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Chapter 39
Molly walked into her moms room and woke her up. "Are you going to work today?" Ariana shook her head. "I am on leave due to my dad." Ariana sighs making Molly nod. "Want me to stay home with you?" She asks rubbing her arm. Ariana was in deep depression which was expected.

"No I'll be okay." Ariana sniffs giving her a cuddle. "Are you sure mommy? I don't mind missing a day to cuddle you!" Molly kisses her cheek. "You need to go baby. I'll be okay I promise you"

"Okay go back to sleep! I'll take Noah to nursery" Ariana nodded letting Molly climb off the bed.

Molly walked into Noah's room and he sat up in his bed. "Good morning Noah" Molly beams taking him in for a cuddle. Texting Jordan while he cuddled her.

Going to be late don't wait for me! I love you xx

"Okay so mommy not very well this morning so Big sis is going to take you is that okay?" Molly asks and he nodded standing up. "Okay so lets go get you some breakfast so we can wash those teeth and get you dressed" Molly smiles taking his hand. He was always clingy when tired. Not that any of them minded him wanting to be cuddled.

"Can I do anything to help Molly you look exhausted?" Jordan sighs as she cuddled into him on her study period while she had finished for the day, He still had one more lesson. "I hate life right now" Molly sniffs holding on to him.

"Shit what time is is?" Molly sat up. Jordan pulled out his phone. "2:45" he looked at her. "I got to go pick my little brother up" Molly stood up. "I'm coming with you" Jordan took her hand. "No you have a lesson" Molly shook her head.

"promise me you'll be okay" He asks and she nodded giving him a kiss. Heading to Noah's nursery.

"Hi Molly" The worker smiles "Hi? Has he been okay today?" Molly questions. "He has been very quiet." She explained and Molly nodded picking him up. "come on lets get you home" Molly smiles carrying him the whole way home as he was refusing to be put down.

Molly walked up to her moms bedroom and Ariana looked at her. "Have you been here all day?" Molly asks climbing into her bed next to her and Ariana nodded. "I depressed" Ariana pouts taking Noah for a cuddle. "Your still a mom" Molly kisses her cheek.

"You mommy me when you was depressed" Molly smiles "yea but I surrounded by him and I can't cope with it" Ariana sniffled. "I know but you are strong"

"I am not. I going through a heart break let me be sad" Ariana cries. "Okay okay but please at least give Noah a cuddle" Molly asks.

"Where is he?" "watching paw patrol on the tv" Ariana rolled off the bed and walked down to the couch cuddling her little boy. "Mommy" He beams "HI my boy" Ariana kisses his head.

Molly began to brush through her moms hair making Ariana look at her. "Someone got to do it" She shrugs getting the knots out. "Don't you have college work to do?"

"Fu- I don't care. My mommy more important" Molly began to braid her moms hair. One so it was out her face and two it wad easier for her to maintain.

"Now do you have underwear on under the top?" Molly asks and she nodded. "Are you planning to stay cuddling Noah or go back to bed? I guess I am okay with either?"

"Cuddle my boy" Ariana pouts getting upset. "okay" Molly nodded going to get her some sweats for her to wear. Ariana gave up a lot for her and she was going to do the same.

Chapter 40
Ariana walked to the door hearing it go. She opened the door and saw Jordan with some food. "My mom cooked for you all" He smiled making Ariana let him in. "She didn't have to" Ariana pouts. "it's okay" He smiles "I'll dish up" He smiles heading to the kitchen.

Ariana pouts heading to the girls. "Erm Jordan brought us all some food" Ariana looked at them both. They nodded climbing off the bed heading to the kitchen. Molly walked in and smiled at him giving him a hug. Jordan lightly pushed her off him seeing her moms face.

"Don't worry about me" Ariana smiled weakly at them both. Molly got out the cutlery for then all and helped Jordan hand out the plates. "Thank you" Ella smiles.

"too much" Ariana whines making Molly look at her. "Mom I hardly gave you any!" Molly took hold of her hand "Please for me!" Ariana nodded. Both Molly and Jordan sat down and they ate in a comfortable silence. Molly was happy her mom had been out of bed for a few hours. Even if it was she was on the sofa.

"Thank you" Molly smiled "Never been so stressed walking over here! You told me you was going to start cooking soon" He smiles lightly making her giggle a little.

"Are you staying?" Ariana whispers softly. Jordan looked up. "Only if Molly wants me here or even you want me here" Jordan replied "I never don't want you here" She smiles.

"Your welcome to stay!" Ariana looked at him and he nodded. Jordan finished first and he left the table and began washing up. "Jordan you don't have to?" Molly told him "You finish eating it's no bother"

Ariana stood up walking off upstairs. She had hardly touched her food. Ella's eyes follow her. "I hate this" Ella sighs. Molly shuffled around and cuddled her. "I know it's bad right now but things will get better okay" Ella just nodded.

"Once Noah asleep. I'll come back and cuddle okay?" Molly suggests. "Want me to put him to bed?" Jordan questions "yes" Noah beams "Only if you don't mind" Molly asks him. "Of course not"

Jordan picked Noah up and carried him to the bathroom. "Now I wonder which is your tooth brush" He gasps picking up the pawpatrol one. Wetting the brush and adding a little toothpase to the bristles.

Noah opened his mouth and Jordan smiles brushing his teeth. "You don't have to do any of this Jordan" Ariana spoke softly. "I have no idea the pain you feel right now. The least I can do it be there for you all. I love your daughter a lot and she adores you. And I love this boy too" He smiles helping him wash his hands.

"Does he need anything to sleep in?" he asks. "No he has been having dry nights" Jordan nodded going to pick out a book.

Ariana walked into Molly's room and climbed into her bed making Molly roll over. "I'm sorry" She whispers "You okay?" She questions rubbing her back. "i cant stay in that room tonight" Molly just nodded gently rubbing her back. "We love you" Molly kisses her forehead "I know you all do" Ariana sniffled.

Molly smiled at her mom fell asleep in her arms so she fell asleep herself again.

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