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Milan, Italy: August 3rd 2027
Operation Bankroll, US Special Forces
"Is everyone where they're supposed to be?" Jonas' voice crackled over the radio
"I'm in the gardens, it's hard to be a socialite." Veronica answered as she walked through the lavishly decorated landscape. Her long golden dress slight drug along the concrete walkway. Adorning a golden masquerade mask.
"Roxanne and I are in the atrium. Looks like the highest of society have made the event."
George answered quietly. He donned a white lavish suit, paired with a white mask. Roxanne walked arm in arm with him, wearing her flowing black silk dress and a black mask, through the gorgeously decorated foyer. "Doesn't look like any of the 'special guests' are here yet." Roxanne whispered. "We're in our nest on the Hotel Alpine. We have a pretty good visual on the courtyard." Robert radioed back. "Aaron, have you linked in to the hostile communications?" Jonas asked "Yes sir. It's been really quiet for the most part. But.." "But what?" "I don't know. Something feels really off here."
Jonas went quiet. He could sense something was wrong too. In the gardens, Veronica made small talk with some of the people who wandered the gravel walkways. Roxanne and George stood by the refreshments table. "Roxanne, why on earth are you eating more cheese you've had more than enough." He whispered as she stuffed more food into a plate. "Are you trying to tell 'em what to eat? No sir. I don't tell YOU what to eat, so hush." She replied.
"Ok fine but all I'm saying is if you eat all the hors D'oeuvres we're gonna get kicked out."
"Oh fine but I'm still finishing this pla-" she suddenly stoped short as she looked over George's shoulder. "What's wrong?" He said before turning around. His heart his throat. Victor and North were walking straight towards them! They both avoided eye contact with the two men, who walked right past them and went for the chocolate fondue. Roxanne felt super tensed up as she and George locked eye contact with each other. If they recognize us, we're through! In a pure panic she suddenly grabbed George's face and kissed him. George almost jumped but after a moment, after realizing her plan, rolled with it. Eventually the pair left and Roxanne and George pulled away. George's face glowed bright red, but Roxanne didn't notice as she watched Victor and North walked away. "That was close." She sighed.
"In more ways than one." George said grinning. "You tell anyone about that, you will never be heard from again." She warned. "Aw, y'know I almost enjoyed that." He snickered. "We're not out of the woods yet, if anything we're in the middle of a grizzly bear den."
"Stay frosty, Sebastian's limo just pulled in. He's headed your way."
They both ceased the banter as Jonas radioed in. "Well, that's a bummer." George said sarcastically. "Remember what to do if he approaches us." She said quietly as the two of the walked towards the dance floor. "Yes I remember. My name is supposed to be Sergio Rossi and you are my doting wife Angelica." "Correct, my dear husband." She replied with a smirk. The two of them slow danced with the others who littered the space. "What do you think about all this? All these people who seem to see greatness in Orpheus' madness." He whispered as he glided across the wooden flooring with her in his arms. "I think that some people need to go bankrupt." She snarled. "They will, their money will be graciously donated to a few MI6 and CIA secret funds the moment they're arrested." She kept her arm around his neck as the song ended. "Look out. Here comes the man of the hour now. Sebastian walked through the doors, flanked by a dozen guards. Victor joined his side, as North left the room with six of the soldiers. Roxanne watched as he left. Where's he going with that many guards?

Veronica wandered through the gardens, unaware of the Ordinance soldier failing her the whole way.

On the rooftops, the three men waited in silence, not knowing what nasty things were to ensue.

Sebastian spotted the pair, but made not acknowledgment that he recognized them.
Roxanne and George walked off the floor, keeping a half eye on the group of men. They sat down at one of the many elegant tables and pretended to be engaged in a conversation. "Roxanne, something real weird. Did you see North take off with that group of guards?" "Yes, but maybe they're just going to observe the outdoor festivities." She said attempting to calm her nerves. "Maybe. Have you heard from Veronica?"
"Yes she said there's not been much activity outside. Wait- I think they're coming towards us." They ceased their conversation about their allies. Roxanne felt her heart pounding in her chest as they walked straight towards their table. George grabbed her hand, gently massaging it. Sebastian and Victor stopped at their seats.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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