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On a street corner in the small country of Estonia, Roxanne and Jonas stood awaiting the New Ordinance recruiters.
"This is ridiculous. We've been waiting for two hours."
"Patience Cassandra, they have to come to us, we can't contact them, remember that."
"Yeah yeah I know. Still bites that we could be here all night."
"If we have to wait that long, we will but- wait, here he comes."
Roxanne looked to the direction that Jonas was turned towards.
Sure enough, the man whom they had been given a photo of was headed right to them. If he asked them the question, they'd know for sure.
He stopped and stood next to Jonas.
He spoke to him in Estonian, which the duo could roughly translate.
"Excuse me sir, but do you know the time?"
This was it.
"Too late for breakfast, too early for lunch."
Jonas responded in Estonian.
The man visibly relaxed and began to speak in English.
"You are Pierce Carter and Cassandra Carter?"
"Yes, you are the recruitment agent?"
"I am. We received your papers and identifications yesterday."
Roxanne held her breath, hoping that they would let them join up.
"What is the General's decision?"
"Your biographies are excellent for our cause, you will be brought to our base tomorrow. The airstrip near here is where you will be picked up, at midnight tonight."
Jonas nodded.
"Of course, anything to bring about the new world order." Jonas tried not to grit his teeth as he said it, wishing nothing more than to end the traitorous man in front of him.
The man lit a cigarette and walked away.
Roxanne and Jonas stopped of the curb and walked the opposite direction that the man had went.
"I guess the Ordinance doesn't believe in a good nights rest. Based on my understanding, we'll be at the base at around 4:00 AM at the latest."
"You drink seven energy drinks every week. I know for a fact that you have a bad case of insomnia, so don't even try and lie." Jonas responded.
"....point taken. I'm working on cases most of those nights, I need that stuff."
He stopped and turned around, pointing a finger in her face.
"You are putting way too much stress on your body and your mind. Not to mention how you feel ok with lying to me and George's face."
"Lying to your face?!"
"Richard told me about the other night, you should have told us instead of lying and saying you were mugged." He sighed as turned back around as the entered the hotel they were staying at.
Roxanne stayed silent until they had entered the hotel room.
"I didn't want to-"
"Tell me? Because he's my half brother? I want to put him on trial, make him pay for his crimes. But I can't do that if you are keeping the hints about him from me."
"I didn't want to put pressure on either of you! You and George have been working so hard to find the Deserter's League and the New Ordinance. You know why he doesn't go after you."
Jonas sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Tell me why. Why does it seem that the Ordinance, and Rigel and Fowler get a kick out of threatening or trying to convert you?"
She sat there thinking for a moment.
"I'm the easiest one to exploit. Let's be honest here, there are too many cracks in my armor not to notice. I'm volatile, I'm messed up. And, whether I'd like to admit it or not, being one of the only active female captains puts another target on my back. It's easier to take me down with surprise than you. Now if I was prepared I'd probably be alright, at max I could take maybe three men on at once; and that's without a weapon."
"Ok Ok I get it, physicality and personality are the main reasons. And I'm sure Rigel hasn't forgotten how he got taken down by George. What about Aaron? Or Veronica? Shouldn't they be easy to get to?"
"I've thought about that too. Veronica is a medic so not much to get from there. Aaron isn't on the field with us as much, and he's the lowest rank in the Phantoms. Truth be told their main targets realistically would be you, me, and George. Roberts the best physically out of all of us with you and George close behind him. You're the head of the operations, so you know most of the next moves and missions before even I do."
"While that is true, you and I have done extensive training together, you may not be top dog or even second, but you're still able bodied. Actually you're more nimble than the rest of us. You don't have as much bulk as the rest of us, which is a net positive in a lot of ways. The reason you were ranked second or equal to me in the Phantoms is because while you tend to fly off the handle, it's not very often that your plans have failed. Most mission losses are flukes info. However I don't think you could lead the team alone, while you're good offense, we need a defensive player too."
Roxanne nodded.
"Yeah I don't think we would have as many wins under our belt if I was the lone one in charge. You think things through much more than I do. Honestly I think the only positive I have is my offensive qualities. I still need a lot more experience and teaching."
Jonas just shook his head.
"Captain James said you had a lot of untapped potential. Let's hope he was right."
"Alright alright. I'm going to go get some sleep before midnight. What time will we have to get out of here?"
"10:30 PM at the latest. I'm going to get some rest too. So get out."
Roxanne rolled her eyes and walked back to her hotel room three doors down.

