50. Dragonrider

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Prepare for a couple of time skips. the war is getting closer.

This chapter is dedicated to my Jes. This is how I truly see you, frijolita <3

Six Months Later

Everything came into perspective for Visenya after that night. Beforehand, she wanted to be queen because of her disdain for her mother, now it was because of their legacy. If Rhaenyra became queen and then Jace became king, the Targaryen bloodline would thin. Even though Aemond was half Targaryen, Visenya was full. Their children would be pure-blooded and they would honor their roots. Maegor would likely marry Jaehaera or Laenora.

Six moons into their third year of life, Visenya deemed it appropriate to take Maegor and Laeny to the orphanage. If she was going to correct the mistakes of Maegor's namesake, he needed to be exposed and he needed to be kind. He tended to hate sharing but he was three, Visenya could give him some grace on the matter.

Maegor latched onto Visenya as they walked down the streets, not looking at any of the common folk. "Mama, I am scared."

"Don't be, little dragon. One day, you might be their king. These people will like you as long as you do not hurt them. Many kings have made the mistake of being cruel."

"But they look scary," He whispered.

"Just because something is different, does not make it scary. When you are king, it is your job to care for them, Maegor." Visenya spoke softly to him.

"I will be king?" He asked with sad eyes.

Visenya frowned at his sadness and kissed his forehead. "My sweet boy, you can be whatever you want. I will be queen and you are my oldest boy."

"Your only boy!" He smiled.

"That's right," She chuckled. "So I am trusting you to be my heir, Maegor. My sweet little prince."

"Just me?" He whispered. "Not Laeny?"

"Laeny was born after you. But you are both pure-blooded Valyrians and we must keep the bloodline pure to honor our ancestors."

"Like how you married Papa? And how Auntie Hel married Uncle Egg?"

Visenya nodded. "Exactly."

"Will I have to marry Laeny?" He asked.

"I don't know yet," She answered honestly.

That was a question she was still trying to figure out. During Luke's wedding, Rhaenyra suggested a betrothal between Laenora and Joffrey but Visenya and Aemond shut it down ... a bit too sternly. She wanted Maegor's wife to be either Jaehaera or Laenora but was torn. Maegor and Laenora were already attached at the hip and it made sense, but she didn't want to ruin the dynamic by forcing a romance.

Their twin flame was one that burned brighter than any other set of twins she'd seen. Jaehaera and Jaehaerys didn't act that way, and Baela and Rhaena were so opposite. And they'd been separated for years. Maegor and Laenora couldn't go hours without freaking out.

"I won't let you down, Mama," Maegor smiled.

Visenya's smile grew on her face. "I know you won't, baby. You never could."

"I know you don't want me to be like him, and I won't."

Visenya tilted her head. "Like who?"

Maegor looked away from her. "Maegor the Cruel."

"How did you know that, Maegor?"

"I overheard Grandmother talking to someone once. She thought I was asleep. She was talking about Maegor the Cruel and no one would ever accept me."

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