Friday the 13th

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Hey! It's unlucky day in spoopy month.

Anyway now I will complain.

anyway I have just finished reading the most horrible book ever, "In The Study With The Wrench"

it's a murder mystery, but the murder wasn't even solved.

one of the main characters has a twin brother and they look exactly the same, (one was dating Orchid McKee) and one died.

we don't even know which one.

but like how the hell did bro ACCIDENTALLY drive a car off a fricking RAVINE?

like were you drunk, stupid, or were you trying to kill the other people in the car, and why? cuz you failed, silly. you're the only one who died. besides the creepy ass stalker who deserved to die.

in English we read a goofy ah poem where this dude went with his gf (i mean they were twelve) to a drugstore to buy her chocolate with a nickel and an orange (????)

English teacher: By the way, drugstore means a pharmacy, like CVS. Last year I had some kids that were convinced they were drug addicts.

Recess we FINALLY got to go to the same zone as our friends because of "fun friday".

PE we ran the mile and I actually got faster by like 10 seconds. First run I got 12:45, next run I got 13:58, and today I got 12:32

We played pickleball and we actually won 2 games.

One of them was played against that one dude who's worse at PE than me.

I was going to hit the ball, but then my friend walked in front of me and I accidentally hit her and dropped the racket (paddle?).

I asked for a redo but the dude said no, but that's so stupid because we gave him redoes when he got stuff wrong.

Then for some reason last round there wasn't anyone to play so we had to play the extra people on other teams.

anyway during the warmups for some reason they were playing Call Me Maybe and the boys just aggressively sang along with it

Band was ok except I probably bombed the seating test. My slide positions were good but my tone was downright horrible.

Anyway the emo blonde dude somehow remembered all his stuff except for a concert piece, but he didn't say anything

so bro was just messing up in the rehearsal and then my brain went "what music is bro even reading?? is that 2nd trombone??"

turns out he didn't even have the paper so I just wordlessly pushed my music stand back so we could share

like bro?? if you need to share a piece of music, just tell me?? i don't mind, but like don't try to remember cuz you're messing us up

then I learned about the ridiculous marching band thing.

so our high school has two diff band levels, Advanced Band and normal Band. The only difference is that Advanced Band you have to do marching band because it's an honors course, so it goes on your college credit.

So I was gonna do that, except problem: I play trombone. And they don't march trombones. Except I very much like my trombone, thank you very much, and it would be very stupid for me to play the baritone in marching band and the trombone the rest of the time.

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