In the Arms of the Enemy

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Roxanne woke up to bright lights,and a feeling of turbulence. She was surprised to see Michael hovering over her.
He was looking away from her and seemed distracted by something.
She weakly reached over and touched his hand.
His head jerked back to her. To her surprise he gently lifted her up onto one of the seats lining the sides of the plane.
She could feel bandages all over her face and arms,had he done that?
Everything seems so backwards.
"Anything permanently broken?" She could tell he was trying to sound mean and tough,but there was just that hint of softness to it that gave it all away.
"I'm fine,just a little worse for wear."
"Nothing you're not used to,eh?"
She tried not to smile.
"No,just a little different than I was trained to handle."
"You mean the burn of the branding iron?"
"You saw that?"
"Yeah,hard not to notice a big old V torched into your shoulder."
She kind of flinched and instinctively tried to cover her arm.
He didn't try to comfort her. How could he anyways? Instead they both sat there in silence for a while.
"I didn't do this for you you know."
She turned to look at him. He stared ahead.
"I did this for a few reasons,one so my brother wouldn't have to cry about losing his best friend,and two,so I could pin the theft on someone else. You just happened to come along with all that."
She hadn't expected him to do it for her,but it was comforting to know he still loved his brother.
"I didn't think you did,but you also didn't have to go through the trouble of patching me up."
"No,but I figured I'd send you back to your master Windsor in at least somewhat decent shape. He'd be mad if I didn't."
"So you worked out a deal with him?"
Michael explained everything front to back,the missile and how it would be destroyed very soon.

"Well this is a nice toy we have here,huh gentlemen?"
Fowler and Rigel just stared at their boss in a slight aggression. All that trouble for something this mediocre.
They just nodded half heartedly.
"I say we test it out,yeah?"
He did as Michael had instructed,and instead of it working the ay he was told,it instead traveled 500 hundred feet,and self-destructed.
They all sat there in amazement. Suddenly,Fowler began to laugh hysterically. Rigel sat there unsure of what to say.
"Well boss! It sure looks like you've been had! Guess he wasn't as stupid as we thought!"
Victor sat in silent rage. He had been tricked,and he was going to get even. One way or another.

"So you're taking me back to Cedar's Cay?"
"Yeah,just leaving you in the docks and ditching."
How sweet.
For a long time,the only sounds were the winds outside of the aircraft.
"I wish things could have been different."
Michael knew what she meant but still inquired: "What do you mean?"
"You and I,maybe something could've been different. I believe you are a good person."
"I was a good person to your standards. But what you don't quite see,is that we're headed two different directions. You're still the lapdog of the Government,while I'm their biggest pain in the neck."
Her heart broke to hear it. She knew that they would never have worked out,but deep down she still had hope.
Hope that she could change his mind,and bring him back.
But she couldn't.
Deep down,he wished things could have been different too. If she had just listened to him from the beginning.
maybe she'd be by his side in the Magna Force. Leading them to greatness with him instead of against him.
He would miss her company.
She would miss his.
Eventually the plane flew over the Cedar's Cay,since it was able to,it landed in the waters next to the docks. Michael walked behind her to the doors.
She looked out over the docks for just a moment.
She turned around suddenly and gave Michael a bear hug.
Hesitant,he held her back.
"I'll see you again,Mike."
"I know you will."

Roxanne sat on the docks,watching the plane vanish into the horizon.
It took her moment to realize a tear had formed in her eyes.
She made her way to where the infirmary was.
She was greeted with a hug from Veronica,who pulled her into one of the bays to check her over and bombard her with questions.
She called for Jason the moment she saw the burn wound.
"Are you alright? Did they do anything to you? Well,obviously they did,but did they do anything else?"
"No,I'm fine,please,let's just wrap this up. I need to talk with George."
"Good,because I need to talk to you."
George walked in looking slightly embarrassed but confident all the same.
"Veronica would you mind stepping out for a moment?"
She nodded and walked out telling George he had five minutes.
He slowly made his way over to where she was sitting on the bed.
For a moment,neither of them said anything.
"George I-"
Before she could finish he pulled her into a tight hug.
"I was so scared,I thought for sure you weren't going to make it."
She hugged him back,even though the burn on her shoulder really really hurt.
"George,I'm alright."
"I know,but I was so afraid,I- I've never felt that way before. Roxanne I-,I feel so different when I'm with you. I can't explain it."
"I know. I feel it too."
"You do?"
"Yes,I do."
He lightly gripped her hand. And,without needing anything more,he softly kissed her. And she kissed him back.
Veronica came in to tell him his time was up,but when she saw them,she thought it best to give him a moment more.
Eventually they both pulled away slightly embarrassed,but relieved.
"I'll always be here for you,I know a formal relationship won't work just yet. But I do love you,and I will do anything you ask of me."
Roxanne had known it couldn't be official yet,but it felt nice to know he felt the same way she did.
"I know,I'll fight hard on every mission,assignment,battle,or war,because now I know what I'm fighting for."
"No matter what happens,it will be me and you side by side."
"I like the sound of that."
"So do I."

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