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Chapter 49

Ariana woke up to her alarm. Today was her first day back after everything. She thought a routine might help her cope with it all. Some what keep her busy. Ariana knew that she was a mother and she needed to be that to her girls and her son.

She had a quick shower picking our an outfit before putting everything into her bag. "Good morning" Ella smiles walking into the bedroom. Ariana looked at her "You girls never knock no more"

"I seen you naked before mom" Ella
giggles sitting on the bed. "you whine when I walk in your room and your getting changed" Ariana looked at her "your fully dressed right now"

"Have you just come to annoy me?" "mhm that's my job" Ella grins making Ariana look at her. "Have your hair up" Ella told her "But I never do that" Ariana sighs.

"And your anxious. You like to pull on your hair when your anxious" Ella stood on the bed "Hey your in shoes" Ariana groans as Ella brushed her hair into a pony and then doing a tidy messy bun for her. "Thank you"

"I know I hate when you come bother me in school but if you need me. I will be there" Ella told her and she nodded "I appreciate that" Ariana kisses her forehead.

Arriving at her desk the first thing she did was take down the photo's of Dalton. As much as it pained her to put them in her draw out of view she knew that seeing them on her desk all day was going to be too much.

"Here she is" Ariana looked up. "Hi" Ariana smiled a little at her coworkers. "Can't avoid us all day" "Just needed to get my room straight. I hate letting others use it" Ariana sighs. "I'll come up now"

"How come the girls were still going to education and you got time off" Mark blurts out. "Also your daughters been a brat" He adds. "I told them they could and they didn't want to" Ariana shrugs. "And as for my daughters there going through a lot right now" Ariana sighs rubbing her head.

Ella opened the door to the staff room. "You okay?" Ariana asks "I don't wanna upset you" Ella pouts. "You can go see him" Ariana gave her a sad smile. "I want you home by 9 though"

"He won't listen to that mom. I not your toddler. He wants to take me to a movie" Ella reads the message. "Your either home for 9:30 or he isn't having you. If he has a problem tell him to message me"

"I hate this" Ella huffs storming out the room. Ariana rolls her eyes way to tell everyone. "how long?" "2 and a half weeks right now" Ariana sighs taking a breath to remain calm. "Molly talking to him?"

"No hates his guts for threatening Jordan. Long story" Ariana pouts.

Ariana open the front door and Gabi smiled at her. "Hi Gabi" Ariana smiled giving her a hug. "Hey. Molly bathing Noah right now" Gabi smiles "How did you get her away from Jordan?"

"Jordan working." She chuckles making her nod.

"Hey" Molly smiles handing Noah over. "Hey" Ariana smiles kissing her cheek. "How was your day?" Molly questions "i only cried twice in work so i guess thats better then what I was doing when I was home all the time" Ariana smiled.

"This movie is boring" Ella whispers "I know wanna ditch and go somewhere else?" He asks and Ella nodded. They both snuck out the cinema laughing as they left the building.

"why is it every time I got to see you it has to be out doing something? Now I have homework and we know that's not going to go down well" She giggled. "I mean we could have gone back to grandma's and watched a movie there or something"

"Can we do that next time?" Ella asks and he nodded "now how much homework you have?" He asks looking at the time "A few" she pouts.

Chapter 50

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