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Chapter 136

"Okay my room is a mess due to the move" Darcy explains "can I help unpack?" Ella beams "Sure if that's what you want to do" Darcy smiles opening the door.

"Hi Ella" Her mom smiles. The happiest she had ever seen her mom. "Hi" Ella smiles "So sorry about everything falling apart" Ella added. "It's okay everything happens for a reason"

"Hows Molly's little Mila?" "Cute" Ella smiles "Molly sent me a video of her kicking her legs before it's cute to see her do new things everyday" Ella smiles

"Can we go to my room now?" Darcy asks and she nodded. Ella smiles following her up the stairs. She hadn't been to this house yet and had no idea where her room was.

"Your mom looks so happy now" Ella smiles taking her shoes off "I am glad" Darcy smiles "Life is so peaceful now" She giggled changing her clothes.

"Have you unpacked anything?" Ella giggled looking at the boxes. "No I helped my mum unpack the kitchen and downstairs first." Darcy sighs.

"Okay" Ella beams taking the clothes bag to her closet and organising it for her. "I want a cuddle Ella" Darcy moans wrapping her arms around her from behind "We get a whole night of cuddles." Ella turned around to give her a kiss.

"We can do this later!" "We both know if we don't we will not get back up and spend the night doing nothing... we have to at least set up your tv" Ella looked at her.

"1 hour of doing this and then cuddling" Darcy asks "okay" Ella nodded carrying on with her clothes.

Ella felt her phone vibrating so she pulled it out her picket and smiling as Molly was face timing her.

"Hey you okay?" Ella asks confused. "Can I use your dressing gown Mila just threw up on mine and needs washing and she loves the feel of them?" Molly asks "of course" Ella smiles "But if she throws up on mine I want a new one" "you can wash sick out" Molly giggled.

"Give Mila a cuddle for me"  Ella
smiles "I will do" Molly smiles "Have a good night I love you" "I love you too"

"You and Molly are getting along?" Darcy asks "Yeah! We hardly fight now. I was only annoyed at the situation last week." Ella giggled. "Always going to have love for my sister"

"Babe" Ariana walked into the kitchen making Dalton smile looking at her. "You feeling better?" He asks hugging her. "A little" She nodded kissing his cheek. "Just want a proper kiss" She sighs snuggling into his chest. "I know angel I know" She rubbed her back gently.

"Oh Hi mom" Molly smiles opening the fridge. "isnt that Ella's" Ariana asks confused "I face timed her and ask to borrow she was fine with it" Molly smiles "What are you two doing?" Dalton asks "We have just been on the switch playing mario kart. But Now we are going to bath Mila" She smiles making him nod.

"You have been messaging me all day what made you get out of bed?" Dalton questions looking at Ariana tucked in his arms. "I not seen your beautiful face" She pouts making him smile. "your adorable even when your sick"

"I also feel disgusting and want a bath or shower or something can you help me" She asks and he nodded "Can we wait till they bathed Mila they struggled yesterday and I needed to help" Dalton asks and Ariana nodded "Only if I can stay in your chest" She asks "Of course my love"

"Coco still on our bed?" Dalton asks "Mhm she was comfy cuddled on your side" Ariana smiles "Aww"

"So now you have to sleep doggy when you sleep" she smiles "I'll be okay with it since she kept my wife company while I was doing parent stuff to make you rest" He smiles "Dyed any clothes?" She asks "Nope I been good" He smiles.

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