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not looking forward to school because

1 my schoolmates are weird af

2 we have to do fitness testing and run a mile in PE this week (like wtf i mean everyone would get a higher score if the fitnessgram pacer test didn't get faster)

my mother bought $110 USD worth of natural stone beads yesterday-

nah but one day i'll be taking my trombone out of the cubby and istg it will just BONK someone into oblivion oh no

they better let us visit counselors soon or i'll assault Imbecile 1 tomorrow or maybe just cuss him out the dirty motherfucker

3 my fellow PE students are unfun i mean the girls are ok, they're chill, but the dudes are a different story.

istg the dudes have like negative thirteen chill and what's up with dudes always making fun of the girls (read: ME, usually)????

i mean i went to the same elementary school as Imbecile 1 (1 year he kept making fun of me for being a furry) but literally why

you know the thing "they were nice but then they're not anymore" trend with preteen children?

yeah like that but the boys were never nice to begin with

no it's weird because the girls kinda mellowed out but the dudes just got worse

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