George just sighed as he made his way back to the barracks. It was well past 10:00 PM, and everyone else had gone to bed hours earlier. Picking up the slack left behind by the two Captains wasn't easy, at all. He decided to change course and head to the ruined town pathway first for a late night walk. The wind whipped the trees as he trodded down the dark path. Though he couldn't see, he still knew the path by heart.
The noise of the trees bending and whipping drowned out the second set of footsteps following close behind.
He made it all the way to the edge of the island. He stood on the line where the grass turned to sandy beaches, separating the beach, sea, and land. He exhaled a sigh of exhaustion, as a wisp of his breath materialized in the cold air of November.
He turned to head back, only to be stopped by the end of a gun barrel.
He stared at the man pointing the pistol to the bridge of his nose.
"Lieutenant George Costello, been a long time. Last time it was the other way around right? A gun aimed at my face?"
"Rigel Sidon, bold of you to show up here. What do you want?" George responded angrily through gritted teeth.
"I can already tell you're going to be even harder to deal with than my brother."
George's face contorted into a snarled expression.
"You and Jonas may be blood related. But you aren't brothers. You aren't half the man he is."
"HES A COWARD! A LIAR, he can't even face me without hiding behind the Phantoms. Always sending Captain Phoenix to face us!"
"Keep her name out of your mouth."
George snapped.
Rigel responded with laughter.
"Did I touch a nerve, pretty boy? Maybe if she survives her trip to Belarus she'll finally confess to you about her shady behavior."
"The only shady behavior around here is you and Fowler breaking into private government properties to harass contracted men and women."
Rigel still cackled like a raven.
"I'll have to pay Jonas another visit. I haven't seen him since Nevada."
George's anger increased.
"If you do any harm to any of my friends. I'll find you Rigel. I'll find you deal a punishment worse than death, even if I have to chase you all the way to Hell. That's a promise."
Rigel's face went back to serious again.
"Oh I know you would, Lieutenant. Rest assured I have no intention to, I still need both of them for the time being."
"Tell me. What have you come all the way out here to threaten me for?"
"Simple. Stay out of my way. You seems like a good kid and other than tackle me you haven't been an issue, so I really don't want to kill you. My business is it's your captains, and maybe if we can find a more amicable way to solve it, they might just keep their lives."
"Your business? I thought you and Fowler were working for Sebastian?"
"Not anymore punk. The two of us have struck out alone. Our working title is Snake Eyes, for now. Victor has chosen to stay with The Ordinance."
"Should a war break out, who's side are you one?"
"Neither one. They both can kill each other however they want, I'm only interested when it benefits me."
George snorted.
"You, fending only for yourself? How surprising."
"Doesn't matter. I don't want anymore association withThe Ordinance, so try and pass it along will ya?"
He backed away, still holding the gun.
"See you around. And stay out of trouble."
George watched him disappear into the darkness.
Calmly, he walked up to one of the cedar trees and punched it at full force. He ignored the searing pain of his now broken and bleeding knuckles.
"Oh yes. I'll see you again soon Rigel, I promise you that."

Roxanne opened the door to her hotel room, only to find the light had been switched off.
She flicked it back on and noticed her things had Ben moved to a far corner of the room.
"Come on..." she assumed room service had been messing with her stuff. She walked over and kneeled to her bags, checking to see if anything had been taken. She dug through her duffel bag.
"Where is my-"
A gun cocked behind her and she slowly stood back up. She turned around and saw Fowler holding a gun at her while holding her stolen Glock.
This time instead of fear she felt aggravated.
"You again?"
"Sit down."
She turned and tossed the duffel bag out of the chair, crossing her legs as she sat down.
"What do you want this time? It's been less than a week Fowler."
"Your arrogance is unmatched Commander. You haven't done anything we requested. I could kill you right now if I wanted to, you are alone and in a foreign country. Jonas wouldn't make it in here fast enough to save you."
Roxanne sat up with a defiant glare.
"Then what are you here for?"
"Give a message to Jonas. Sidon wants to meet with him, four months from now. He has a proposition for both of you."
Roxanne narrowed her eyes.
"I can already tell you we both have to say."
"I will be back in four months for your answer."
Without another word, and in one swift motion, he knocked Roxanne out with butt of his gun. He tossed her gun on the side table. Picking her up off the floor, he left her on the bed, shutting off the light on his way out.

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