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"How are the cupcakes?" Ariana smiles at Noah with cake crumbs all over his mouth. "Good mommy" he grins "Daddy ate your one" He giggled "oh no" Ariana gasps. "Did not" Dalton pouts wrapping Ariana into a hug. Ariana smiled holding onto him.

"Your really warm" Dalton rubbed her arm. "I have just been baking babe I was near the oven" She giggles making him pout. "Did you enjoy your shower?"

"I did. Feel much better now" He smiles spinning her around. "Daddyyyy" Noah giggled "What Noah?" Dalton questions "don't make mommy sick again"

Ariana let out a little sigh "It's okay" Dalton rubbed Ariana's back. "I promise Noah I wont make mommy sick by me spinning her around"

"I know how babies are made" He looked at them "How?" Ariana asks "Sissy" He giggled "Which sister" Dalton asks him.

"Me not telling" He giggled jumping down off the stool running away. "Not made by me spinning you around I tell you that" Dalton looked at Ariana making her roll her eyes shaking her head.

"You're definitely doing the sex talk with him" Ariana told him. "Why" He moans "I did it with the girls your turn with your son."

"I have a good 8 years before that" Dalton grinned. "Maybe another grandchild by then" he added. "please tell me none of my daughters are pregnant" Ariana glared at him. "Nope. One of your daughters likes girls and the other is too busy to make a baby"

Molly walked through the door and Ariana pulled away from Dalton. "everything okay?" Ariana asks and Molly nodded "Jordan?" Dalton questions. "Here" Jordan smiles putting the bag down slipping his shoes off.

"Your daughter wanted to be ahead because she was worried you had too much on yo watch Mila" Jordan chuckles "Mila is still sound asleep Molly" Dalton chuckles.

"Anyway what you buy?" Ariana asks "I cooking for Molly tonight. She wanted some time with me" He smiles "And let me guess she doesn't want to leave her baby?"

"Of course!" Jordan smiles "She only got bad since Mila started to be on the move. She doesn't want to inconvenience you" Jordan chuckles.

"I think it will help when she goes to nursery where she actually has to leave her" Jordan smiles "You looking into it?"

"Yeah just one or two days a week. Molly been up late recently doing college and I suggested putting Mila in nursery so she had a day or two"

"You know we would watch her to let her do her college work" Dalton told him hugging Ariana again. "Yeah we know but as soon as Mila cried she would feel bad and come sort her out herself"

"Stop talking about me" Molly pouts "Aparently you told Noah how babies are made" Ariana looked at her "What no I didn't" Molly shook her head.

"Hey mom hey dad" Ella smiles sitting on their bed making Ariana shuffle to sit back up fully. "Hey gorgeous what can we do for you" Ariana smiles softly. "So I have been thinking" Ella pouts.

"Okay?" Dalton questions. "When I grow up I want to be a paramedic" Ella smiles softly. "Okay" Ariana nodded. "What's this about Ella?"

"The college I want to go to isn't near here" Ella looked down. "Okay how far away?" Ariana asks smiling softly at her. "7 hours away"

"What's so special about this college" Dalton asks confused. "Good reputation"

"Can we have a look at this college and stuff" Ariana asks and Ella nodded sharing the link with her mom.

"Can I go in the kitchen yet or is date night still on?" Ella asks "You can go in the kitchen they cannot stop you" Dalton chuckles "Oh why are you in bed then?"

"We wanted to cuddle" He shrugs.

Ella kisses both their cheeks before heading down to the kitchen where Molly smiled at her. "you look tired" Jordan looked at her. "I am" Ella nodded.

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