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Dalton woke up hearing a lot of moving about. It sounded like someone bumping into stuff. He reaches to the side and Ariana wasn't on the bed. He sighs turning on the side light and climbing off the bed. Checking the bathroom first before walking to find her.

"It is 3:15 in the morning why are you mopping" He scratched the back of his head looking at her. She turned around hearing someone behind her and Dalton watched her carry on. He couldn't work out if she was awake or not. It wasn't like her to ignore his presence.

"What's with the noise?" Ella asks confused walking down the stairs. "I think she is sleep walking" Dalton pouts "Mopping the floor?" Ella blinked a few times "if she is sleep walking I guess I just got to follow her around till she decided to go back to bed."

Ella walked into the kitchen "Dad where are the cups" Ella popped her head back out making him walk into the kitchen "Has my wife become crazy in the night" He pouts looking around, that's when he realised the dishwasher was on.

"What about a mug" Dalton handed her on. "Water out of a mug" She rolled her eyes filling it up. "Leave her clean and go sleep" Ella giggled "I can't do that"

They both walked back out and she had the duster. "Can you make my mom normal for when I next see her" Ella asks "I mean I can try"

Dalton followed her round confused where she was going. He followed her up the stairs just thinking she was going back to bed instead she went to the bathroom taking her clothes off. "Jesus woman" He sighs picking the clothes up
off the floor following her to their room where she climbed into bed which he was thankful for he wasn't in the mood to be following her around.

He tucked her in before climbing next to her staying awake a little while before falling off to sleep.

Ariana walked down to the kitchen and Dalton smiled at her softly. "Good morning" She yawns wrapping her arms around him. "Good morning" He gently rubbed her back. "Do you remember deep cleaning the house at 3am?" He asks making her shake her head.

"I did?" She giggled and he nodded. "Put all the glasses in the dishwasher and put it on. Mopped the floor and dusted and then went to the bathroom stripped walked the length of the house naked and then went to bed" He looked at her. "Did anyone see?" She pouts.

"Only me saw you naked, Ella saw you cleaning" He gave her a kiss making her smile kissing him back. "Where did i leave my clothes then?" She asks confused. "I picked them up and threw them in the laundry basket on the way past"

"I just thought I was too tired to dress after last night" She giggled "Nope I normally always make sure your dressed again after since I know you hate being naked when the kids are home" He grabbed out a mug putting the kettle on to make her a cup of tea.

"I love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too" He smiles walking her to the fridge to get her some milk out. "You not letting go today?" He asks rubbing her back "Maybe when Noah comes home I'll think about it"

"I mean he will cry if he isn't allowed one of us" Dalton handed her cup to her "Thank you" She smiles taking a sip.

"Good morning" Molly smiles walking into the kitchen. "Good morning. Ella awake?" Dalton asks "She is" Molly nodded.

"I think she went to shower." Molly smiles. "So if I run the tap she will scream?" Dalton asks and Molly nodded with a giggle "Do not be an annoying daddy" Ariana chuckles.

"So what's your plan today?" Molly asks her parents. "Take you to the hospital. Leave you there for hours while me and mom go shopping. Maybe have some lunch out and then pick you back up" Dalton smiled "And pick Noah up" Ariana smiles.

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