Thursday, December 21, 2023

12 0 3

Last night I had a dream

I was in school and I was going to English, but I forgot and was going to the FACS room, until I saw that one Percussion kid (who's also in my English and history.) (I had to partner with him once in English because of this clock partners thing.) (I have no idea why there were random people who asked to be on my clock partner sheet. There was that Percussion kid and also these random ass girls)

So I remembered and went to the English classroom (except it was different? It was in a hallway that looked like the History hallway but next to the Library)

I said hi to my teacher and some stuff happened and I went down a large staircase with my friends 

but then Midnight, my other friends, and one of their old friends (who doesn't live in our country anymore but I saw her face in a Google meet with my friends) and I were in a bathroom (it was roomy.)

Anyway for some reason Old Friend didn't look like her?? Which I noticed? Idk man

They all got mad at me for talking too much about the Summer Concert (of which we do not have irl, it's the Spring Concert) and then they left and didn't want to be friends anymore and I got mad at Old Friend for some reason and told her to get the fuck out of my bathroom

also my friends were mad at me for being a slytherin

Then it changed and it was Harry Potter but Teen Titans Go?? Teen Titans Go, I can understand because my brother and I have been watching hours of it every day but c'mon Harry Potter, I havent watched one of your movies in weeks

So basically Robin and Starfire were best friends (platonically, Robin didn't have a crush on her anymore) (this is third person and I wasnt there)

For some reason this whole thing was taking place in my school? And it was close to Christmas

Robin and Starfire walked into my school's band room, and for some reason Cedric Diggory was there, but he was a Slytherin and Tom Riddle (the hot version, from Chamber of Secrets) was trying to murder him. So all four of them went into the band room's cubby room and Cyborg was there I think

Then everything got split into smoke (but it was an illusion) and Tom Riddle reached toward Cedric and then they disappeared

Anyway then Starfire was sad because she couldn't find a soccer ball for Robin, and instead she had a weird green bouncy ball from outer space. Robin said "It's fine!" And they kicked the ball back and forth

"My gift is worse" and Robin shamefully takes out a Pretty Pretty Pegasus doll (I think it was Butterbean), which they then kicked around like a soccer ball, which made it char and then combust.

Then Starfire looked into the charred wall and saw a green rhombus, which meant Slytherin?? 

And then she said, "The magic test was wrong! I have half magic, not no magic!"

(Even my subconscious was confused, because why was she let into Hogwarts if they thought she had no magic?)

And then there's a flashback to the magic test, where McGonagall is supervising. Baby Starfire is staring determinedly at some coconuts (like the animus test in Wings of Fire).

It was the middle of the night with a full moon and lots of clouds

And then I think Robin was flying around with a jetpack or something

And then the dream ended

Anyway I had breakfast early because jetlag

One time in elementary school, I had a headache (or maybe my leg hurt? I cant remember) so I went to the nurse's office where she said I had jetlag???

I was so confused

Ok so today it rained

We went to 5 below and my brother got a bakugan?? A butter claw 

I got 5 smarties yum yum

Then we went to PetSmart (it was boring but the hamster was cute)

Then we went to my cousin's house where my brother and I had pho for lunch

Then we made these silly video game thingies with resin (I'm going to put in an image of Stargazer and paint it)

Then we made amogus with air dry polymer clay (I accidentally stepped on one of my brother's oops)

Then he got mad and I made Christmas cards for my great aunts and uncles

And I had the dark chocolate mint circles from my cousin's school's fundraiser (bruh it was 15 bucks for 15 circles)

Then we went to a park

And here I am now yippee

Help I chugged the whole drink my great aunt gave me (it tasted like lychee and I love lychee)

Then I had 1.5 teeny foam bowls of noodles and a bowl of literal tomato water (tomatoes boiled in water with salt and sugar, it's like soup but watery) and my stomach hurts :(

I watched the first 2 episodes of Villainous with my dad

If it goes well then yippee perhaps I can join yet another fandom (I need ideas to make fan characters guys)

@Midnight4Lifers recommend franchises to me (not kpop, Stranger Things, or Wednesday) (I swear I'll force my dad to watch Wednesday with me when we get Netflix when our Max subscription expires)

(I also want to watch Spy x Family and Voltron, and my brother wants to watch One Punch Man)

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