Lost Lamb

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Four weeks.
For four weeks she sat in a cell,isolated deep below ground.
Every day was the same routine.
Wake up,and be mentally and physically tortured.
They always break down the body first.
Then they move onto the mind.
And finally,the soul of their prisoner.
Until there was nothing left but a mindless servant to their cause.
She could not,and would not succumb.
Her friends,her team,her Captain,all waiting for her kept her from losing her mind.
But she knew she couldn't last long against the Genesis and the Venatores,now calling themselves The New Ordinance.
Their intent was to destroy any government or army that opposed them. They were experts in brainwashing,skyrocketing their numbers.
Her hands Suspended in chains from the ceiling,and feet chained firmly in place. A chain collar kept her from looking around too much.
Exhaustion and fatigue had begun to take their toll,black shadows clouded her peripheral vision.

"Look at this garbage. These tabloids are prospering off the New Ordinance. The last thing those terrorists need is more publicity."
Jonas had not ceased in his quest to find anything on the New Ordinance and Genesis since returning to base.
"I know,it disgusts me to see these guys even acknowledged. I just want to find them and take them out. I just hope she's still alive to help."
"She will be Lieutenant,if they were just going to execute her they would've done so right there where they found her."
"What do you think their planning?"
"To do with her? Probably attempt to brainwash her and turn her against us."
"I don't like thinking about that. Especially with the methods used in reprogramming like that." Veronica Shuddered.
"That's why it's important to find them and put a stop to them."

"Wake-up call."
She tried her best to ignore the guard and get some more sleep. But he instead walked towards her and slapped her awake.
I'm going on a killing spree if I get out of here.
"Today is a good day for you,Genesis wants to see you in the upstairs atrium."
"Tell him to choke on his pride." She could barely get the words out,her voice completely destroyed.
The snide comment was met with a fist in the jaw.
She spat out a bit of blood. Hatred for Genesis growing by the second.
"Your disrespect will not be tolerated."
Disrespect. Ha,he deserves a bullet between his eyes.
He was quite rough,half dragging by her hair as she tried to keep up with him and his quick pace.
After a silent ride up an elevator and a short walk down the hallway,they entered a large open air room. Through pillars she could see the outside,it looked to be a mountainous region,wherever she was. South America perhaps.
Her thoughts were interrupted as she finally caught sight of Genesis. She forgot how much taller and more powerful he was in comparison to herself. He stood,at the very least, 7 feet tall. His arms were like tree trunks under his two piece suit. It was no wonder he could hold her in the air by the neck with just one hand. His eyes were an unnatural color of blood red,making her think that he wore colored contacts just to look more intimidating.
"Leave us."
To her confusion she watched as every guard in the room left. Until it was just her and Genesis.
"Not very wise to send away your defense."
"You misunderstand. I want you to attack me."
"Attack me,and if you don't,I'll attack you."
Before she could respond,he had already dashed across the room to where she stood.
His fist connected to her face,and she was sent flying across the room.
She stood to her feet,checking her jaw. Now she was just mad.

She charged him,landing one of two hits in between the multiple he got in

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She charged him,landing one of two hits in between the multiple he got in.
She attempted to kick him,but he grabbed her leg,tossing her effortlessly over the granite floor.
Finally something besides him hit her.
She was fighting for her life.
She would more than likely be killed if she didn't give it everything she had.
She watched as he approached from across the room.
"You disappoint me. I've seen you on the field,You're better than this."
"You haven't seen-."
She was cut off as he reached down and grabbed her by the collar. Half yanking her to her knees,he pulled her close to his face.
"I've seen more than you think I have. You're going to die here,one way or another."
"I'd rather die as the Banshee of Cedars Cay,than as another of your brainwashed puppets."
"You won't get that choice."
He slammed her hard against one of the pillars,causing it to crack a little.
She could feel him start to crush her throat.
"You're going to forget you ever were the Banshee. By the time I'm done with you,no one will ever even remember your name."
"They'll come looking for me."
"Oh I know. But the only thing they'll find is bullets with their names on them."
She couldn't retort.
She couldn't even breathe.
Inside,she begged to God to keep her friends out of harms way.
As she began to lose sight he finally released his iron grip,throwing her to the floor.
"Iron,Hatchet,take her back to the holding cell. I'm sure Clint will have a field day with her tomorrow."
"Yes sir."
She could faintly feel one of them grab her by the back of her jacket and drag her back toward the lower floors.

"I'm worried about what they could be doing to her."
"There's nothing we can do right now,George."
"I know,Jonas is trying to turn up anything. Aaron is taking it just as hard as the rest of us,poor guy."
"We'll find her."
"I hope she'll be alive and still on our side when we do."

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