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Chapter 30

Dalton rolled over and Ariana looked down at him. He sleepily looked up at her. "What time is it?" He asks fiddling her teeshirt. "7:50" She replied making him sit up. "shit i got to go" he climbed off the bed.

Ariana sighs watching him rush around to get dressed. Ariana climbed out of bed. She had waiting for him to wake up to talk to him but now she didn't want to. She walked down to the kitchen and made herself a coffee and one for him as well.

Dalton came into the kitchen not long after her and took the cup she handed to him. "Love you" He gave her a quick kiss not like there normal goodbye kisses. Not saying the word I hit her hard. "i love you too" she handed him his keys.

A lump formed in her throat as she saw the message on her phone from the hospital. She has missed a call from them in the 5 minutes she hadn't looked at her phone. She rang them back of course to which they told her to head down as soon as possible.

She decided to go get ready. Molly was an early riser so she expected her to be awake. She headed into the bedroom and Molly smiles applying some make up. "oh your going out?" Ariana sighs and Molly nodded "Thats okay right? I can cancel on Jordan?" Molly pouts hating the last part of that sentence.

"I need to go hospital. Dad left in a rush." Ariana sighs. "Can Jordan come here?" Molly asks knowing where her mom was going with this. "Of course he can." Ariana smiles. "Is Noah awake yet?" Ariana shook her head and Molly nodded.

"I love you"

Good morning chance of plan! Moms had to go out and dads working i think! Got to watch Noah. Movies and cuddles at mine? xx

"you get going mom! He needs you" Molly smiles "Tell Jordan I apologise" Ariana frowns "I an sure he would rather cuddle me here then bowling.
He just doesn't want to make Dad mad at me"

"I can sort him out"

Jordan arrived and let himself in. He had that right now. Only because they all hated letting him in when they knew it was someone they know.

"She told you after you got ready?" Jordan asks giving her a kiss and Molly nodded. "My grandpa is sick! She needs to be with him. Suppose it was never going to be planned baby sitting" Molly smiled weakly. She didn't know him as much as she knew Joan. He lived away and her mom was on an off with him when she grew up so it was hard for her to know what she was feeling right now.

"Ella home?" He asks sitting on the sofa with Noah giving his little best friend a cuddle. Noah smiles snuggling into him. He loved when Jordan was round. "yeah still asleep in my bed. Noah doesn't act up for me as much as he does for Ella" She giggled "Wow I wonder who your favourite sibling is" Jordan gasps tickling Noah making him wiggle out of his grip.

Dalton walking through the door and cuddled Ella straight away. "How was your day?" He asks glancing over to Ariana and then back to Ella. "Good dad" she smiles.

Dalton walked to the kitchen where Ariana was and kissed her head. "Babe I nee-." Dalton cut her off. "Ariana not right now. I've had a long day" he sighs. Ariana just simply nodded letting him walk off up the stairs.

Molly and Jordan both looked at her. "Mom don't let him do that to you" Molly sighs "You need to tell him gramps is dyi- i cant say it" Molly shook her head getting upset. Jordan rubbed her back a little trying to calm her down.

"Not making him make me feel worse than I already do" She sighs blinking back her emotion. "He needs to know" Jordan awkwardly spoke up. "He will find out eventually" Ariana sighs.

Molly stood up walking round to give her momma a hug. "It will be okay" Molly kisses her cheek. "I know angel"

Chapter 31
After completely disregarding what Ariana needed to say at the table Dalton was all over her. Dalton had been too stressed for this kind of attention since they got home. She was craving his attention. She had hardly touched him in days and she was missing him. Missing the man she loved.

Dalton climbed off the bed and threw on his clothed again. "you not gonna cuddle me?" Ariana watched him. "I need to work" He looked back at her cleaning her up. "Right okay" Ariana reached for a hoodie putting it on. Her mind was all over the place.

She was now upset at him instead of what she was allowed to be upset over. It made her feel a little sick. It was hard to compute that he had just what felt like to her used her for his own pleasure.

She walked down to the kitchen while he went to the study. Having a glass of water.

Jordan walked back to Molly's room and she smiled. "Erm your mom is just stood in the kitchen staring. She not moved or anything" He pouts. Molly nodded going down to see if she was okay.

Molly wrapped her arms around her mom and gave her s cuddle. "why don't me you go to bed and sleep. You can go see him in the morning" Molly suggests not realising Dalton was the one to upset her.

"I just wanted him to love me! Hold me while I cry and process what's going on" Ariana held her daughter. "Then go tell him mom. Make him listen. He will drop work if he knows you are upset" Molly kisses her cheek.

"I'll be okay Molly"

Ariana walked into the study and Dalton looked up. "you going to bed?" He asks and she nodded "Are you coming tonight or you need to stay?" She asks. This was the 4th night he had worked. "I won't be too long after you"

"okay I love  you goodnight" Ariana smiles at him. "I Love you too" He smiles at her. Ariana climbed into bed checking her phone before she went to sleep.

Dalton yawns sending over a few files. He groans seeing the loading tab just spinning round taking it's time. He was exhausted and wanted to go bed.

Ariana woke up and Dalton's side was still made and ice cold meaning he hadn't come to bed at all. She frowns. This wasn't him. He made sure he came to bed for sleep. Wether it was for an hour he still made sure he got some.

Ariana walked down to the kitchen to make herself s coffee expecting to see him there. When she saw his keys were still there she went to the study. There he was sleeping by his laptop.

"Dalton" Ariana gently woke him. He sat up and groaned at his stiff neck. "Why didn't you go to bed if you were that tired?" She wiped the little bit of tissue from his cheek. "Was waiting for the file to sent off"

"Go to bed!" Ariana looked at him. "I have to meet some laywers" he pouts "Dalton you haven't spent any time with any of us!" Ariana looked at him "we need to pay bills don't we. Can't loose my job then" He sighs making her nod going to make him a coffee.

"Can you go for me?" He asks taking his coffee. Ariana shook her head doing up his shirt. "I wouldn't know what to do" she chuckles.

"Can we have a night together tonight I really need it?" Ariana asks he nodded giving her a kiss and leaving.

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