Bringing Down The Gavel

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The second and third weeks felt the same. No evidence clearing Roxanne came up. And Michael had agreed to testify against her court. Aaron had never felt more stressed,and decided he couldn't handle it.
The day of the trial the courthouse was full,and as Roxanne looked at the jury she knew it was over before it even began. Even if she plead not guilty there was nothing that could change the jury's minds. George and Veronica had came as character witnesses. But even with their attempts to tug the heartstrings of the jurors the evidence was against her. Roxanne noticed Aaron wasn't there,but Michael was. She couldn't blame him,he probably hated her just as half that courtroom did. She could feel her souls shatter when Michael was called by prosecution to testify. She didn't even hear what he said,the look on the prosecutor's face showed what he said was what he needed. She looked at Michael,and felt a tear fall down her face. For just a moment his hard expression softened,or maybe she just imagined it. Instead of walking back to his seat however he instead walked out the courtroom doors. She noticed the jurors were looking towards where he disappeared to and whispering together. Finally the judge called recess.George pulled her into a bear hug without a word, Veronica cried saying she was sorry that wasn't more they could do. But to Roxanne it didn't matter,what was done was done. She made a grave misjudgment and now someone was dead. As she walked back into that room time seemed to slow down. She watched as the jury rose and that one phrase shatter what little hope she had left.
It was all over.
The judge sentenced Willow Grove. An asylum. Everything I worked hard for,all the things I had to do to get here,is gone.

Aaron sat at home. The final decision crushed him.
Michael had locked himself in his room.
George wouldn't speak to him.
Veronica seemed heartbroken.
Jonas spoke to no one and Tom wasn't joking anymore.
Aaron decided to visit Roxanne's room just once before she was gone. When he walked in the room was almost completely empty,she was already gone. He stepped in the middle of the room,and immediately felt a loose floorboard. He closed the door behind him and bent down to investigate. Prying it up,he found the paper and the note and felt even more sick than he already had.
Guilt and panic swelled in his heart as he ready the document. All in his fathers handwriting.
Everything began to make sense. Odd behaviors,violent outbursts,and his father's drug abuse. Self defense. If Aaron could prove it really was self defense the sentence could be overturned. Roxanne may have been the only person in that office,but he could use documents to prove her innocence. But he stopped short. If it really was true and he could prove it,it would destroy his and Michael's names permanently. He decided to just gather evidence first and then decide. And maybe,just maybe everything could be made right.
This will be my apology. I just hope she'll forgive me.

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