New Responsibilities

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George was happy to see Roxanne behaving like herself again,although she did still keep to herself during training,she had agreed to spend time with them again. During this training session however,Jason approached him.
"Hey doc,you need something?"
"Yeah,where's Roxanne at,there's some guys at my office that need to talk to her."
"I think down at the beach shore."
"Thanks,by the way,keep your stance a little more solid."
"Will do."
Jason wandered off to go find her,while George continued his sparring moves.

Roxanne meanwhile,was practicing attacks on a mannequin. Right hooks,left hooks,uppercuts,and takedowns of every shape and size.
She was about to try to her dive tackle but was interrupted by Jason.
"Roxanne,if you would please give that dummy a break for a moment,I need to speak with you about something."
"Yeah sure whatever,is this about my blood pressure or something?"
"No,but please come with me back to my office, Dr Glenn Young will explain it to you."
Roxanne could've sworn she'd heard the name Young before,but where?
A few minutes later,she sat in a chair next to Dr Glenn,just across from Jason.
"Dr. Glenn,please explain to Lieutenant Phoenix why she's here."
Glenn turned his attention to Roxanne.
"Young lady,have you ever heard of the Bloodline Project?"
She'd skimmed a report of it once,but she didn't recall much.
"I've heard Very little,what's it about?"
"The Bloodline Project was an experiment on human blood,their DNA specifically. We surmised we could create life on two blood samples alone,a male blood and a female blood."
"What's this got to do with me?"
"Three years ago,during a regular checkup,your blood was sent to our labs to become part of this experiment. Your blood was combined with another's to become the first successful attempt to create a person from blood alone."
"I see,so why are you here telling me about it?"
"You see,our labs also discovered a way to age them at an extreme rate,but we can only age them up to about twelve years old. You see,we don't want the lab to be the environment he's raise in,and we cannot contact the father. It's best that you take the child in as you are his biological mother."
"...I'm sorry,what?"

"We're asking you to take care of this child until he is an adult."
"Sir with all due respect,do I look like a good mother? And how can it be that you can't get in contact with the father?"
"I believe you'll do fine,one thing about him is that he's far more intelligent than any normal twelve year old boy. But we cannot find anything on the father's current location."
"This is an experiment,yet you refer to us as his mother and father?"
"It's still a person,a child,who can feel the same way you and I do."
Dr. Schneider interrupted the conversation.
"If I may be so bold,who is the child's father?"
"I believe his name was Michael Thorton."
If it wasn't for the fact that she was sitting up,Roxanne probably would've passed out on the floor.
"Are you serious?!"
"Quite serious,Mr. Schneider."
"The reason you can't get a hold of him is because he was dishonorably discharged two years ago for being involved in a group of mercenaries."
"Oh my."
Roxanne now knew her world would get rocked if anyone found out about this child.
A child of both a loyal soldier,and a ruthless mercenary.
But she couldn't just send the kid off not knowing at least one of his parents,could she?
"Ms. Phoenix,will you or will you not take the child?"
She thought about it for a while. While the possibility of her reputation being destroyed and a possible discharge from the military was strong,it was a child who needed someone to care for him.
She remembered how neglected she felt in her own home.
She couldn't imagine placing that kind of feeling on an innocent kid.
"I'll take him."

Roxanne sat outside the room,waiting to meet the kid. Jason swore he'd do anything he could to help her stay in the CCMD.
After what felt like years,the door opened and the young boy stood in front of her.
She had to admit,he looked more like her than he looked like Michael.
But she could see it in his eyes,he still carried the blood of the Thorton.
The kid stared at her for a long time.
"I thought you'd be prettier."
Well,he's definitely my kid.
"Sorry to disappoint kiddo,this is the best you've got."
The kid snickered a little.
"You have name yet?"
"They kinda just called me Arlo back at that science facility. I think it's because it means between two mountains."
Kid is smart,gotta give him that.

"Arlo,I like that name,that's a very nice name. Do you know mine yet?"
"Roxanne,but I'd prefer to call you mother,is that ok?"
Very polite.
"Yes,you may call me mother or mom."
"I've heard a lot of weird things about my dad,what's a mercenary?"
"Don't worry about what people say about your dad. It will probably be a long time before you meet him."
Arlo seemed disappointed.
"Tell you what,come with me and I'll see about fixing up a bed for you in my complex."
Arlo had a blast exploring the island,it was the first place he had seen outside the laboratory.
They went do to spyglasses to find a bed frame. They came across a really nice one that almost matched Roxanne's,but twin sized.
She bought it and hauled it back on the jeep to the Delta Barracks.
Then she remembered she was on the fourth floor. She called for Jonas,Aaron,Robert,and George to help her out.
"Is that kid?!"
"Roxanne,you have some serious explaining to do."
"Honestly he kinda looks like you Roxanne."
Great,now I have to explain what a kid is doing on base,and why he's with me.
Roxanne went through the whole story start to finish,minus how the kid was also Michael's.
"Congratulations Banshee,you're now neck deep in responsibility,Huh?"
Jonas,one day I will slap that smug expression right off your face.
"Yes I guess so,now help move this bed frame upstairs."
After a grueling two hours of putting the frame together it was finally done. She moved some furniture around to make some room for it,and happily placed a mattress and sheets onto it.
Arlo jumped on it instantly,rolling around without a care.
Guess there's just some things built right into a child's brain.

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