I remember my dream

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So basically i was in one of those asian supermarkets but instead of the fish in the back it was a whole fucking zoo

There was a red octopus so i put him in one of those plastic containers from my science classroom

Also there was a snake that kept trying to bite people through the glass but it had wooden human teeth??

Then my uncle was there and he put up a weird stair thingy so i could leave the shpermerket but i was holding an octopus so i couldnt go out thst way

Then some stuffbhappened and i was in my elementary school music class but it was taught by the srt teacher from my school rn

There was a door in the side of the classroom that les outside because if u had to pee you had to go outside to the public restrooms on the hill outside

Also it was night time for some reason

I went to the bathroom with my octopus and some other girl?? AND THEN THERE WAS A GHOST

The ghost was mad or smth

Anyway then my octopus shrunk so i could put him into one of those tiny decorative glass vials

Idk what happened next but i remember some kind if assembly line 

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