Willow's Grove Grovel

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Outside looked a lot better from behind barred windows.Roxanne sat in this small cell for six months. Slowly losing sense of what life was like before. The doctors didn't understand why she was there,she wasn't crazy,she wasn't mentally ill. But here she was,with a murder charge over her head and possible life in this dump. She wondered if anyone had found that document,maybe it was just hopeful wishing.
The rooms were small and round,her bed sat right in the center of the room. The windows were high and let in little sunlight.
The food here made the Cedar's Cay infirmary food sound edible. Roxanne sat sulking in anger. She was sick of this place,and ready to get out at any cost. Her head ached from the electroshock therapy they had tried. She was glad it didn't work. She didn't want to forget her friends or family. She hoped no one had thrown out her stuff. They hadn't allowed her to keep anything,not even the picture of her dad she used to keep on her person at all times. If dad saw me right now,I couldn't imagine the disappointment. And mom-. She buried her head into her hands,mom probably wondered why she hadn't written.
If they ever found out,Roxanne would probably be shunned by the family.
If I already wasn't before.

Cedar's Cay
Aaron and George sat in the old lighthouse,waiting patiently for the others. "Do you think they found anything?" George said half to himself half to Aaron. "I hope so,this is our only shot at this. Maybe the Colonel will listen and make proposal if Veronica believes in it too." It had only been 8 weeks since Major Windsor had taken over,a month earlier than his intended arrival. George almost responded but by that time Veronica and Robert came busting down the door. "We found something!" Aaron and George leaned in desperate for anything. "So we were snooping and we found some papers in a hidden compartment in one of the desks. As we were about to leave we had to hide because Michael came in." Aaron looked somewhat surprised,he hadn't seen much of his older brother since the court day. "Well what happened?" Aaron was dying to know if they got caught or not. "Well he didn't spot us,but weirdly enough he went for the secret compartment that we found." "Well what happened" George had been sitting super quietly all this time. "He began to get really frustrated,so much so that when he slammed the desk shut,it broke." "Yikes." "Well that's water under the bridge,what's important is the documents." Robert produced a stack of official looking documents from his coat. Slapping them down onto a table in the center of the lighthouse. Everyone took their own papers and flipped through them. "Hey look here,at this one."  They all gathered around Robert to look at this particular page. Need money to Cover up Bow's Gorge Incident,Cannot allow Him to tell what happened." George sat there in shock "It wasn't an accident." Aaron felt a knock growing in his throat. He knew that he'd see some ugly things about Killian,but this was making it far worse than he imagined. "Ok we'll that's something but it's not good enough. Keep looking." After about five minutes of reading Veronica found something else. She Survived. Need better strategy,poison? Or stage an attack? "This is it! Maybe we can prove that he was the one who attacked that night and not the other way around!" "Ok now we definitely have to turn this over to dad- I mean Major Windsor." Veronica blushed,it had been a while since she'd seen him,it was hard to address him by his rank.
Outside Michael sat listening.
"Maybe just maybe there's more to this,maybe someone else was involved?" Robert pointed out. "Who else could be-"  "Michael." Everyone turned to Aaron who sat there with a dark expression. "What? Why would he want to help Killian do this? They were friends,weren't they?" Aaron looked up "Probably not by his own choice,he was scared of dad,just like I was. Ask Jonas,we all know what was going on behind those doors. He had both of them scared within a month,imagine how we felt living with him all our lives. I stayed away from dad and tried to find a different way in the world. Even Burren fled the moment he turned 18. Michael didn't. He wanted dad's adoration more than anyone else. He was the only parent he knew."

Michael knew it was over. The papers were found,Aaron was ready to start talking,and Jonas was sure to follow. He fled back to base to gather his things just in case. He didn't want any of this,but if wasn't for Roxanne maybe Killian would still be alive. He couldn't forgive her for that. Besides she was perfectly safe where she was,he had made sure she went there himself. Before he made it to the the Echo building however,he stopped. Maybe the Major won't do anything,this is just some papers and a wish. Instead of running he calmly walked into the building. But inside he felt guilty. She had been kind to him,even as obnoxious as she could get with her rambling. Maybe deep down he felt noticed when she was around. He pushed the thoughts back down. He didn't want to feel that way. He couldn't.

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