cream cries in her room for Marine. She knows how her parents treat her. Blaze is probably crying too downstairs or distracting herself with something. Cream blows her nose and leaves the room going to the bathroom. There is no noise. Cream looks at herself in the mirror. If anything happened she would've gotten a text. The silence is killing her. Maybe her parents aren't there. That would be good. Whatever she was worried about must have been bad. Marine doesn't usually get worried about stuff. Her parents are routinely bad enough so she tolerates it.

So Cream continues to look at herself, simultaneously ready and unready if anything happens. She stops her intrusive thoughts to check if Marine is okay. As far as she knows, Marine's parents have never physically abused her, as far as she knows. That's the best she's got. It's out of her control. Cream absolutely hates how much she cares about Marine, not because of Marine, but because of Marine's parents. Cream can't wait until they can get away from her parents and Marine never has to see them again.

But for now she'll have to wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope. Wait and hope.

That's all she can do. That's all she can even hope to do. Hope to accomplish. Accomplish something or perhaps nothing, but something if she's lucky. If she's lucky enough, nothing will happen. If she isn't, Cream doesn't know what she's going to do. Marine isn't lucky enough. Cream can only hope Marine hangs through this, she can only hope... and wait. That's all she can do. Cream's still looking at herself in the mirror. Looking at herself. Thinking. For anything. Anything to actually happen. Anything to change. Anything to be resolved. Even if for a little bit. That's all. Maybe she's overreacting to this. Maybe she isn't reacting hard enough.

Blaze remains downstairs. Nothing is moving. Everything remains silent. Uneasily silent. Amy says her parents are home today. They said hello to her too apparently. Why does Amy seem so excited for that? That's weird, right? Maybe it's a family thing. Amy said that her parents are staying at their house tonight. Again maybe a family thing? Blaze doesn't understand no matter how she slices it. It doesn't add up, so she ignores it. Maybe that nagging feeling will go away. Maybe it will subside in due time.

It doesn't. Cream continues to stare at herself in the mirror. Stopping that nagging voice in her head to check if Marine is alright. Cream tells herself Marine is fine, she would tell Cream if she wasn't. Right? She would do that. How many times has Marine not told Cream something? Cream wonders, she keeps wondering. She wonders until she gets a text. She takes the phone out of her pocket which almost slips out of her hands and checks the text message.

Marine: It didn't go well

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