November 14

5 0 2

today was mid

english we did stuff but lexia is so MGHHH

math was fun-ish 

Enemy 1 spent the entire period molesting a clicky pen and then an expo marker

idk the math room smells of dank expo marker

Ranboo dude: Who would you marry for a RAM card

Enemy 1: You *points at Ranboo dude*

Enemy 1: Actually no, you *points at me*

Me: You're my mother you can't do that

Enemy 1: actually no *points at Bestie 1's adopted bby*

Me: That's your grandchild Bestie 1 adopted her

Enemy 1: she's adopted so we're not related by blood

at recess I tried to slap Frenemy 2 and he moaned and said "your sleeve touched me" in that goofy ah moan voice

PE we ran the mile, I got 13:10, and then we did the mini soccer unit

i was on a team with That Kid (not to be confused with This Kid) but he's nicer than other dudes so idk

band was eh

super funny so the band teacher was writing down the percentages of how louder/quieter he wanted to be so for one of the pieces he wanted snare drums to be 90% quieter

then i volunteered at my elementary school's book fair, and i just straightened the books and stuff and spent like an hour reading one of the piggy books they had

the other volunteers were an old lady and the older brother of a girl i worked on a few school projects with

I saw Enemy 1's little sister who is nice (unlike what Enemy 1 says) and also Frenemy 2 and his brother (who is sorta friends with my brother which is weird ngl)

also apparently that one guy who repeatedly hit the timpani at the beginning of the school year is the older brother of Enemy 1's little sister's friend, who is pretty cool for an elementary school child

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