A Cruel Twist

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"Roxanne,is something wrong?"
Roxanne stood frozen,pale as a ghost. If she told him who they were,there's a major possibility he wouldn't believe her. After all,no pictures of either of them were ever seen. Not only that,her proof involved her illegal activity that night.
"No sir,nothing,they're just quite intimidating." She tried to make a fake laugh but it was obvious she was extremely worried.
Richard didn't seem to notice and instead told them of their job.
Bad situations always end up worse for me,don't they?
"Now if there are no further questions,Roxanne please give them a walk through of the island."
Rigel spoke up, "I'd love to see the forest,it reminds me of my home."
Roxanne picked up what the were up to,if they both got her in the Grievers wood alone,who knows what might happen.
"Well,I'm sure the sergeant would love to show you Grievers Wood."
Roxanne had to think fast. "Well sir if you don't mind,I'd like to take my radio and tracker on me,I get so turned around in those woods at times,that I end up traveling the paths in a circle."
She could feel Fowler staring daggers into her.
"Well I don't see why not. Be sure to be back here by 6:00 PM."
"Yes sir."
Roxanne led the way to the forest paths,with Rigel and Fowler tailing close behind.
As they got down the trail Fowler stopped her from walking ahead.
"Walk between us. We're supposed to be your body guards." Roxanne could almost taste the sarcasm in that last line.
She tried to ignore him,but she felt Rigel's hands grasp her shoulders and pull her back in between them.
"I don't know what you think you're up to,but you aren't going to get the chance to try it." She tried to sound tough but in truth she was the one in real trouble. To her dismay Rigel just smiled and kept his gaze forward.he didn't let go of her shoulder either.
"Oh Sergeant,I really don't know what you mean by that. We're just your watchmen,that's all we're up to."
He finally let go of her should but now his hand was messing with the strands of hair on the side of her face. Even though Rigel and Fowler weren't much taller than her,Rigel maybe at 6'3 at the most and Fowler at 6'2,she still felt trapped. She reached for her radio to tell them they were coming back,only to realize it was gone.
Fowler held it in his hands tauntingly.
"We're not ready to head back yet,we'd like to get to know you first. After all it's only 4:30,we've still got an hour and half."
Roxanne had never wanted to punch someone so much in her life. Rigel and Fowler made sure she kept walking down to where the ruined town was.

George sat bored in his room,it seemed everyone wanted to talk about the guard situation. Roxanne had met hers but hadn't been back to the Delta Barracks yet. He had seen Felix and Rhett but didn't really like the way they looked. They looked more seedy than the other PMC,Orion. They certainly weren't friendly. Aaron had spoken to them once and they didn't seem interested in making friends. Or being friendly in general. Who knows,maybe they liked were friendly with Roxanne.
He still felt off about them,it just seemed wrong.

Roxanne sat in the lighthouse,while Rigel watched her. Fowler had went to the top to get a signal,probably trying to contact their boss. They couldn't get her off the island without the tracker alerting security. But oddly enough,she didn't think that was their plan. In reality,she was a hostage without anyone else knowing. She was getting even more aggravated with how touchy Rigel was. If he wasn't messing with her hair he had his hands on her shoulders. She just wanted to get back to base.
Then it hit her.
These guys were going to be following her everywhere.
Thinking about it made her shoulders tense up.
Rigel must have noticed,because she felt his thumbs rub her shoulder blades like a massage.
"If it helps,we haven't been paid to kill you,just,keep and eye on you for while."
Before she could ask why Fowler returned.
"We gotta head back,it's almost 6:00."
During the walk back Rigel seemed less concerned about Roxanne walking ahead. Not like it mattered,he'd be following her around everywhere. And who knows how long they'd be around. Hopefully not long at all.
When they made it back to the cafe,Rigel went back to standing ridiculously close. Fowler didn't seem too concerned about being around her 24/7.
She was even more annoyed when they didn't allow her to sit with her friends,instead at a separate table away from the others.
She was annoyed and really wanted to talk with Veronica,so she pulled an old trick Veronica had taught her when she wanted to talk to her. Moving quickly she spilled a drink all over herself,and left for the bathroom signaling to Veronica,Helen,and Heather to follow her.

"That's the whole story,promise not to tell anyone yet?"
"Our lips are sealed tighter than Willie Nelson's Headband." Helen loved making really ridiculous comparisons.
"How do you even know who that is?"
"Point is,we won't tell,but we will be keeping an eye on those phony body guards." Veronica responded.
"Thanks guys. I'm sorry for the way I've been behaving recently,I thought I could get this figured out by myself,but now I'm in even more hot water than when I started out."
"Yeah you were pretty nasty."
"No it's ok,she's right. I was,And I'm going to make it up to all of you,including the guys."
"We'd better pass this along to the guys too,about the phony guards. The more eyes on them,the better."
Veronica swore to tell George and Robert,and Helen said she'd pass it on to Aaron.
Roxanne finally found the courage to walk back out,and sit right in between Rigel and Fowler again.
"That was a nasty trick,I thought a soldier would be more honest than that. I don't know what you told them,but no one will believe you. We've got allies in high places to bail us out."
"Rigel,shut up,you're like a villain monologuing,you know what happens when the villain monologues? They get caught."
"You worry too much."

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