Old Wounds

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A/N : Im not doing that trope of a misunderstanding breaking up the main characters. I don't like that trope.

"What's going on?"
George fiddled his hands,attempting to find the words to tell her what he was feeling.
"To be honest I didn't think this far."
"I know there's something bothering you,it's all over your face."
"Sorry. I just need to know why you won't tell me why J needed to talk to you alone?"
"He requested me not to. I'm sorry."
He lowered his head.
"I promise you nothings going on in the way you think it is. He and I just are going through something similar,I'm just trying to be there for him. As a friend."
He stared at her,feeling embarrassed. He reached over and hugged her.
"I'm sorry,it's not my business."
"In my opinion,it should be,but I've been sworn to secrecy."
"I understand it. Promise to tell me if I gets to much for just the two you?"
"No promises. But if worse comes to worse I'll tell you something at least."
George hesitated to ask,but he wanted to know the truth.
"Is it something to do with what happened all those years ago."
She flinched.
"No,I prefer not think back on those times."
"You never told me what really happened."
She hung her head.
"You want to know,don't you?"
"Yes. But if it's too painful-."
"No,I should've told you what happened a long time ago."

Three years ago.
Inside a tight office,Killian sat at his desk,taking a long breath out of a cigarette.
"What do you want?" His voice sounded slightly slurred.
"To get an answer."
"About what?"
She tried to look as fearless as possible.
"Are you trying to kill me?"
Instead of denying it he reached into his desk.
"I told you to burn those papers."
"So you're admitting it?!"
"You're all the same to me,you're the single biggest threat to human life."
She stared in horrified silence.
He was completely out of his mind.
"What are you talking about? I'm no threat to anyone!"
He didn't answer so she walked over to his desk.
Only for a knife to barely graze her cheek.
She stumbled back surprised,as he leaped at her from over the desk.
She moved out of the way swiftly.
Killian stood between her and door.
She didn't realize she had backed herself into a corner.
He swung the knife again.
She blocked it,at the cost of it going straight through her palm.
She bit back the pain,trying to keep him from pushing it further down.
She finally shoved him off,the knife still imbedded in her hand.
She ripped it out,holding it by its handle.
She looked up,to see him charge at her,attempting to retrieve his lost weapon.
She swung the push him away,forgetting the dangerous object in hand,
She watched in horror as blood began to pour from his throat.
He stumbled backwards,collapsing into the floor as his breathing starting sounding as choking on his own blood.
She ran over,attempting to stop the bleeding.
He reached up,smearing his blood on her face.
His eyes grew dull as his head fell back against the floor.
She ran for her life.

Present day.
"And that's what happened?"
"Second for second."
"I see. And this still doesn't have anything to do with what's going on right now?"
"Not a thing. When the time comes,it will have to be Jonas who tells you and the others what's going on,not me."
"But how could he tell you and not us?"
"He actually didn't intend to,it was revealed by accident,not by his choice. He asked to talk to me to tell me to keep it secret for now."
"I understand. I guess I overreacted." He laid his hand on the back of his neck with a slightly red face.
She placed her hand on the side of his face
"Not at all. Your concern for us is very sweet."
He smiled.
"If something is going on,you can always tell me."
"I will."
She turned and walked away,headed back for the Echo Barracks.
I hope this secret isn't as deadly as yours was.
George thought.

"Robert,what is going on? You haven't talked to me all week."
Veronica sat across from Rob,who seemed to be zoned out.
"It's nothing Rosá,I promise."
She threw her hands up in frustration.
"That's a lie and I can tell. You haven't even looked me in the eyes this whole time we've been talking!"
"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to,I'm sorry."
She laid her hand in her hands.
"This whole group is keeping secrets! What is so terrible that we can't tell one another about it?"
He slumped into his seat,defeated.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Rob,you can trust me,please!"
"I can't tell you right now. It's not my secret to share."
"Wait,is this the secret Jonas and Roxanne are keeping!?"
He hung his head.
"Yes,but I only heard by eavesdropping. So really I'm not even supposed to know."
She leaned back,a sympathetic expression on her face.
"I think I get it now. I'm sorry,I didn't know it was someone's else's secret."
He sighed.
"Maybe I should tell you,it's a heavier burden than I expected."
"Don't tell me anything unless you're comfortable telling it."
"No. I can remember the last time a massive secret was kept on this team."
Veronica remembered what he referred to.
"So what is it? What did you hear behind those closed doors?"
"Rigel and Jonas are-they're half brothers."
"Not so loud! They'll hear you."
She stood with her mouth agape.
"I just-I can't believe-oh no. I understand why he's want to keep THAT under wraps!"
"We say nothing." He cut in.
"Don't need to tell me twice. Poor Jonas."
"Yeah,I don't think Aaron or George know. Just us four."
"Right. Maybe you should tell him you know,just let him know that we know and are going to keep it private."
"I'll try and get him alone. But I'm not sure he's going to be happy about it."
"Definitely not,but it's better that we're upfront that we know,you know?"
"Yeah,I do."

Jonas beat upon an old ragged sandbag,trying not to tear anything still healing.
"Are you done beating down the sandbag?"
Jonas turned to see Robert standing in the shadows.
"Sorry,did I keep you waiting?"
"No,I just came in."
"Veronica said you wanted to talk to me."
"Yeah,she said it'd be better if I came and talked to about this instead of keeping my mouth shut."
Jonas laid down the towel he and used to dry off his sweat.
"Keeping your mouth shut about what?"
"We are alone right?"
Robert turned,looking around to make sure no one else was around.
Jonas began messing with the towel,now realizing what he might be about to ask.
"Alright I don't know how else to ask this,so I'm just going to be upfront. Are you and Rigel really half brothers?"
Jonas felt the color drain from his face.
"Even if I deny it,you won't believe me,will you?"
Robert just sighed,empathy for Jonas ached in his heart.
"No. I heard your conversation with Roxanne."
"I figured I'd be unlucky enough to have someone here. Who all have you told?"
"Just Veronica,George and Aaron are still in the dark."
"We'll that's good at least. I've actually considered telling Aaron."
"Why's that?"
"Maybe he'll be the one tell me how he dealt with it."
"You could always ask."
Jonas turned,and laid the towel across a bench nearby.
"All of have acted,well not like I expected you to."
"What did you expect?"
"I just assumed you'd begin to question if I was lying to the team about over an ulterior motive. Or maybe have me removed from the force and maybe even the island entirely."
"We're your friends,friends don't do that."
"Yeah,I know that. Now."
"When do you plan on telling Aaron?"
"Probably later tonight,once everyone else has gone to bed."

Injustice Dies In Daylight: The Complete Saga जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें