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The cellar was concrete. There was no way to dig their way to this magic room with the cure for evil Frobisher. So, basically, they were screwed and apparently, the man, who existed at the same time as concrete, didn't think to put it somewhere where concrete would not be a problem. Or prevent them from stopping the evil version of himself. It was starting to feel like maybe normal Frobisher was routing for the end of times or something equally as dramatic and evil.

Scarlett pushed that to the back of her mind at breakfast when Mara went on about her lawyers and how she was a lady. Something that had stemmed from the family tree project they had been doing. Apparently, the old man or whoever that owned some land had died and Mara was the next in line.

Jerome offered to help with the lawyers but was shut down. 

"I'm related to a lord. You're the son of a thief. No offense, but you're the last person I'd go to," Mara said.

Scarlett scoffed but Joy beat her to the defence as she scolded the girl, "Mara."

"No, that's okay. She's right," Jerome dismissed.

Scarlett stood up, "No. She isn't. You're not your parents and you may have done a shitty thing but that was pretty shitty too, Mara. You can't hurt people because you're hurt. Make him sing and embarrass him and make him pay for it, fine. But don't talk about his dad like that."

Jerome smiled weakly at her before he began walking out of the kitchen.

"Oh, Jerome, wait," Joy called.

He ignored her.

"That's perfect, keep doing it like that," Mara praised.

Joy gave her a look of disgust before she followed after the boy.

"Mara that was seriously out of line," Scarlett repeated.

"Happy?" Willow asked.


A very loud laugh left Scarlett's mouth when Eddie interrupted Sibuna's conversation about a backup plan for Frobisher being under two feet of concrete to not so subtly say the woman with Denby was hot. The brain of a boy. She rolled her eyes at how easily distracted he was.

"Are you not annoyed about that?" KT asked quietly, leaning closer to Scarlett, as Eddie continued to stare at her. 

Scarlett laughed, "No. She's way out of his league."

Eddie turned his attention back to her, "Hey. I got you."

Scarlett watched as Mara greeted the woman, who she assumed was the lawyer Mara had been on about, "And she's a lawyer. My point stands. Sorry, baby." She grabbed KT's arm. "Minority club time, see you losers later."

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