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Jonas angrily paced to and fro in front of the doors to the medical ward.
"How was our intel this screwed? How did Fowler manage to slip by us so easily?"
George and Robert stood watching him. Aaron was in bed after over-stressing about the situation.
"A lot of information around here has been screwed with,especially with this team." George answered with a bitter tone in his voice.
Jonas turned to him angrily.
"What's THAT supposed to mean?!" Jonas snapped,turning his anger towards George.
"Seems we're not getting the facts straight from anyone." He wasn't backing down.
Robert knew this wasn't going to end well.
They both stopped and looked at him.
He looked angrily between the two of them.
"How about we focus on the real issue here,finding Fowler and making sure he doesn't about kill anyone else."
Jonas turned back to George.
"I'm sorry,listen I'll tell you about it some other time but we gotta focus on the current problem."
George relaxed a little,feeling sorry for his friend beyond the doors.
"Yeah. I'm sorry too,I shouldn't have snapped like that. I just worry about what Doctor Schneider's gotta say."
Jonas just shook his head.
"That woman has been through worse and came out fine. Don't worry about it,even though you want to."
Right on cue,the doors to the ward opened,and Dr. Jason Schneider walked out.
With him,no one could ever tell if news was good or not,he always carried a monotonous tone of voice.
All three winced waiting for the worst.
"You pick some pretty tough teammates. The kid has a slight concussion, a fractured rib, and a broken wrist, but she should be good to go in about a month."
"A MONTH?!" George about lost it right there in the hallway.
Jonas motioned for him to calm down.
But from where Robert stood,J looked a little worried too.
"Don't worry,we're requesting a marine who will take her place as an extra hand in the team from now on. Now as for a secondary Captain,Colonel Windsor has left that decision up to you,Captain Hill."
Jonas looked at George.
"Can I count on you?"
George smiled a slight smile.
"Of course."

Night gripped the island,shadows touching every corner with little light appearing anywhere. Through the shadows,unseen by anyone,a figure moved quickly towards the medical facility.
It stopped behind the building,pulling out small handheld computer.
The screen flashed a blueprint of the building,with a small red dot marking his destination. The third floor.
"I can't believe I'm doing this."

Roxanne slept silently. The clock on her wall read 2:00 AM.
The window latch shook a little and slowly opened.
A shadow tore from the shadows and climbed into the room. It glanced over to the bed,and moved to lock the door.
The noise of footsteps woke Roxanne up.
She lifted her head sleepily.
"Jason? Did you need something?"
The figure froze,realizing she couldn't see his face.
"Jason?" She asked again,groggily.
"Don't freak out."
She realized swiftly it wasn't Jason,and began hyperventilating.
The figure ran over and flicked on a light in a panic.
The light hit his face,and instead of fear Roxanne felt agitated.
Michael Thorton stood over top of her with one hand in the light,and the holding her wrist down.
"Don't scream."
"Wasn't planning on it." She tried to sit up,but immediately collapsed backwards from pain.
Michael stared at her face,decked out in bruises and cuts.
"Just lie still."
"What are you even doing here?"
He glanced towards the door,then back her.
"Who did this to you?"
She gasped for air as pain shot through her ribs again.
"Is that the only reason you're here?"
"Not exactly."
He shut his eyes,irritated.
"Just answer the question sunshine."
"Why do you need to know?"
"Because only I'm allowed to beat the snot out of you."
"You're a kidder you know that?"
"Don't toy with me right now. Who did it?" He snapped.
She turned her eyes away from his.
She muttered something under her breath.
He looked at her,confused.
She turned back and grabbed his shirt collar,pulling him close her face.
"Fowler,it was Fowler." She rasped in his ear.
She let go and he leaned back up.
She slammed her head backwards into the pillow,covering her face with her hands.
"I don't know! I was chasing a target,then when my back is turned he cleans my clock no problem!"
Suddenly Michael stiffened,
"He did while your back was turned?"
She looked at him through her fingers with a: Yes,that's what I just said,styled expression.
"You beat the snot out of me every other week,why is this such a pivotal issue to you?"
"Because when you and I fight,it's a mutual,unspoken agreement that we don't kick the other when we're down. It's a respect thing.
"Seriously?" She asked,deadpan.
"Don't look at me like I'm crazy right now. There's a strong difference between a mutual fight,versus straight up assault."
"Mike,they play dirty,and everyone knows it."
"I know." He finally got up and headed back for the window.
He turned back to where Roxanne was.
"Don't kill him."
"No promises." And with that,he disappeared back into the night.

Jonas sighed and turned to the irritating voice.
"Major Venn."
"Have you assembled your team?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. And Jonas-."
"Don't let your personal grudges get in the way."
Jonas could feel his eye nearly twitch,scum like Rigel and Fowler deserved the worse.
"Understood,Major Venn." He saluted as the Major walked away.
He turned again,can no one leave me alone today?
Until he realized it George.
Oh great.
"You need something? We don't leave for another two hours."
"You know what I want to talk about."
"I know." He motioned for George to follow him.
They headed straight for Jonas' room.
The door shut behind them,and they each took a seat at each of the two armchairs in his room.
George didn't cut corners.
"What is all the secrecy about? Come on man,we've been friends for how long and you can't tell me something that Robert and Aaron apparently know?"
Jonas wanted to sink into the chair. But he didn't.
"Because I wasn't sure how you'd take it."
George laid his face into his hands. "How I'd take it? Roxanne admitted to me to accidentally murdering our previous commander. I'd say I took that pretty well. Then Robert was sure to inform me of his baggage too. So tell me,why do you think I'd take this bad?"
"Because it might be just as bad if not worse than what our friends have described."
George looked up at him with a confused stare.
"There is no way it's worse than manslaughter."
"Point. Just promise me something." Jonas asked hesitantly.
George threw his hands up in the air in frustration.
"This stays within the group."
"Ok ok,I wasn't about to take a megaphone and preach it to the streets."
Jonas breathed in.
"You've encountered Rigel before right?"
"Yeah? He's the jerk who Allie's himself with Fowler. What about him?"
"He's my brother."
"Come on now, you said you've heard worse!"
"Sorry,that just took me completely off guard. Oh wow,oh man." George glanced around the room,trying to take it in.
He ran his fingers through his hair. Suddenly his brow furrowed.
"Wait,how are you related?"
"A long long while back,just after Tom was born,my dad found out my mother cheated on him. Rigel was born just before I was. My mom immediately left us. Of course I didn't know till i was just a little over 18."
"I'm so-I can't believe- so he's your half brother?"
The two of them stared at each other for a long time.
"I don't think any less of you J."
"You-you don't?"
"No. I'm sorry you've lived with that knowledge. But how did you know it was Rigel?"
"Rigel has hate me since the day I was born. Despite abandoning us my mother still treated me as her golden child. He made it a life commitment to ruin me,he's failed so far."
"That's insane."
Jonas sighed.
"It's a different world."

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