Catastrophic Failures

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The convoy moved quickly through the countryside,with no danger of threat to either one. Roxanne listened to the tales of the other soldiers. The Russian men Dmitri and Alexsei told of their adventures through the frozen motherland,while Liam told of his his experiences out in the foggy English Channel. Daniel retold the training in the Irish highlands whilst Jacques relayed his tale of the Bordeaux. When asked about her experience Roxanne chose the story of how she and six others managed to sneak through enemy lines to retrieve documents. While not as impressive as the others,Roxanne still felt pride in the success.
At around 11:00 PM half the squadron was asleep
An explosion woke them up.
Looking ahead,one of the trucks had been destroyed and was on fire.
Another went up in flames.
Roxanne and the others began loading their guns,this was the attack. A third truck went up in smoke before they could see where the attacks were coming from. Jacques leaned out the window firing as many shots as he could towards the attackers,but in the dark they were basically invisible. Daniel took his place as he attempted to reload. Roxanne began loading the other weapon they had and tossing them to the others.

An explosion caught their truck.
The ruck flipped onto its side,throwing all its occupants to the floor. Roxanne finally came to,being pulled out of the truck by Dmitri and Alexsei.
Alexsei was shot in the shoulder and forced to retreat.
Dmitri handed Roxanne a pistol as he pulled the other two out.
Daniel was dead. And so was the driver.
Roxanne covered for Dmitri as he and the unconscious Jacques ran into he dark forest,following Alexsei.
Bullets were flying everywhere.
A bullet ricocheted off the truck and struck her in her leg,forcing her to ground. The other two trucks had made it through. Roxanne crawled to another side of the truck to continue her fire.
*Click Click Click*
Roxanne knew for sure it was over. She could hear voices approaching her position. Roxanne spotted a gun just a few feet away. She began to crawl for it.
"Don't move."
Too late.

Roxanne looked up to see a gun pointed at her face. Without breaking eye contact he yelled for the rest of his team.
"We have a survivor!" He looked to be nearing his mid twenties,with blonde hair and swamp green eyes.
"Get up." Roxanne looked up at him aggravated,his voice had such a smugness to it.
"I'd love to,but one of you shot me in the leg."
He looked up,behind Roxanne. She could tell someone was behind her but she couldn't turn around to see him.
"Tragen,get her on her feet." Roxanne felt a huge hand slide under her and hoist her upwards,pinning her arms to her sides but keeping her off her leg. This guy was huge. Roxanne stood at 5'11" but she seemed to only come up to this guys shoulders at the most.
The blondie stuck the gun up under her chin.
"Where's the real convoy?"
Roxanne knew she was dead,she had no idea where the real convoy was. Even if she did she wouldn't give it up,meaning either way she was going six feet under.
"I don't know."
She heard the safety click off.
"I'll ask again. Where's the other convoy?"
"I have no idea."
Roxanne waited for the bullet.
"Spion,we need to get back to base,now." The soft German accent of the man behind her almost made her jump. Granted even if she had she wouldn't go anywhere in his bear like grip.
"We can't leave yet,we need that convoy and the punk's seen our faces."
"Then we take her with us."

The other convoy had no issue making it to the summit. And while Barns talked out a fair price,Captain Henry sat waiting for the other convoy to arrive. Alarm arose when only two trucks made it. As the survivors poured out of the trucks,Alexsei,Dmitri,and Jacques told the captain about what happened. He and the men of the other convoy headed back to the pass where the attack happened.
The casualties were extreme. As everyone,dead and alive,were accounted for,the captain became aware of one missing name.
"Dmitri,was Sergeant Phoenix with you when the truck wrecked?"
"Yes sir,she provided us  cover fire as we escaped. Is she not accounted for?"
"No body,but one set of her dog tags and comms were in the dirt near where your truck wrecked."
"Is it possible that she may still be alive?"
"A strong one,for now she's MIA. I'll be the one to report this,you all need to get patched up so we can get out of here."

Richard sat at his desk,angry that the mission had gone so awry. He hoped that she would turn up,he couldn't imagine how Veronica or the others might feel if she didn't.

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