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*click click click* *beep*
Normally the computer room would be deadly quiet at this time of night,but tonight Jonas sat there working through files and police reports.
He slammed his fist into the table.
"NOTHING! How can there be NOTHING?"
In his anger,he hasn't noticed Helen walk into the room,carrying a hot coffee.
"You really should get some rest,dear."
She set the mug down next to him,even though he tried to wave it off.
"I'm fine. I just need to find something,anything really,on Genesis and the New Ordinance. James is already torn up about what happened,Roxanne is a vital part of our team. We don't fail or abandon our team."
"I know,but you can't do her any good if you're half asleep when you finally do find him."
"I'll be fine,besides,one on one he won't stand a chance against me."
"Oh I believe-."
Match Found.
The words on the screen excited the both of them .
After a moment a picture of Genesis loaded.
"That's him. It says his real name is Sebastian Alexander Horoux."
"What else?"
"Shoot,it only lists his offenses,there's absolutely nothing on this dude."
"Maybe there's something in his track record,consistent area of activity perhaps?"
"Worth a shot."
Murder,Theft,Destruction of Property,Trafficking,Distribution of Illegal Substances,Terrorist Associations,
The list was long and each crime seemed worse than the last. To their dismay they found nothing that might determine his location.
"Wait,Jonas look! One of his accomplices was caught two weeks ago! Maybe he knows where he is!"
"Good catch,he's being held in a prison in Norburry,let's go first thing in the morning"
"Alright,but we better bring the others."
"Agreed,they wouldn't wanna miss out on this. Especially George,he's been itching to find anyone associated with Roxanne's kidnappers and give it to them."
"Isn't love nice?"
"If you insist that's what's going on with them."
"Jonas,love,for someone admired for his observations skills,the obvious alludes you."
"What's THAT supposed to mean?"
"Nothing at all,now get to bed,you let your coffee go cold."
"Iced is better anyways."
Helen gasped, "How dare you!"
He snickered to himself as he quickly made his escape; Before Helen could give him a verbal beatdown.

Deep below the ground Roxanne screamed in agony.
Powerful shocks charges up her body repeatedly. He head pounded and her ears and nose bled.
"This doesn't have to continue. Tell us about the troops gathering,and maybe we'll stop."
Her hands twitched in agony.
The temptation to tell them whatever they asked was great. To make the pain stop with just a few words. But those words would only create worse destruction. The overwhelming pain she felt,would be inflicted a thousand times worse for those thousands of soldiers.
"Sounds like...they're having....a..a"
"A what? Spit it out already."
"A..convention. Anyone..out there cosplay?" She barely got the words out when the charges began again.
Over her screams of pain,her tormentor spoke calmly. "Have it your way,this will continue until there is nothing left of your mind. Until you are nothing but a shell for us to reprogram. Perhaps it may continue even after that."
He slowly turned up the voltage.
By the time the torture finally concluded,she had screamed her voice out.
No matter how hard she tried no words came out.
The man tasked with her interrogation mocked her for it.
"No snide comments? Nothing from the high and mighty captain?"
If she could,she would have strangled him right then and there. She laid on her hands and knees on the dirty floor. Four soldiers standing over her. Sharp kicks and punches no matter where she turned. She was vomiting a mixture of blood and stomach acid. Her whole body burned and ached. the horrible beatings continued for two hours. Finally her body could take no more and she blacked out.
The four men finally figured out that they had overdone it and drug her back to her cell.
They turned as silence gripped all four of them.
Victor was making his way towards them.
He stopped as he looked into the room they had just left.
He turned back to the group,his face full of hate and anger.
"Why wasn't I informed Genesis was holding Captain Phoenix?"
"He ordered you not to know. He believed that you would hinder the reprogramming process."
"The brainwashing only works because it separates the subject from any reminder of their former life. Whether it be people, or whether it be objects. You are unfortunately part of such past,and could keep her memory of her life alive. Rigel and Fowler have also been ordered to stay away from her for the same reason."
Victor still looked angry.
"If it eases your mind,Genesis has said once the process is over and she is under our control,you will be assigned to making sure she stays our puppet."
This seemed to bring some sort of cynical happiness to his face.
"I look...forward to it."
He turned and exited the hallway,presumably going back upstairs.
"That guy gives me the creeps."
"His infatuation with that Captain is really weird,bordering creepsville."
"You said it."
"Regulate Unit 417,report to Lord Genesis."

"You know where, just say it!"
George slammed the man up against the wall,his burly hands gripping the shirt collar.
"I won't say anything to you!"
"I can't control my friend here much longer,if you won't tell us where then I'll let him rip You limb from limb if he likes." Jonas watched the terror in the man's eyes increase.
Aaron had never seen George so angry before,it was staring to scare even him.
"Start talking or I'll cut off all your fingers,one by one."
"Ok! Ok! I get it! Alright yeah,they have a base in South America somewhere in Peru!"
"That's not good enough." George pulled out a large Bowie knife and poised it against the man's index finger.
"Ollantaytambo! Ollantaytambo! In The mountains! There's a large base up there,half of it underground! That's where every captured soldier goes for their reprogramming! Please!"
Jonas looked at George.
"I think he's telling the truth,Ollantaytambo is a sparsely populated town,practically ghost one nowadays. Not to mention they're not wanted in Peru and can probably operate easier there."
George let go of the man.
"Agreed,we might need Robert to help us speak to locals about Sebastian and the Ordinance."
Aaron nodded,they brought the man back to the prison and headed for Cedar's Cay.

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