Below the Surface

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Jonas woke up,cold.
Even though his eyes were open,everything around him was pitch black. He tried feeling around and almost jumped out of his skin when his hand hit something that felt like leather.
He searched his pockets for his flashlight,finally finding it. He shined the light where his hand was and saw that it was his coat. He then turned his light all around his surroundings. It was clear he was underground. The smell was distinct,and the sounds of dripping water echoing through the stone walls. Now somewhat understanding where he was he shined his light around the floor,hoping to see something to point to how deep they were. He stopped when he saw Roxanne's faintly breathing body on the floor. He sat his flashlight on a rock,aiming it at an angle to illuminate most of the cavern. He grasped her shoulders and shook her lightly.
"Get up. Come on this ain't the place for a nap,now get up!"
After a few moments she sat up,blinking as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting.
"Jonas? Is that you?" She looked around, "It's dark,where are we?"
"Underground,I'm still not sure how deep."
"Great. Ah!" She grasped her hand after she attempted to put her weight on it.
Jonas looked at it. "That's a rough gash,but I don't have any gauze."
"My jacket." She muttered.
"My coat,cut off one of the sleeves."
"You're going to need the full thing,it's freezing down here and you'll probably catch a cold."
"But if I don't get this wound wrapped it could get infected."
He helped her take off her jacket and pulled out one of his knives.
After working at his,he severed the sleeve from the rest of it,and wrapped it tightly around her hand.
"There,try not to tear up anything else."
"Hilarious. Now,can we get moving?"
"Hold it,before we take off in a random direction,I'm going to try my radio to make sure we're cut off down here."
"Good idea."
He dug around his coat and pulled out his radio.
"This is Jonas,does anyone read me?"
The radio made no noise,indicating that the radio was on dead air.
"No good. There's no signal,we're too far below ground."
"Wonderful,now what?"
"We find a way out."
He helped go to her feet and and they walked out of the area.

"Has anyone heard anything from Jonas and Roxanne?"
George,Aaron,Robert, and Veronica stood in a circle in the hotel lobby,discussing their findings.
"No,I'm a little worried about them."
Veronica looked between Robert and Aaron,noting their concerned expressions.
"They'll be alright,I mean it's Jonas!"
"Yeah,but no one is invincible."
George rolled his eyes "You're not helping."
"Where was the last transmission you got from them?" Aaron asked.
"Reno,they said they hadn't found anything there and we're headed to Gold Point."
"So we search there."
Robert suddenly jolted into the confer before any decisions were made.
"Hang on,we've got a job here. They probably have bad signal out in the desert and especially in a ghost town."
"They made that transmission six hours ago,we were all supposed to meet back here an hour ago." George responded.
Suddenly a realization hit Aaron.
"V,remember when we were in the hotel room?"
Veronica covered her mouth.
"You don't think they were talking about Jonas and Roxanne,do you?"
"I'll bet everything they were."
George and Robert looked confused at the other two.
"Back up,what?"
Aaron told the others what he had heard over the phone call,and about the paper they had found.
"Then we know where to look. The last place they were headed was the meeting place,and they had no idea."
"They walked straight into the hornets nest."
"Exactly. It's too dark now to do any good,we'll get some sleep and head out first thing in the morning."

Damp and exhausted,Jonas and Roxanne wandered the dark caverns of Gold Point.
"I'm cold."
"I know,I'm ready to get out of this pit too."
Jonas' low cut shirt,and Roxanne's lack of a left sleeve made things worse for the already cold conditions.
"You want my coat?"
"And let you get hypothermia? No."
"Suit yourself."
Hours upon hours of wandering later,the air became warmer and warmer.
"We're getting closer to the surface." Jonas commented.
"I hope so."
As they trudged through a tunnel,a light became more and more apparent.
They broke out into the sunlight.
"Oh man my eyes,that's really bright."
"Don't worry,your eyes will get re-accustomed to the dark."

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