Ultimate Betrayal

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"We're headed out in six hours. We'll meet here in the facility and have a sniper positioned here."
Major Leon Birch.showed the different positions on his map of their target.
George and Jonas sat in the back waiting for him to wrap it up.
"I guarantee you none of this was told to Colonel Windsor."
George whispered to Jonas.
Jonas shook his head in response.
"It's insanity. Plain and simple. But if we disobey our superior officer we get in big trouble. After that Peru issue we could be in the deep end."
"This bites."
They both continued to listen to Major Birch pat himself on the back for a longer time than was comfortable.
"Did you tell her."
Jonas asked George under his breath.
George hesitated for a moment.
"Yes. I thought she deserved to know."
"Who says Major Birch has to know she does come with us?"
Jonas turned to George grinning.
George looked back at him confused.
"How are we going to get her on this team without him knowing?"
Catching on,George nodded.
"Sew one into your coat,leave the rest to me."

"Once the Locator shows a couple miles head start follow us to the location."
Roxanne held the tiny disc in her hands.
"Uh huh,then what will happen when I get there?"
"Simple,you get to Michael before our execution team does." Jonas answered.
Roxanne's eyes shot up to meet his. Darkness emanated from them in a way he hadn't seen in quite a while.
"Why do I need to get to him first?"
"To get him out of there."
"Uh huh. Yeah and how are we going to explain my sudden team switch to Colonel Windsor?"
"Simple,make it out that Mike and the others abducted you from your Barracks."
"Ok I see where you're going with this. Then what?"
He pressed his index finger against her forehead.
"You play hostage till the whole team is evacuated."
"Don't touch me,and that seems like a good idea. Problem is will they go with it?"
Jonas raised his eyebrow at her.
"Either they get completely killed or they play the game. What do you think?"
"Unless they don't believe us."
"Oh they will."
He handed her a small file.
"This contains everything we have on Major Birch's big to-do."
"One last question."
"Why what?"
"Why go to all this trouble to get these guys off the hook?"
He tilted his head and stared at her.
"Because I already knew you were going to anyways."
"Still doesn't explain why you're helping."
"Well we'll get to that someday,I have my own reasons. I'll just say that I feel I owe you for the fiasco three months ago."
With that,he turned to the door. Just before he left,however,he looked back at her.
"Be careful kid."
She nodded grimly.

The Deserter's League sat around their base,unaware of the activity on Cedars Cay.
Michael and Austin were discussing their current issues.
"We've covered up everything. We're still as innocent as ever."
Michael nodded happily.
"Great,now I assume you know about Major Birch?"
"Yes,they're probably headed here now."
"They really need to figure out better passcodes for their computers."
"It was pretty easy to-"
Beeping from their radar interrupted the conversation.
Imani stepped out into the hallway from the room where the radar resided.
"A lone plane is headed here."
Michael raised his eyebrow.
"A single one? Have they contacted?"
"Not ye-"
"The plane is trying to communicate."
Shae's voice cut into their conversation.
Michael ducked into the dark computer room where Shae was sitting.
He handed Mike the headphones and microphone.
"Who is this? State your reason for contacting."
"Michael,it's Roxanne."
His heart skipped a beat,that was the last person he expected.
"What do you want?"
"We need to talk. There's something wrong going on."
He sat in silence for a long time thinking about it.
"Alright,you know where we are,I'll see you soon."
2 Hours Later.
Michael and Roxanne
"We're aware of the big plans Major Birch has."
"Great. Now about the rest of the plan."
"Yeahhhh I'm not sure about when they'll be here but if they're already on their way it won't be long."
Roxanne finished the drink he had given her.
He stood up and motioned for her to walk with him.
"Honestly this entire situation is not good."
"Yeah that's one way to put it."
"So tell me,why are you here? I imagine this is not a good look for your position if they ever find out what's really happening."
"We had a deal,I'm holding up my end of it."
By this time they'd made their way to the other side of the facility. Platforms ran on different levels while the ground sunk all the way to the basement floors. Massive boilers stretched from top to bottom.
A loud bang against the doors at the opposite end made them both freeze.
"Hope you're a good actor."
Roxanne muttered to him as she moved to the upper level. She slipped into the previously decided position in between Shae and Austin while Imani watched all of it through the security office.

Jonas and George marched behind Leon Birch through the hallways towards the rendezvous point.
They fell back a little ways to have a chance to talk without anyone hearing.
"You think this will work?" George whispered.
"It better."
"I just hope things don't take a nosedive."
"Don't jinx it."
The doors were flung open and they were stopped abruptly.
Michael stood in the center of the massive room on a platform,alone.
Jonas immediately noticed Roxanne on the upper floor,but said nothing.
George saw it all too.
Both were unaware of the pure evil they were about to witness.

The sniper was aimed directly at Michael's head through the glass ceiling above. He could see Roxanne at the upper roof and radioed Birch about the situation. Birch didn't answer.

Birch's angrily stared up to where the sniper said she was. He saw no care to what happened now.
"Major Birch,we seem to be starting on the wrong foot here."
His venom now was redirected at Michael.
"I know things wouldn't look good for you if the Captain up there was killed by us huh?" Michael taunted him.
Rationality was now long gone.
Major Birch grabbed the radio and said something to the sniper.

George and Jonas couldn't hear what was said.

The sniper hesitated after receiving the instruction. His finger shook on the trigger.
A shatter of glass echoed through the room. Time seemed to freeze.
Suddenly all of reality came crashing down as Roxanne collapsed above all of them.
The sniper had shot her.

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