The Howling Phantoms

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Mandated therapy was finally over.
Roxanne sat out in a field,under a tall oak,watching the branches reach for the sky. They bent and swayed in the wind,for a moment she relished in the serenity where only the birds chirped,and the breeze kept her cool.
She instinctively pulled her knife,only to look up and see George's cool blue eyes meet hers.
"Mind if I join you?"
"Doing nothing? No I don't mind at all."
He eased down next to where she was laying.
The both relaxed in each others company.
She rested with her left hand on her chest and her right on the ground,while George's hands rested in the reverse order.
As she rested,she felt his hand slip over top of hers,squeezing it gently.
She pulled away slightly.
He noticed.
"I'm sorry,that was unexpected wasn't it?"
"I apologize, I'm not quite comfortable with physical affection right now."
"I understand."
She felt awkward saying that; he hadn't done anything,and she knew how he felt.
But she was questioning if she felt the same way. She did love him,but part of her heart still rested with Michael.
It wasn't fair to George,he deserved her whole heart,but he couldn't have that yet.
I just need some time to figure everything out.
"I do love you,but things just are aligned yet for us."
"I'll wait as long as I need to."
I don't deserve him.
"I hope you won't have to wait that long,you really deserve someone with their head on straight."
"Finding someone like that in the military is like looking for a teenager at a nursing home."
"Smart aleck."
"Units Banshee,Wendigo,Rose,Víbora,Ace,and Taurus report to Captain James Mcoy's office immediately."
"So much for peace and quiet."
"Wonder what it's about?" George mused.
"Don't know. Must be important though,we never get called in."

Everyone met in the hallway outside Captain Mcoy's office.
"Any of y'all know what this is about?"
Jonas shook his head. "No idea."
Veronica seemed the most confused. "I understand why you guys are here,but I'm a medic,what would he need me for?"
Roxanne shook her head, "Maybe he thinks we need a medic alongside us. It'd make sense."
"Do you have a guess why we're all here Eb?"
"First of all,do not call me Eb,I prefer Lt or Banshee,no silly nicknames. Second,I think it's because most the Howling Phantoms members have been lost. Branch and Ghoul were deployed and placed in California,Marc was killed,Gem is being discharged because of her cancer tomorrow,Spiff was already discharged earlier last year,and Cloud has been sent to New York. No one is left,and the Phantoms could lose their rep as a task force."
Jonas nodded "Makes sense,this could be our chance to move up."
Andrea,the secretary,stepped outside the office and beckoned for them to come in.
The office was nice and spacious,all eight people fit in the room without issue.
James sat behind the desk,but rose once they entered.
"Sorry I can't offer you a seat. But I must speak with all of you."
The air in the room was tense,with everyone on edge waiting for him to tell them what they were there for.
"You're all official members of the Howling Phantoms, You're no longer in The reserves."
Though Roxanne was excited,nothing could compare to joy on Aaron and Jonas' faces.
Jonas had worked hard to get here,she knew he deserved it.
"Now I want to let you know that there is one thing that may be different."
The excitement had now died down and they once again listened carefully to what he had to say.
"Each of you will have a role to fill on this team. Aaron,your skill in technology and analysis is important. You are our Computers and Technician."
Aaron was great with computers,Roxanne hadn't even known till she saw him working the D.A.C.R.A.I systems that confused even her.
"George you are one of the best at retrieving information on the field,and your strength is close to unmatched. You're our field agent."
George bristled with pride.
"Veronica,you're one of our best medics,we'll need you."
"I am honored sir."
"Robert,your knowledge in demolition and navigation is necessary to us."
Roxanne agreed,Robert probably could make a bomb out of hairspray and stapler.
"Roxanne,you've got incredibly agility and stealth you've made some pretty unique and excellent plans. You're fast in your work."
Roxanne was embarrassed,there was a few things she be credited with,and she was glad they had landed her in the HP.
"Jonas,you have incredible skill in combat and strategy,you have incredible knowledge on vehicles of every kind. Your ability in leadership is something we will need."
Roxanne gazed at Jonas with a tinge of jealousy.
But her gaze was returned the James when he laid out six badges on the table.
The badges contained the Howling Phantoms insignia.
"These are your patches to attach to your clothes. I want to meet you all tomorrow morning to get everything sorted out. You're all dismissed,except Roxanne and Jonas,I'd like to speak with you both for a moment."
The others filed out as Roxanne and Jonas remained.
"Phoenix,Hill,I must discuss the leadership of the Howling Phantoms with you."
Roxanne and Jonas glanced at each other.
If he's not here,surely it would be Jonas to lead us,right?
"I won't always be there to lead the team. Normally it's up to the highest ranks. However,you two are the same rank,making things difficult for me."
Roxanne would love to be able to lead the Phantoms,but she knew she didn't have enough experience to do so.
"With all due respect sir,I believe the job should go to Lieutenant Hill."
Jonas glanced at her,seeming surprised she'd turn it down.
"Oh I was just going to suggest joint leadership,talk to each other and figure out a best course of option."
Before she could speak up  Jonas did.
"I agree sir,no one person should make all decisions. It is best to ask his allies of the same rank for a second opinion."
"Well spoken,it's true,not even I made all decisions alone."
Roxanne couldn't believe it,Jonas had just turned down full leadership of the Task Force. Why?
"Well now that we are in an agreement,I will see you both in the morning,dismissed."
They both saluted and left the room.
Halfway down the hallway,Jonas finally spoke.
"I'm sure you're wondering why I did that. Well it's simply because I wanted to prove you wrong. You thought you were being humble by turning it down,but you ended up looking selfish."
Roxanne felt like slamming her head against a wall. He loved one upping her every time.

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