Chapter 12

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"Soo... you're telling me Biana didn't write those letters?" Tam questioned as he and Linh were walking to their lockers as they usually do.
"Yeah..." Linh said.
"She knows who it is but she won't tell me."
Tam scoffed, groaning as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Ughhhh, I knew it was too good to be true." Tam mumbled.

"Yeah but Biana came up with this plan." Linh said, smiling at Tam.
"I'll tell you about it later, I wanna see if you got a letter or not again!"
Tam rolled his eyes, smiling slightly.
"Okay..." Tam mumbled, as they were now stood in front of their lockers.

Tam reluctantly leaned in and licked the DNA strip. Tam's face scrunched up.
"It's sweet again." Tam said as he opened his locker.
"Ooh, yum." Linh said, leaning in to lick the DNA strip on her locker.

Tam looked in his locker and seen an envelope. Tam sighed as he took the envelope and opened it, taking out the letter from it.

'Dear Tam,
                  I've decided to give you a gift that isn't food this time, or anything that'll help you in any way physically.
It's in the envelope, I folded it so it may look a bit crumpled...
I hope you like it. I spent like hours on it last night.

~ Your Secret

Tam raised his eyebrows as he placed the letter down and looked in the envelope, seeing another piece of paper.
Tam lifted it from the envelope and unfolded it.

Tam's eyes widened and his heart fluttered.
It was an incredibly detailed drawing of him, all done in graphite pencil.
"Woah..." Linh gasped.
Tam flinched as he seen how close Linh was and seen her looking at the drawing from behind his shoulder.
"Hey, mind your business!" Tam scowled.

"Your secret admirer must really like you~ I heard it's an artist's way of saying they love you if they draw you!" Linh exclaimed, a grin on her face.
Tam's cheeks turned completely red and he let his bangs cover his face.
"Shut up, not true." Tam scowled.

Tam looked back at the drawing and he bit his lower lip as he stared at it.
Linh noticed how intensely Tam was staring at the paper.
"Why don't you hang it up on your locker?" Linh suggested.
Tam glanced at Linh.
"Not a bad idea..." Tam mumbled.

Linh grabbed tape from her locker and handed it to Tam.
Tam looked at Linh.
"... Why do you have tape in your locker?" Tam questioned.
"A girl always has everything on hand." Linh shrugged.
Tam rolled his eyes, smiling as he got a bit of tape and taped the drawing on his locker.
Tam made sure the drawing was secure and he gave Linh back the tape.

Linh glanced at Tam's locker, with the new addition.
" Cute. "Linh said.
" Now you'll be able to see it there everyday. "
Linh grabbed her books from her locker as she placed the tape back in there.
Tam smiled as he took one last look at the drawing before he grabbed his books and shut the locker.

"Anyways, you said Biana had a plan?"
"Oh, yeah! Alright, soo-"


"You seen Biana with Tam and Linh?" Keefe questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
He and Fitz were in the cafeteria, looking for a table to sit at.
"Yeah, she and Tam seemed a little closer than usual though." Fitz said.
Keefe scoffed.
"Oh shut up." Keefe said.
"Biana wouldn't-"

"Oh, hey Keefe! Fitz!"
Keefe and Fitz looked over to see Tam, Linh and Biana sat at a table.
Tam and Biana were sat close to each other and Linh was across from them.
Linh was waving the two over.
Fitz and Keefe went over to the table. Fitz sat beside Biana and Keefe slid over next to Linh.

Keefe looked at Biana and Tam.
"You two are... close." Keefe said.
Biana smiled at Keefe and Keefe stared at Biana.
"Yeah? Well, it makes sense doesn't it?" Biana questioned.
"Since I wrote Tam the letters."
Biana kissed Tam's cheek before she rested her head on Tam's shoulder.
Tam bit his inner cheek and he looked at Biana, his hand in Biana's.

Keefe raised his eyebrows.
"Oh?" Keefe said, looking at Biana.
"I didn't even... realize you had feelings for Tam."
"Yeah, Biana you never mentioned liking Tam before-" Fitz began.
"I don't tell you guys everything." Biana said.

Fitz looked at Keefe and could see how his emotions were written all over his face.
"Relax, Keefe. She's probably doing this on purpose." Fitz had transmitted to the blonde.
Keefe clicked his tongue and he looked at Fitz. Fitz raised his eyebrows at Keefe.
Keefe then sighed and smiled at Biana and Tam.

"Cute, you guys make a cute couple." Keefe said.
"Don't they?" Linh questioned, looking at Keefe.
"Thank you." Biana smiled at Keefe.
"Thanks..." Tam said, feeling a little awkward now.
Tam didn't understand, why did Keefe seem to not be in his usual upbeat mood?

"So, when did this all begin?" Keefe questioned, shuffling in his seat as he leaned in a little closer.
Keefe stared at Tam and Biana. More specifically Biana.
"This morning." Biana smiled.
"Uh, Tam came up to me after he read the letter he got this morning from me."

"Any like... gifts?" Keefe asked.
"A drawing." Biana said.
Keefe froze and Biana smiled.
Fitz noticed how Keefe looked.
Keefe looked... defeated.
Keefe sat up straight and fiddled with his cape.
"Mmh. Didn't know you could draw." Keefe mumbled.
Biana felt a twinge of guilt but she didn't let it affect her.

"Yeah, it was actually pretty good." Linh said.
"I mean, Tam, you were in love with the drawing, weren't you?"
Keefe looked at Tam.
Tam nodded and he looked at Biana, smiling at her.
"Yeah, it was... really good. Really detailed." Tam said.
Keefe noticed a strange glint in Tam's eyes and he felt something rise in his chest.

Fitz kept his eyes on Keefe, seeing how he stared at Tam.
"Yeah, well I had to capture your handsomeness, didn't I?" Biana questioned, smiling at Tam, bringing her hand up to gently caress his cheek.
Tam bit his lower lip, smiling slightly.
Keefe looked away, his knee bouncing up and down as he covered his lips with the palm of his hand.

Fitz furrowed his eyebrows at Keefe.
As he stared at Keefe longer and longer, he began to realize what Keefe was feeling.

Keefe had acted this way when Fitz and Sophie sort of had a thing. Or whenever he and Sophie would looked at each other how Tam was looking at Biana at the moment.
The one emotion Keefe was feeling, and Fitz could recognize it from having to deal with it all his life...

Keefe was jealous.

Which meant one thing.

Keefe had feelings for Tam Song.


Word count: 1151

A/N: I felt really weird writing Biana trying to be flirty with Tam-
Reading it back is also making me cringe ahshdsgs

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