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Roxanne sat there. She didn't see any reason to stay. Her sister was dead. Her father was dead. Her mother was shell of herself.
Her brother had no time for her family. Why should he? He was married,he had the Corporation to run. She finished packing her stuff,she was 18,no one could stop her from leaving. Her finances were in order,she had already decided where to go. Cedars Cay. The island was home to a small town and a military facility. She would join the military,and get as far from this cursed family as she could. She began packing her stuff into her jeep; her sheets,her pictures,her clothes. As she came back downstairs with her final belongings,she was stopped by her mother.
"Do you really want to go?" Her voice sounded so feeble,and it almost kept Roxanne from saying yes.
"I'm sorry mom,I just can't stay here anymore. I don't have anything here." Her mother looked sadly at her, "Not even us?" Roxanne felt her heart break. "Mom,Ryan has his family,they take care of you everyday. I can't see a future here for me."
"Your father told me you would say that." Roxanne felt the color disappear from her face.
Pursue yourself, That's what he always told her.
"Mom,I love you and Ryan,I promise I'll come home to visit when I can." She felt tears well up,as her mothers did too. She grasped her mother into a tight hug.
"I love you."

Hours later
Roxanne sat by the dock waiting for the boat to come get her. It glided into the dock gracefully. It wasn't much but it would get her to Cedar's Cay,and that's all she cared about right now. "Allllll aboarddd."
Roxanne raised an eyebrow, "Captain,that's what you say on a train,not a boat." She couldn't help but grin a little though.
"My apologies missy,anyways load up your stuff and I'll take you down the the Cay." The trip was lovely,the sun was out and no clouds,the water calm even for ocean water. Roxanne looked at the Captain "Is this really the Atlantic? It seems so peaceful." The captain guffawed. "Well I'd say so missy,being as that dock we left in Norburry is on the east coast." Roxanne felt embarrassed not realizing that. The trip took about 1 hour and 20 minutes,Cedar's Cay was only about 40 Miles off coast of Virginia.

When they landed it was lovely. Near the dock was a small park with ducks waddling around and a big pavilion in the center. Just a few feet beyond the dock and park was what looked to be town hall. "Walk on into town and look around missy,there's plenty to see!" It took only a minute to walk from the dark to the entrance to town. There in the center of town was a fountain,around it stood many buildings,short but packed together.
The L shaped building on the left was the Bowling alley and Arcade. The short small building next to it was a place called Spyglasses,it looked to be an antique shop. To her right was the park and Town Hall. On her left was a taller building that said James Marlon Community Library. As she walked a little more into town she would see houses just outside of town on her right.
Father down the way from the Park and Town Hall were two buildings that looked to be restaurants. One was a small diner that read Boat Burgers: Home of the 1/2 Pound Hamburger. The other seemed to be an upper class restaurant that had an outdoor patio. This one was called the Anchor. Exploring the opposite side of town,Roxanne found another restaurant,curiously,this one was a Italian place called Roman's. Between this restaurant and the Bowling Alley was an unoccupied building. Beyond the town on the left was a small group of three apartment houses,along with some privately owned homes. She walked into town and hall and got the attention of the woman at the front desk. "Excuse me ma'am,where can I find the Military Base?"
She looked at her for a moment. "You wanna follows the road all the way to the right outside. Tell the guard at the gate whatever you want." Roxanne was surprised at how rude this lady seemed to be.

Once outside she followed the road,it took a while but she finally reached the big gate. Walking casually up the guard,she asked if she could be let in. "Listen lady,we can't just let anyone waltz on in here. I'll run it by my boss and he'll get back to you." Roxanne was aggravated, Wish that lady could've mentioned need permission, "But sir,please it's a twenty minute walk back into town and it's getting dark out."
Annoyed he gripped his radio. "This is Charlie at the gate,some young woman wants in,says she wants to speak with the general."
Roxanne waited patiently.
"Charlie,the lady is clear,I repeat the lady is clear." The gates opened as Roxanne walked inside the base.
There were a lot of people on the grounds,she took notice of one tall blonde guy who seemed to be staring a bit. Another one also caught her attention,a muscled up black haired man who seemed aggravated with her even breathing the air on grounds.
She found her way to the main building and made her way upstairs. Walking into the office she was instructed,she sat at a chair just in front of a large desk. Behind the desk sat an older man,probably around his 50s,his uniform decorated with badges from many conflicts.
"So,I was told you wanted in. What for?"
Roxanne was intimidated,almost not responding. "I'm here to enlist sir."
The man's eyes narrowed. "What's your name,kid?"
"Roxanne,sir,Roxanne Phoenix." His eyebrows raised slightly at the mention of her last name. She thought he'd make a comment but he didn't. "So,you wanna enlist?"
"Yes sir."
He sat there for a moment,Roxanne figured he was deciding what to do. It was almost uncomfortable sitting under his gaze. "You 18?"
"Yes sir"
"Any health conditions?"
"No sir."
"Go see Doctor Jason Schneider. He'll give you an exam,and maybe by tomorrow you'll be a new recruit."

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