Conflicted Feelings

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Michael watched as live feed from the Venatores. Through the screen he could see her. She looked beaten. Even through the fuzz he could see that they weren't keeping their word. Her face and arms were covered in dried blood and a strange burn resided on her shoulder. It burned him up that they were breaking their oath. He knew better than anyone that even with his quarrels,she didn't deserve to be treated that bad.
"We'd like to make you an offer,Michael."
"What kind of offer?"
"We know that you stole the weapon. We want it too,so here's our proposal. You give us the weapon,and we give you the sergeant. Alive."
"Don't give it to them Michael." Her voice sounded rough,like nails across a chalkboard. In response he watched as Fowler delivered a powerful punch to her face. Her head reeled back,and she spat out some blood.
Michael had to hand it to her,no one could take pain quite like she could.
"I wouldn't recommend taking advice from her. We want that weapon." The feed cut and Michael was left with a black screen.
He had to figure out a way to make sure this benefited his team,or else they'd never agree to give up that weapon. He knew where to go.

George,Aaron,Jonas,Veronica,Helen,and Heather sat at a table in Brews in complete silence. No one sure what to say to assure the other. George finally found his voice, "We can't dwell on what's happening. This is out of our control. We just have to hope whoever really stole that weapon will be willing to pawn it off for her."
Aaron knew better. "There isn't any respect they hold for people like us,how are we sure that they knew who took it?"
"Because they've already been in contact with him."
Everyone turned to see Matthew walk in.
"Matt,what are you talking about?"
"I would say have a seat,but you're all already sitting. Let me explain." Matt went through the story of how he'd been paid by Michael to give him the time of departure,how he'd felt guilty about the sergeants kidnapping and pleaded with Michael.
"How can you be sure my brother will really help?" Aaron seemed unconvinced.
"In truth,he still cares a little for the sergeant,but he also has ulterior motives. I believe he will be willing to help."
"Where is Michael now?"
"Meeting with Richard."

Richard sat at his desk,staring at the traitor across from him.
"I understand why you don't believe me Colonel,but I promise you that's the truth."
"It's hard to believe you'd want to save someone you sent to a psychiatric institution."
"That was for her own good. Just as it's for her own good now. I've seen how they're treating her now,it will only get worse if you don't cooperate."
Richard felt defeated,he didn't want to allow Michael to get away with the theft,but he didn't want to lose one of his best soldiers.
"I assure you,you'll still have a finger to point the heist at. This whole deal stays underground,and you can blame the Venatores for the theft."
Richard was a man of honesty,but he could see that this could save someone's life. On the other hand,he'd be handing over a destructive weapon to a enemy group.
"Where is the weapon now?"
"Outside on the dock,I have a plan to keep them from using the weapon after we deliver it."
Sitting outside on the dock,was the weapon. It looked like a small missile mounted onto an even smaller tank.
"I had my scientist,Imani,figure out how the weapon worked without using it. It's meant to be a replacement to a tank,with this massive gun on the top,that looks similar to a missile,fire rounds ten times faster than a regular tank. It moves much much faster without all the normal fittings of a tank. Of course it's too small for anyone to ride in it,but when the rounds are empty,it detonates with the force of 500 grenades." Richard stared at the tank in amazement. They weren't kidding when they said wars would end much faster with weapons like this.
"How do you plan on making sure they can't use it?"
"We empty it of gunpowder,and take its energy source. Of course,I don't have the facilities to remove the radioactive Diranium core."
"We will do that,but remember that this is all illegal and off the books. If I am caught doing this,I will be sure to give you up."
"I imagine so."

*Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick*
Roxanne could faintly hear the sound of the clock. She had no way to tell how long she had been a prisoner here,but she knew it had been too long. Her eyes were sensitive to the right lights overhead. She hadn't been able to sleep much restrained in a chair. She could hear the echo of talking coming through the concrete hallways. The building was in rough shape,probably abandoned for many years. The old chair she was in was rusty with age. The peeling wall paint screamed asbestos,which meant she was probably going to get lung cancer before being rescued. If she had to guess,she was probably in an abandoned Mental Institute in the New England range. It brought back nasty memories of Willow's Grove. Eventually she heard footsteps come down the hallway towards the iron door. She prayed it was anyone else but-
"You're looking worse by the day."
Roxanne wished she could snap back at him,but her voice was gone from coughing blood and dust.
He began to walk towards her slowly. At least he didn't hold anything in his hands this time.
He pulled a second chair away from the wall,and sat on it backwards staring at her. She didn't look at him instead focusing her gaze at the walls or floor.
"Tell me,do you hate me?" Still staring at the floor,with all the strength she could manage she scratched her voice out.
She expected a punch or some form of abuse,but in response he instead stood up,pushed the chair away,and walked behind her. He began playing with her hair. She hated it when people messed with her hair. Eventually he stopped,but instead of leaving she stopped down to her level and moved next to her ear.
"One day you'll see, I did all of this for a reason. You'll understand."
Even through all the horrible pain she could still find her voice.
"Because you're crazy."
"Because I loved you."
"No,you want to control me."
He rose back to his height, and kept his hands on her shoulders. She hated not being able to see his face,his expression.
After a moment of silence he grabbed her hair and pulled it back,forcing her to look up at him.
The force of her neck striking the back of the chair caused her to cough out more blood.
"Love,control,it's all the same. You just can't see it."
He let go,and walked towards the door. He stopped and looked back,She felt uncomfortable in his gaze. Eventually he left,and Roxanne was left alone in the room again.

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