Chapter 49

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Both Linh and Tam were sat in Magnate Leto's office.
Of course, their biological parents weren't there but Tiergan was there, as he was their guardian.

Tam's leg was shaking and he kept biting his lower lip, his anxiety was going crazy. That pit in his stomach was worse than usual. Linh was sort of nervous too, she kept fiddling with the ends of her hair as she tapped her feet against the floor.
Tiergan watched as the twins were acting all nervous and clearly worried about their exam, whether they had passed or not.

"You two are going to be fine." Tiergan said, looking at the two of them.
"You both are intelligent and, remember, Keefe passed his exam which means it's very likely you'll have passed to."
"Thanks Tiergan but...I feel like some of the questions on that exam were stupid and-" Tam began.
"Glad to know you think that, Mr Song."
Tam tensed up as Magnate Leto made his way over towards the desk.

Magnate Leto took a seat across from Tiergan, Linh and Tam with the papers and results in his hands.
"I only meant that-"Tam began.
"I know, I know." Magnate Leto smiled at Tam.
"It's the stress that made it feel like none of it made sense."
"Ah, so...Tam and Linh passed, right?" Tiergan asked.
"Straight into it, huh?" Magnate Leto mumbled.

"Yes, Tam and Linh passed. Their results were as I expected them to be."
Magnate Leto set down the papers on the desk in front of the three of them.
Tam quickly snatched his paper and Linh delicately took hers.
Tam looked at his score and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh, thank god..." Tam mumbled, running his fingers through his hair.
Linh smiled at her results and handed Tiergan her paper.
Tiergan gently took Tam's paper and he glanced between the two papers.

"Ah, I'm glad that they passed their exams." Tiergan said, placing the papers down on the desk.
"I didn't have any doubt that they would."
Tiergan smiled at Magnate Leto and Magnate Leto smiled back.
"Well, I think that's all. I hope you two work hard during your Elite levels and will have no distractions from your studies." Magnate Leto said, looking at Tam and Linh.
The two of them nodded as they got up from their seats.
"Thank you, Sir." Linh said.
"Yes, thank you." Tiergan said as he got up from his seat.

Tam, Linh and Tiergan made their way out of Magnate Leto's office.
"So, what do we think about baking a cake to celebrate?" Tiergan asked, looking at the Song twins.
Linh and Tam shared a look and they smiled at Tiergan.
"Oh hell yeah!" Linh exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm down to make some cake." Tam nodded.
"Great, we can invite your partners over as well, tell them the good news." Tiergan said, resting his hands on both of their shoulders.


"Woah, I didn't know you two were like official!" Keefe exclaimed, his arm wrapped around Tam's as they were sat on the couch.
Linh and Marella were sat on the ground, still eating their slices of cake.
"Mmh, well yeah!" Linh exclaimed.
"It happened a little while ago, since we've been sort of acting like a couple anyways!" 
"Yeah, and I decided to get my list a little while ago and Linh was the third name on my list." Marella said, looking at Keefe.

"Man, why didn't you tell me?" Keefe frowned at Tam.
Tam furrowed his eyebrows at Keefe.
"Well, because I didn't think it mattered that Linh and Marella were dating?" Tam shrugged.
"At least to you?"
"Well, I care about my future sister-in-law!" Keefe exclaimed.
Tam's cheeks turned red and Linh laughed.

"Hah! I have more than enough brother figures in my life, Keefe. Plus, I can take care of myself!" Linh exclaimed.
"Yeah, Linh can take care of herself. Plus we would never dream of hurting one another." Marella said, looking at Linh and giving her a grin.
Linh smiled at Marella and quickly reached over, pecking her cheek.
"Yeah, never."

Tam made fake gagging noises.
"Oh my god, Tam I am gonna murder you!"
"Linh, nooo! I need to marry him for the benefits!"


Word count: 658

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