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Chapter 124

Dalton walked into his room and looked at his wife confused. "Why are you upside down?" He asks seeing her dangling off the bed "Maybe I'll stop crying then" She mumbled sitting up looking at him. "it's okay to cry" He perched next to her. Ariana used this opportunity to bear hug him and grip on tight. "I have you" He rubbed her back.

"want to talk about what happened yet or not?" He asks making her shake her head. "is Molly home?" Ariana asks and he nodded. "Baby was fine" He told her.

Ariana climbed off his knee walking to her bedroom and opening the door followed by a squeal "Thank god it's just you" Molly sighs putting some clothes on. "can I have a cuddle" her bottom lip wobbles and Molly nodded wrapping her arms around her. "I am sorry mommy"

"DADDY" Molly screamed feeling her mom hyperventilating against her . Dalton was straight to her room. He took her off Molly and she pulled away before cuddling into him again in a different position.

"How about a bubble bath? You like them?" "Okay" he nodded.

"Want me to call your mom?" He asks "Will you be mad?" She asks "If you want to talk to your mom and not me I am happy for you to do that. I can tell you're a little scared of me until you realise it is me and you relax." "I just want a mommy cuddle. I'll talk when I am ready"

"Okay I'll run you a bath then ring momma Grande and see if she can come give you a mommy cuddle" He smiles softly making her nod.

Joan entered the house and Dalton walked out to see who it was and smiled at her. "I left her in our bedroom but she keeps going to cuddle Molly" Dalton told her and she nodded heading up to her room.

"Hi sweetheart." Joan softly smiled giving her a hug. "You know this doesn't compare to what happened right" She asks and Ariana nodded. "I guess but your not me. You never went through it. How am I supposed to tell my own husband what is going on in my head right now without completely breaking him"

"You guys are strong. You get through everything" There was a light knock on the door and Ariana looked over "Why are you knocking to come in your own bedroom" she asks "might not want me to hear and that's okay. Do you want to try eat something?" He asks "What you making?"

"Anything you want" He smiles "Can I have some soup?" He nodded with a smile. "Are you scared of him?" Joan asks "No. When I tucked in his arms. I forget everything apart from him but I can't just hide in his chest forever"

"You would like to though" "Of course! I love that man"

"take a few days off try work through it spend time with your family and tale it from there. When you had Molly you perked up massively. It was nice to see you become you again" Ariana nodded climbing off the bed following her mom out the bedroom.

"Can I see my pregnant grandchild before i leave?" "Of course she is in the baby room" Ariana told her walking down the stairs.

"What's the possibility of you not working tomorrow?" Ariana asks "Want me to take the day off?" He asks and she nodded. "I can do that" He nodded rubbing her back.

"At home day or you wanting to go out and do something?" He questions "I just need you in my presence so I feel safe and secure is that okay?" He nodded "Of course it is. I am here" He smiled.

"Hi mom" Ella smiles giving her a hug. "Hi baby. I sorry you had to see me like that" "I was confused but it made sense when I found out" She pouts kissing her cheek. "I brought some of your stuff home. I can get the rest tomorrow for you" She added "Thank you"

"I going to get changed do I have time!" She asks and Dalton nodded. "You do" He smiles taking Ariana back into his arms.

"Dalton can I have a kiss?" Ariana arms making him lean down and give her a kiss. "I love you" "i love you too"

Chapter 125
When Dalton woke up to Ariana's alarm the next morning he was confused. He yawned sitting up to turn it off since she was not in the room which was unlike her to even consider leaving her phone in the room if an alarm was to go off. She hated waking him up. He climbed off the bed walking into the bathroom to find her gripping the sink looking down shaking one leg.

"Ari breath" He looked at her. She looked at him, her face stained with tears. "List 5 things you can feel" He asks. "sink. Water. cold air. my hair. towel."

"Now 4 things you can see." "You. Shower. Towel. Sink" She focused on him. "3 things you can hear" "Water. You. extractor fan"

"Something you can taste?" "Mouthwash"

"You calm?" He asks pulling her into a hug and she nodded holding onto him. "Why you awake?" He asks rubbing her back. "I have work?" She looked up at him.

"Ariana you are in no fit state to go to work" He sighs giving her a kiss. "I can't just not go it's my job" She wiggled out his arms heading to the closet. He followed her making her look at him.

"Yes?" She asks taking her pyjama top off. "You are not going!" He sighs "You know who has to calm you down when you get sad? Me! You know who just wants you to be happy? Me" He watched her. "I can't let anyone down" She shook her head getting upset again.

"Hey no don't cry that makes me the bad guy because I made you cry" He pouts hugging her. "your not the bad guy Dalton"

"your not letting anyone down Ariana. I promise you" he rubbed her bare back. "I am Dalton" She sniffs "You" she looked up. "Baby your not letting me down" He pouts.

"You know when our little boy was poorly?" He asks and she nodded "When you took that 2 weeks off. I got the old you back. I knew you were hating your job. You haven't liked it for a while and I would rather you leave"

"Da." He shook his head. "I would rather you leave. Work through everything you have been through. Let's face it since you got pregnant with Molly you haven't really given yourself time to heal properly and this situation has showed it. You have got your girls to where they need to be and been the best mom to all three of our kids. I have been saving since we got together we have a some money saved and we are okay. I'm not saying you can never work again because I know you like working sometimes. But taking some time away and for yourself might do you some goos"

"You really won't be mad?" She asks wiping her eyes on his top making him look at her. "Of course not. Happy wife means more to me than anything" He smiles making her nod turning around and throwing on some pyjamas.

"I know you technically have to work your notice but I'll look around today and see if you can leave immediately on medical reasons." He helped her back to bed "Can I go back to sleep?" He nodded with a smile giving her a kiss.

"I'll be downstairs if you want me"

"Good morning dad" Molly smiles "Morning" Dalton smiles "mom not going in?" Molly asks "Nope. I think I got through to her to leave" He smiled a little.

"finally she hated it for at least a year" Molly smiles "I thought she liked it up until you left?" He asks confused and Molly shook her head "No she hated it way before that. Would find her loads telling her marking load to fuck off" She giggled.

"I think she just needs some time to work on herself and do something she loves not something just for the money" He smiles and Molly nodded.

Dalton heard the door and he went all protective mode. "It's Jordan dad" Molly smiled. "Thanks baby" Molly took the bag. "Why are you out at 5am?" "Molly wanted icecream" Jordan shrugs.

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