A Moment of Peace

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"Carson City is surprisingly boring."
They had been in town for three days now,and Aaron was already critical.
Roxanne stared at him. "There are a ton of museums and stuff here."
"Banshee,not all of us are mentally in their forties." Robert responded.
"Museums are fun! You guys are just lame."
George snickered to himself. "Sorry Roxie,but I'll have to agree with the others,you're kinda sounding like an old person."
"Not you too..." Roxanne started,before being interrupted by Jonas.
"Let's get back on track here,we have an idea of where the meeting between Rigel,Fowler,and the foreign spy will be at."
"Wait,we do,why wasn't I told?!" Roxanne growled.
"Because you were asleep when I got the call over the radio."
"They're meeting up in an old abandoned mining town,named Gold Point,tomorrow at 4:00 PM."
"How far?" Robert asked.
"It's a four hour trip. We leave early tomorrow to get a scope of the area."
"Man,I didn't get nearly enough last night." George complained.
Aaron rolled his eyes, "I offered you to sleep in the bed,but noooooo,you wanted to sleep in the frickin bathtub."
Veronica gave George a concerned side eye. "You slept in the tub?"
Roxanne couldn't help but let out a short laugh. "What in the world made you do something that crazy?"
"I only slept in the tub because Jonas wouldn't have had a place to sleep."
"Uh huh."

"The Phantoms are back on our trail."
"Just like Vic said they would."
Fowler and Rigel played cards in a dark tunnel of an old gold mine.
"So,what does he suggest? It'd be nice if he'd stop sitting around moping about his stupid leg and help us."
"Easy,Fowl,we're getting paid to do his dirty work if you've forgotten. Either way,it's better without that moron and his army. I'd rather have the Liberos after us than the whole freakin world."
"Fair point. But still what are we supposed to do?"
"I don't know,he's supposed to-."
"Rigel,Fowler,come in. This is Victor."
"Speak of the devil-." Rigel stood up from the small table they had set up. He strode over to the radio that had been set up as their source of communications.
"This is Rigel,I assume you got me message?"
"Yes,I did."
"What's our course of action?"
"Continue with the meeting,the money is too much to pass up."
"And the vexations?"
"Deal with them however. If you have to,kill them."
"Of course."

Aaron wandered the halls of the hotel,he wasn't sure what to really do.
Sleep wasn't an option,so he decided to head for the pool.
Luckily,it was open 24 hours.
He sat by,taking in the smell of chlorine and watching the water.
"Can't sleep? Me neither."
He jumped,but looked up and saw Robert standing over him.
"Yeah,I've been having some problems."
"The nightmares coming back?"
Aaron snapped his head back up to Robert,
How did he know about those?
"Wha-,how did you-,I've never told anyone about those."
"Didn't need to,the bags under your eyes,the nights you've been spending wandering the halls,and especially how you talk in your sleep."
Aaron lowered his head to the floor.
"Yeah,yeah they have been."
"You don't have to tell me about them,but if it helps I'm willing to listen."
"I don't really think you'd like to hear about my terrible family life."
"I know a thing or two about terrible family."
Robert sat down next to Aaron and just stared at him,waiting to see whether he was willing to open up.
"I've been having nightmares about my dad."
"Killian right? The one who was abusing his power?"
Aaron just laid his hands in his face. "You're not helping a lot."
"I just feel like everyone subconsciously blames me for what happened. Especially Jonas."
"Jonas thinks very highly of you."
Aaron looked up from the floor and over to Robert.
"He..he does?"
"Very much so. He talks about how we wouldn't be able to get half the intel we do without you."
"Well-I,anyone can do that."
"Not the way you do. Take it from me,we wouldn't be the Erronei Liberos without you. You're just as important as the rest of us."
He stood up and wandered out of the room.
Aaron watched him leave and stared at his reflection in the water.
"I think the world of you."
The words resonated in his mind.
"Your my son,nothing changes that,"
He tried to block out his fathers words.
He began thinking about all of his friends. George,Robert,Roxanne,Veronica.
"We're your family."
For the first time,in a long time,a smile found its way across his face.
Eventually he realized how tired he was.
He wandered back to his room,and collapsed on the bed.

"Been a while since we've had a mission his vague."
Jonas and George sat together on the terrace.
George looked over to where Jonas sat.
"Boy what a riveting conversation."
"Sorry,but what was I supposed to say?"
"I was hoping for you to state your opinion on this whole shebang."
"Ahhh,I see now. Well I think that this is the most confusing brief I've ever read."
He slapped a a file onto the side table.
"That bad?"
"That bad."
"At least we know what we're after."
"Yeah,only because Richard had to tell us straight up."
"Because that's his job?"
"You know what I meant."
Jonas stared out at the lights of the city. Heaving a frustrated sigh,he picked the file back up and paged through it again.
"So what about you,how do you feel about this one?"
He handed the file to George and waited for him to page through it.
After a long period of rustling paper,he passed it back to Jonas.
"I'm even more confused than before. Man what are we even doing?"
"I can't believe they can't even tell us who the agent is working for. At least give us their nationality or something."
"I know. I'm worried about the rest of the team."
"And by the rest of the team I assume you mean-."
"Aaron and Roxie. This is personal for the both of them."
"Yeah,Rigel and Fowler were once in cahoots with the gang that forced him here in the first place."
"I had no idea."
"Yeah,he didn't either until the other day,it causing his guilt to resurface and I'm concerned it will throw him off his game. I don't want him to get hurt."
"And you're concerned Roxanne will let her personal grudge against the both of them affect her performance,right?"
"Don't be worried about either of them. They don't let down their teammates. Aaron has a heart of gold,and would rather endure an arm being ripped off then letting his emotions get in the way of a mission. Roxanne knows better than to charge into something without thinking."
"Yeah I guess you're right."
"I always am."
"Oh you pretentious-."
"No name calling,I'm your superior officer."
"Ok,but be honest,you aren't worried about how this is gonna go?"
"Of course I'm worried,I worry about how I might mess things up."
"Yes,me,I'm the example,so when the example messes up,the domino effect would be devastating."
"You haven't failed us yet. Even if you did,you've shown us how to go on after failure."
Jonas smiled.
"If anything ever happened to me,I see that the Liberos will survive,and be left in good hands."

Injustice Dies In Daylight: The Complete Saga Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang