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Ariana let out a yawn putting the last of her clothes away before heading to the toilet. She had needed it for at least 20 minutes but she knew if she went she wouldn't have come back and put the clothes away and her being busy did keep her from her cramps she was having.

It wasn't until Ariana sat down on the toilet she realised her cramps were actually alerting her of something. When she looked down and saw blood beneath her she got upset immediately.

How could she tell Dalton she was loosing his baby. She was terrified of his reaction. She didn't want to cause him so much pain. She held her stomach feeling a sharp pain travel through her making her grab her phone ringing Molly.

"Hello?" Molly asks super confused. "Bathroom" Ariana cries out. Molly hung up heading towards her bathroom opening the door. "Mom what's wrong?" Molly asks "I loosing the baby" Ariana cries curled over.

"Okay okay" Molly grabbed her some water instant panic coming over her. "Daddy is home right?" Molly asks getting her to have a sip of water and She nodded "Please don't get him" Ariana sniffled "He will blame me. I don't want to hurt him" Ariana sniffles.

"mom why would he blame you" Molly sighs cleaning her up "Because I was against another baby" She sniffs. "Mom he loves you." Molly pouts kissing her cheek.

"Okay you're all clean now" Molly smiles softly. "Can I go sleep" Ariana sniffled and Molly nodded helping her up and to bed. "Stay till I asleep?" She asks and of course Molly said yes.

Molly tucked Ariana into bed kissing her forehead waiting till she had fallen asleep like she promised before leaving her to have a nap. She headed back to her own room picking Mila up giving hers snuggle. "I love you" Molly whispers.

Dalton walked into the bedroom and looked over at Ariana and smiles at her still being asleep. He gently striped off climbing in behind her wrapping his arm around her resting it on her stomach. Ariana woke up instantly remaining still figuring out how to remove his hand from her stomach without him knowing she was awake.

She decided to roll herself over into his chest trying to fall back to sleep. Dalton smiles gently rubbing her back pushing his hand through her teeshirt gently tracing his fingers along her spine feeling like she was cold he gently grabbed a blanket from the bottom of their bed throwing it over her.

When Ariana next woke up the bed was empty making her roll over and grab her phone staying bundled up in the sheets.

She heard her bedroom door open and Molly walked in with some breakfast and a cup of tea. "Good morning" Molly smiled softly. "Good morning" Ariana pouts sitting up.

"Daddy told me he loved you and he went into the office" Molly told her and she nodded. "How is the pain?" Molly asks. "Not as bad as it was yesterday" She sniffed remembering full what happened.

"Don't you think we need to get you fully checked mom?" Molly asks taking her hand. "I know it happened Molly but I don't think I can cope with the actual confirmation" She sniffled.

"I will be with you every step of the way" Molly smiled softly. "you have Mila" Ariana tried to argue. "Jordan is staying home with her" "Did you tell him?" Ariana asks.

"No! Had to lie about why I was upset hated it" Molly pouts giving her a snuggle. "Just told him my mommy needed me and he knows how much you mean to me"

"you didn't have to lie to him angel" Ariana pouts feeling bad. "It's okay" Molly sighs.

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