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Chapter 100
"How long do you think it will take?" Ariana asks walking back and forth pacing the hotel room. "I have no idea. As long as they are getting answers." Dalton took her hand. He was getting a little dizzy watching her. "Come on sit on my lap and cuddle me while we wait" He suggests. "I can't sit still Dalton. I stressed. I want my baby boy back. I want him to be fine. I want to have answers. If they come back and tell me something is wrong I will be so mad at that doctor yesterday" Ariana runs her fingers through her hair.

"I hear him" Dalton smiles hearing his laughter getting closer as he was wheeled back into the room. "The Doctor  will be back soon" The nurse smiles making Ariana nod. She gently picked Noah up out the bed and cuddled him.

"Me thirsty" Noah pouts "Daddy get you some water" Dalton smiles going to get him a cup of water. "I love you" Ariana smiled "I love you too" Noah gave her some kisses.

"Water for the baby" "I not baby" Noah pouts "My baby" he nodded handing him the cup. "Thank you" he smiles taking a sip.

"Can daddy have a cuddle?" Dalton asks and Noah held his arms out for him. Ariana handed him over and kisses his cheek. "I just going to go pee. Not peed since 10" Ariana told Dalton. "That's okay. we are not going anywhere" Dalton smiles.

Ariana went off to the bathroom and Dalton looked at Noah. "When Can I go back to sleep daddy?" "You want to go sleep" He asks and Noah nodded rubbing his eyes.

"You can go back to sleep now" He smiles placing him on the bed. "Mommy not get sad?" He pouts "Mommy be sad either way. She just wants you to be better just like I want you to be better" He tucks him in. "Daddy be here when I wake up?"

"One of us will be. We won't leave you alone" Dalton smiles kissing his head "Okay daddy I love you"

Ariana walked back in and looked at them both. "He wanted to go back to sleep" Dalton explained "Okay" Ariana nodded walking into his arms. "I so cold. I literally abandoned everything in my room" Ariana sighs "Here" He took off his hoodie putting it over her head.

"Thanks baby" Ariana smiles sitting on his knee. "I want to say he seems to be more energetic but he is on a drip and pain meds" He pouts "I know" Ariana nodded in agreement.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Gomez. Want to step outside?" He asks making Ariana look at her boy and nodded because he was fast asleep. She stood up from Dalton's lap following him just out side the room.

"So we have looked at his scan and we seem to have found a tumour" The doctor spoke softly. "My baby had cancer" Ariana stuttered in shock. "Unfortunately yes." He gave them both a sad smile.

"However from the positioning of the tumour it is operable. We can schedule him in for the surgery in two weeks. With him being a little boy we need extra people to help. We are happy to send him home with some extra pain killers. Just the same as how we would keep him comfortable here."

"Is that safe?" Dalton asks rubbing Ariana's back. "Until the surgery they isn't much we can do. Can someone be home with him all day?" "Yes. I work from home" Dalton nodded.

"Children with cancer since it's only early do better being at home around family. He knows he is unwell and you have to be honest with him but he will feel more happy being around his parents and his sisters" Dalton nodded.

"I will send a nurse in soon with his pain killers and to unhook him and then your free to go and we will see you in two weeks"

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