Deadly Assembly

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Jonas spoke with Doctor Jason silently.
"I really don't think she should be sent out yet."
"For the last time Mr. Hill,we're sending her on an extended vacation to recover. We're not sending her off into the frontlines."

"It just seems too soon is all."
"I assure you,Captain Hill,that she will be under careful watch and will be required to be on medical leave for the rest of her recovery."
"If it's what's best-"
"It is."
"-then I can't stop you from letting her out."
Dr. Jason nodded and turned on his heels to return to his office.
"Hey Doc."
He turned back as Jonas called to him.
"Can she use her wrist to write?"
Jason seemed confused.
"Well-,yes since her dominant hand wasn't injured during the incident she can write just fine."
Jonas smirked.
"Tell her to fill out the egregious amount of paperwork that's been sitting around on her desk for the last month."

Roxanne rested her head in her left hand,waiting for Nurse Powers to finish her spiel on what she couldn't do once she was released.
"-do not strain yourself doing any physical exercises that we do not approve first. Don't sleep on your side,sleep on your back only. And lastly don't eat too much spicy or greasy food."
She lifted her head off her hands very quickly.
"Wait,why can't I eat spicy food?"
Powers looked very angrily at her.
"Because mixing your painkillers and indigestion medicine is a horrible idea. Oh and you can forget hard foods like apples or candies,your jaw still needs another two months to heal."
She leaned back and groaned in her hands.
Her wrists were slapped by Nurse Powers and she shot back up into sitting straight.
It's like living with mom all over again.
After being berated by Jacqueline Powers,she walked through the gardens back to the barracks. She paused to take in the air,crisp and clean. Autumn had come and the leaves were a beautiful mix of reds,oranges,and yellows,with the occasional greens still holding out. She pulled out her phone.
3:05 PM,September 10th,2027.
She half smiled. Her birthday was coming up again.
"Admiring the fall?"
She grinned to herself,turning around to greet George.
"Hard not to." She responded. "Are you admiring the gardens too?"
He just looked at her with admiration.
"Not necessarily the Gardens." He tilted his head and gave her bright white smile.
She faced away to hide her red face,a smile finding its way across her face.
"Okay Casanova,is that the only reason you're out here?"
His smile faded into a serious grimace.
She turned back to him. A equally serious face covering the previous red blush.
"What's going on?"
He moved his head,wordlessly asking her to come with him.
Together they wandered into the forest,following the winding trails toward the ruins.
"Alright we're out of earshot of basically everything and everyone. What's going on?"
George paused to look at her then breathed out a hefty sigh.
"An assassin team has been assembled."
"A what now for who now?"
He looked up at sky sighing again.
"An assassin team has been assigned to kill the both the Venatores,and the Deserter's League."
Silence ensued as Roxanne felt her breath stop in her throat.
The Venatores made somewhat sense. They had committed seriously bad war crimes against not just her,but against many soldiers. Added their alliance with Sebastian and The New Ordinance. Just even thinking about Sebastian made her relive those horrible days in Peru,bordering life or death in excruciating pain.
She pushed aside the painful memory.
Only to get a few words out.
George just shook his head.
"They won't tell us,they claim it's classified information. Pulling out that stupid 'ends justify the means' mumbo-jumbo."
His voice was laced with acid as he stared off in a different direction.
"Don't get me wrong Roxie,I hate the Venatores,they're scum and Sebastian's worse. But sending out an execution team before we gather all the evidence on them first is reckless. It screams a court marshal for the whole island."
Roxanne stared at him. It had been a long time since she had heard him so angry.
"What about The Deserter's League? What do they have to do with anything?"
"I don't know. To be honest I don't even think those guys should be on the government's radar anymore. They were pardoned months ago remember? We haven't even been able to tie them to anything sinister since then. I think this is a disgrace upon the military,being asked to do the CIA and FBI's jobs for them."
Roxanne's mind wandered off to what would happen to Michael.
Even for all the bad things he had done,he never hurt bystanders or innocent people. He wouldn't even hurt her.
For every fight,every disagreement,every time he should've killed her,he didn't.
She could never figure out why.
Maybe,just maybe,he still cared.
"-But man that's just the surface of it."
She snapped out of her thoughts as George aggressively kicked up some leaves.
"When is this team supposed to dispatch?"
"I'm-not supposed to tell you."
"Yeah. I'm not even supposed to be telling you that this team was assembled,much less when we were headed out."
"You're kidding."
George just shook his head.
"Major Birch didn't want you to be there at all."
Roxanne felt her face burn up in anger.
"Major Birch is in charge of this?!"
"Yeah I'm mad too."
Major Birch had been promoted when Major Windsor had been made Colonel. A he was known as a Grade-A jerk weed. Hateful towards Captain Jonas,Captain Roxanne,and Lieutenant Aaron.
With A life's vendetta against any Thorton.
"What about Jonas,was he excluded?"
"Thankfully no. Colonel Windsor basically forced Jonas onto the team.
Supposedly-" George added in eyeroll to emphasize his annoyance. "-Captain Birch has been watching both targets for a while."
Roxanne snorted.
"Hah! He couldn't even find his glasses if they were on his head."
Their dissection of Major Birch was interrupted by the wail of the dinner siren.
"Rats,gotta get back before I get myself in a mess. See ya Roxie."
George dashed down the trail.
Roxanne stared after him.
I will not let that team kill Michael. And I will not see George put in harms way ever again.

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