Turning the Tables

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Roxanne smiled up at Jonas. He was hard as nails,as stubborn as a mule,and meaner than a snake. He was the best captain anyone could ask for. She sat up and looked at her friends faces,the ones she had missed so dearly. Most of all,though,she had deeply missed George. His soft face,kind heart and calming voice. His memory kept her from losing every part of her in that horrible hole underground. She quietly got up,waving off any help from Jonas or Aaron,to sit with him.
After a few moments of silence,she felt his arm wrap around her shoulder. He leaned in close,close to where she could feel his breath on her ear.
"What did they do to you?"
"Worry about that later,right now the biggest concern is the gash in my leg."
She muttered back.
It was a lie,she knew the extent of the damage electroshock would have caused.
"Then-please,just let me hold onto you,just for a little while."
She nodded as he pulled her closer to him,her head against his chest. She could feel his heart racing.
She knew why he wished to be so close.
"I'm not going anywhere,I promise."
"I don't want to live in a world without you,not again."
"You won't,I promise."
His heartbeat finally began to slow.

"Your leg with be healed in about two weeks,so take it easy. There's no serious damage anywhere else minus those areas around your scalp."
Roxanne half listened to what Jason was saying,not like she could fully understand him when he had a cigar halfway out of his mouth anyways.
"You're sure nothings permanent?"
George had insisted on going with her,despite her insistence that she was fine.
"There may be some permanent trauma,but some visits to Dr. Hill should help with that."
Roxanne rolled her eyes.
"Great,more visits with the shrink."
George eyed her with an eyebrow raised.
"Sorry,with the psychiatrist."
Jason just massaged the bridge of his nose.
"Roxanne out of every patient I've had,you are the one who made me come the closest to breaking the Hippocratic oath."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Forget it," he glanced up at the clock, "It's best if you head to bed for now. You won't have to worry about training tomorrow as I've already spoken with Richard."
"Fine by me. I haven't slept since..since uh.."
George looked at her,concerned.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah..yeah I just need some sleep."
Jason stared at her. He knew she was lying through her teeth.

She stumbled sleepily down the hallway,with George at her side the whole way.
"Did you want me to sleep on the couch? I don't want you to have to sleep in a room alone after what's happened."
She finally stopped and turned to him.
"George I'm alright I promise. You need your own sleep."
"I can talk to Major Windsor,I can find a way to convince him to let me stay with you tomorrow and keep you company if you'd like?"
Roxanne felt bad for George,she knew he meant well but she didn't want him to get in trouble either.
She placed her hand on the side of face. He placed his hand over top of hers and closed his eyes.
"I'm sorry,I know I'm probably overreacting. But you don't know how worried I was. I-I didn't know if I would see you again."
"I'm here now,and I'm alright. You need sleep too."
"At least let me sleep on the sofa outside."
Just outside Roxanne's room was a small room connecting all the barrack rooms with four sofas surrounding a table.
"George,no those sofas are the worst,get some real sleep. Tell you what,"
She pulled a walkie-talkie out of her coat pocket.
"If something happens I'll get ahold of you through this."
She handed it to him.
"Alright,but promise you'll contact me if anything bothers you."
"Alright I will. Goodnight."
George hesitated for a moment.
She headed to her room. George waited till she had closed and locked the door before heading to his.

Roxanne tossed and turned,tearing at her sheets in her sleep. She panted heavily as sweat poured.
"No...no..I won't let that...oh God..I didn't do..no!"
She woke up,sweat soaking her sheets and her terror gripping every part of her body.
Closing her eyes made her see that..room all over again.
She got up and checked that the windows and door were locked,four times.
She stared into the mirror,still terrified. She rubbed her eyes.
"Can't sleep?"
She felt every hair on her body rise. She slowly looked up,every part of her frozen in pure,unbridled terror.
In the reflection of the mirror was Michael.
Slowly,she turned.
"What do you want? Or,are you even real?"
She was now backed against the mirror.
He approached her,and placed both his hands against the sides of her shoulders,preventing her from moving away.
He leaned in close to her face. She could feel his breath.
"Yeah,I'm real."
He moved back,loosening his grip bot not letting go.
"You didn't answer my question,why are you here?"
"I heard about what happened."
She looked at the floor.
"That doesn't really answer why you are here."
Even though she wasn't looking at him she could still tell he was staring at her.
"I was worried."
"Is that wrong of me?"
She looked back up at him with a Did you seriously just ask that? Expression.
"You try to harm me every other week."
"I've never tried to kill you,and certainly never tried to rewrite your mind."
"While that is true,we're still enemies."
"Strange,you didn't yell for help or warn of my presence when you saw me."
The realization hit her that no one knew he was in there.
He must've realized what she was about to do.
Before she could get a word out he slapped his hand over her mouth.
"Alright fine,if you don't want a civil conversation then I'll do all the talking."
She stared at him with a very angry expression.
"Listen,you don't want to hurt me and I don't want to hurt you. So I came here to make an offer."
Her face changed from that of a hateful expression to one of interest.
"I'm suggesting a gentleman's agreement. We stay enemies,since you're determined to be Richards lapdog,but should our common enemy come into play,we come together. Of course I mean just you,I'd rather not you get your gang involved in this deal. What do you say?"
He finally pulled his hand off her mouth.
She sat thinking.
One one hand,she knew that there would be a cost to this,on the other,having a league of mercenaries assisting against Sebastian and his ever growing numbers would make the job far easier.
"You've got yourself a deal."

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