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Chapter 90

"why didnt you tell us Jordan got him something?" Ariana asks Molly who had come for a cuddle. "I didn't know" Molly looked up at her. "I think it only made Noah so happy because he didn't expect anything from him" Molly adds.

"Anyway are you feeling better? Why you cuddling me and not him?" Ariana questions rubbing her back. "He is with dad. I wanted a mommy cuddle." She smiles. "I am feeling better!" She adds.

"Is he staying the night?" Ariana asks just holding her since thats what she wanted. "He told me last night he was going home because work harder to get to from here" She smiles softly making Ariana nod.

"Mama" Noah beams. "Yes cutie?" Ariana questions, Molly unwrapping herself and giving her space go see to Noah. "Me hungry! Can I have cake?" Noah asks raising his arms. Ariana happily picked him up resting him on her hip.

"You need lunch before cake" Ariana pulled his top down. "Okay can I have hot dog noodle?" Noah asks "Of course mommy make it now for you"

"I craving a starbucks strawberry frappe" Molly frowns at out of no where. "okay Dalton" Ariana calls making him appear in the room. "Yes my angel?" He asks "Molly craving a strawberry frappe fancy going to get her one?" Ariana asks "Okay" He nodded grabbing his keys.

"Thank you" Molly pouts shyly. "Hey Noah want to come play while Mommy cooks?" Molly asks taking him. "Okay" He smiles following her. "Gonna be a good mom" Jordan smiles at her making her smile.

"Hey Jordan can I borrow you" Ariana questions making him nod going into the kitchen. "Can you grab the hot dogs please" Ariana asks and he nodded getting them down for her. "You hate I am taller then you now" He chuckles "Mhm hate it" Ariana nodded.

"Mama ready?" Noah rubbed his tummy "20 minutes so 1 episode of paw-patrol" Ariana smiles making him nod. "Molly paw patrol" He asks making them all laugh a little.

Dalton came back handing Molly her drink and Ella whines "you're not pregnant" Dalton looked at her. "But still unfair" Ella folds her arms "Can have a sip" Molly suggests "I don't like that drink"

"Can I try it?" Jordan asks and Molly nodded handing him the cup taking a sip before handing it back where Molly took a sip. "Thats gross" "What's gross?" Dalton asks "Molly let Jordan try it and then took a sip herself"

"They kiss?" Dalton chuckles "So do you and Darcy"

"Wow how you know that?" Ella gasps "Mommy walked in on you both making out" Dalton chuckles. "This is what I had to deal with when I first got with you" Molly giggled to Jordan. "They still annoy you about me shut up" Jordan chuckles. "Mhm but they annoy Ella more now"

"Kissing isnt the same as what they did" Ella argued "It kind of it. If they kiss now they still sharing saliva."

"Noah ready" Ariana smiles making him head into the kitchen and take a seat. "Thank you mommy" He picked up his fork.

"Whats the argument out there about?" Ariana asks as Dalton hugged her "Ella called Molly gross for drinking after Jordan took a sip" he chuckles kissing her forehead. "I behaved today and not kissed you to annoy him" He smiles "mhm hate it. Not had a kiss in a while" Ariana pouts. "I'll make it up to

Ariana sight into his chest and he looked down at her happy and content in his arms. "Your nice and warm." she breaths. "The heating is on babe" He told her "I know. You just make me warm"

"Happy birthday to you.... happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to Noah. Happy birthday to you" Everyone sings while Dalton held the cake "Make a wish" Ariana smiles holding him as he requested. Noah took a deep breath in and blew out his three candled where everyone clapped for him.

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